Fredrick Ekman

Postdoc at Design & Human Factors

Fredrick Ekman, MSc in Industrial Design Engineering and a PhD in Human-Technology-Design, works as a post-doctoral researcher at the Division for Design and Human Factors. In his work, Fredrick Ekman studies users’ interaction with technology with the purpose of investigating, for example, how users experience, understand, trust, and accept technology. He also investigates products’ and solutions’ usability and ergonomics, both cognitive and physical, to design technology that actually meets users’ needs. Finally, interviews, questionnaires, and observations are examples of methods often used in a mixed fashion, i.e., mixed-method research, to understand these often complex issues.

Image of Fredrick Ekman

Showing 20 publications


Aspects Influencing Users' Trust in an Automated Delivery ‘Bot’ (ADR): A Pilot Study

Fredrick Ekman, Marianne Karlsson, Lars-Ola Bligård
Conference poster

Automation as an enabler: Passengers’ experience of travelling with a full-length automated bus and their expectations of a future public transport system

Mikael Johansson, Fredrick Ekman, Marianne Karlsson et al
Transportation Research Procedia. Vol. 72, p. 957-964
Paper in proceeding

Benefits and Challenges of Integration of High-Capacity Autonomous Buses to Public Transport Operations

M. Seredynski, S. Nielsen, Fredrick Ekman et al
Transportation Research Procedia. Vol. 72, p. 4191-4198
Paper in proceeding

ADAS at Work: assessing professional bus drivers' experience and acceptance of a narrow navigation system.

Mikael Johansson, Fredrick Ekman, Marianne Karlsson et al
Cognition, Technology and Work. Vol. 24, p. 625-639
Journal article

Trust in what? Exploring the interdependency between an automated vehicle’s driving style and traffic situations

Fredrick Ekman, Mikael Johansson, Marianne Karlsson et al
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. Vol. 76, p. 59-71
Journal article

The Devil is in the Details - Trust Development During Initial Usage of an Automated Vehicle

Mikael Johansson, Fredrick Ekman
Proceedings of the 7th Humanist Conference. Vol. session 4, p. 1-6
Paper in proceeding

Capable and considerate: Exploring the assigned attributes of an automated vehicle

Mikael Johansson, Fredrick Ekman, Helena Strömberg et al
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Vol. 10, p. 1-10
Journal article

A future without drivers? Comparing users', urban planners' and developers' assumptions, hopes, and concerns about autonomous vehicles

Helena Strömberg, Érika Martins Silva Ramos, Marianne Karlsson et al
European Transport Research Review. Vol. 13 (1)
Journal article

Talking Automated Vehicles: Exploring Users’ Understanding of an Automated Vehicle During Initial Usage

Mikael Johansson, Fredrick Ekman, Marianne Karlsson et al
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). Vol. 12791 LNCS, p. 262-272
Paper in proceeding

Designing Multi-Modal Interaction – A Basic Operations Approach

MariAnne Karlsson, Fredrick Ekman, Mikael Johansson
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Vol. 827, p. 43-53
Paper in proceeding

Exploring automated vehicle driving styles as a source of trust information

Fredrick Ekman, Mikael Johansson, Lars-Ola Bligård et al
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. Vol. 65 (August 2019), p. 268-279
Journal article

Keeping a finger in the pie - Exploring different collaborative interactions with autonomous vehicles

Helena Strömberg, Fredrick Ekman, Lars-Ola Bligård et al
ECCE 2019 - Proceedings of the 31st European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics: ''Design for Cognition'', p. 118-126
Paper in proceeding

Understanding trust in an AV context: A mixed method approach

Fredrick Ekman, Mikael Johansson, MariAnne Karlsson
Other conference contribution

Creating Appropriate Trust in Automated Vehicle Systems: A Framework for HMI Design

Fredrick Ekman, Mikael Johansson, Jana Sochor
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems. Vol. 48 (1), p. 95-101
Journal article

Creating Appropriate Trust for Autonomous Vehicle Systems: A Framework for HMI Design

Fredrick Ekman, Mikael Johansson, Jana Sochor
Proceedings of the 95th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C. January 10-14, 2016
Paper in proceeding

Creating trust in automated vehicles using a HMI-based framework

Fredrick Ekman, Mikael Johansson, Jana Sochor
The 5th Swedish National Conference on Transport Research, Lund, Sweden, October 18-19, 2016
Paper in proceeding

To See or Not To See – The Effect of Object Recognition on Users’ Trust for "Automated Vehicles"

Fredrick Ekman, Mikael Johansson, Jana Sochor
Proceedings of the 9th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction – NordiCHI’16, Gothenburg, October 23-27, 2016. Vol. 23-27-October-2016
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 8 research projects


Testbed environment for electrified autonomous public water transports

Pontus Wallgren Design & Human Factors
Fredrick Ekman Design & Human Factors
Swedish Energy Agency


Synergies in Autonomous Transportation (SAT)

Lars-Ola Bligård Design & Human Factors
Ivan Sanchez-Diaz Service Management and Logistics
Lokesh Kumar Kalahasthi Service Management and Logistics
Fredrick Ekman Design & Human Factors


Climate Neutral Urban Logistics

Lars-Ola Bligård Design and Human Factors
Jorge Gil Urban Design and Planning
Fredrick Ekman Design & Human Factors
Swedish Energy Agency

1 publication exists

A future without drivers?

MariAnne Karlsson Design and Human Factors
Helena Strömberg Design and Human Factors
Mikael Johansson Design & Human Factors
Fredrick Ekman Design & Human Factors
Lars-Ola Bligård Design and Human Factors

1 publication exists

Designing for appropriate trust between driver and AV - TRUST

Marianne Karlsson Design and Human Factors
Helena Strömberg Design and Human Factors
Fredrick Ekman Design and Human Factors
Lars-Ola Bligård Design and Human Factors

6 publications exist

HMI design for automated vehicles - HATric

MariAnne Karlsson Design and Human Factors
Lars-Ola Bligård Design and Human Factors
Mikael Johansson Design and Human Factors
Pontus Wallgren Design and Human Factors
Helena Strömberg Design and Human Factors
Fredrick Ekman Design and Human Factors

6 publications exist

AIMMIT - Automotive Integration of MultiModal Interaction Technologies

MariAnne Karlsson Design and Human Factors
Lars-Ola Bligård Design and Human Factors
Mikael Johansson Design and Human Factors
Fredrick Ekman Design and Human Factors

1 publication exists

Optimise Citizen Mobility and Freight Management in Urban Environments (OPTICITIES)

MariAnne Karlsson Design and Human Factors
Helena Strömberg Design and Human Factors
Jana Sochor Design and Human Factors
Fredrick Ekman Design and Human Factors
European Commission (EC)

There might be more projects where Fredrick Ekman participates, but you have to be logged in as a Chalmers employee to see them.