Julie Gold

Professor at Nano and Biophysics

My research interests lie in understanding how cell microenvironments influence cell fate determination, and how we can control a cell’s microenvironment in vitro in order to produce cells and cell/material constructs for tissue engineering applications. We work with different material surface modifications, microfluidic channels providing gradients in cell-signaling molecules, and micro-and nanofabrication to pattern materials and cells, together with a range of cell types that are specific for each application area under study. Typical projects involve the study of cell attachment, spreading, migration, growth and differentiation in 2D and 3D environments.

I am also Chair of the Chalmers Faculty Appointment Committee since 2018.

Source: chalmers.se
Image of Julie Gold

Showing 39 publications


Critical review of cultivated meat from a Nordic perspective

Martin Krøyer Rasmussen, Julie Gold, Matthias W. Kaiser et al
Trends in Food Science and Technology. Vol. 144
Review article

Involving Undergraduates in Research: Practices, Promises and Pointers

Patric Wallin, Tom Adawi, Julie Gold
International Journal of Engineering Education. Vol. 36 (3), p. 845-856
Journal article

Determination of mechanical and rheological properties of a cell-loaded peptide gel during ECM production

Helena Barreto Henriksson, M. Llorente, Anette Larsson et al
International Journal of Pharmaceutics. Vol. 563, p. 437-444
Journal article

In vivo migration of endogenous brain progenitor cells guided by an injectable peptide amphiphile biomaterial

Reza Motalleb, Eric J. Berns, Piyush Patel et al
Journal of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Vol. 12 (4), p. e2123-e2133
Journal article

Developing cultured meat scaffolds of extruded vegetable-based proteins

Annika Krona, Felix Klose, Julie Gold et al
Transactions of the Nordic Rheology Society. Vol. 25, p. 311-313
Paper in proceeding

Linking teaching and research in an undergraduate course and exploring student learning experiences

Patric Wallin, Tom Adawi, Julie Gold
European Journal of Engineering Education. Vol. 42 (1), p. 58-74
Journal article

Developing cultured meat scaffolds of extruded vegetable-based scaffolds

Annika Krona, Felix Klose, Julie Gold et al
Proc. 11th Annual European Rheology Conference, Copenhagen, p. PO62-106
Conference poster

Correlating network structure with functional properties of capillary alginate gels for muscle fiber formation

E. Schuster, Patric Wallin, Felix Klose et al
Food Hydrocolloids. Vol. 72, p. 210-218
Journal article

Reflective Diaries – A Tool for Promoting and Probing Student Learning

Patric Wallin, Tom Adawi, Julie Gold
Proceedings of the 12th International CDIO Conference
Paper in proceeding

From values and beliefs to teaching practice – a case study of novice tutors

Patric Wallin, Julie Gold, Tom Adawi
NU2014 Conference Proceedings, p. 155-
Other conference contribution

Tasting genuine research in a course on tissue engineering

Patric Wallin, Julie Gold, Tom Adawi
41st SEFI Conference 2013, Leuven, Belgium, 16-20 September 2013
Paper in proceeding

Microfluidic gradient systems to generate defined cell microenvironments and study cellular fate processes

Patric Wallin, Elin Bernson, Julie Gold
Journal of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Vol. 6, p. 350-350
Magazine article

A method to integrate patterned electrospun fibers with microfluidic systems to generate complex microenvironments for cell culture applications

Patric Wallin, Carl Zandén, Björn Carlberg et al
Biomicrofluidics. Vol. 6 (2)
Journal article

Reversible Changes in Cell Morphology due to Cytoskeletal Rearrangements Measured in Real-Time by QCM-D

Nina Tymchenko, Erik Nilebäck, Marina Voinova et al
Biointerphases. Vol. 7 (1-4), p. 43-9
Journal article

Skeletal myoblast differentiation on starch microspheres for the development of cultured meat

Patric Wallin, Kim Höglund, K. Wildt-Persson et al
Journal of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Vol. 6 (Suppl.1), p. 378 (abstract 62.02)-
Other conference contribution

QCM-D - a useful tool for cell studies?

Erik Nilebäck, Nina Tymchenko, Julie Gold et al
eCM Journal. Vol. 23 (Supplement 5), p. 52-
Conference poster

In vitro meat – What are the moral issues?

Stellan Welin, Julie Gold, Johanna Berlin
The Philosophy of Food, ed. David Kaplan, University of California Press, p. 292-304
Book chapter

Surface characterisation of oxygen plasma treated electrospun polyurethane fibres and their interaction with red blood cells

Carl Zandén, Marina Voinova, Julie Gold et al
European Polymer Journal. Vol. 48 (3), p. 472-482
Journal article

Patterned electrospun microfibers integrated in a microfluidic system to study cells in complex microenvironments

Patric Wallin, Carl Zandén, Björn Carlberg et al
eCM Journal. Vol. 23 (Supplement 5), p. 65-
Conference poster

Kød uden dyr? Kan ny teknik gøre problemer med dyreetik og miljø til historie?

Stellan Welin, Julie Gold
Gjerris M, Klingenberg R, Meyer G & Tveit G: KØD - Kalejdoskopiske blikke på det daglige kød. Tiderne Skifter, København. Bogen
Book chapter

Simulation of Chemotractant Gradients in Microfluidic Channels to Study Cell Migration Mechanism in silico

Patric Wallin, Elin Bernson, Julie Gold
Comsol User meeting 2012 Milan
Paper in proceeding

Microfluidic Gradient Systems to Generate Defined Cell Microenvironments and Study Cellular Fate Processes

Patric Wallin, Elin Bernson, Julie Gold
AVS 59th International Symposium & Exhibition, Tampa Florida, Oct 28-Nov 2 2012, p. 32-
Other conference contribution

Preparation of peptide-functionalized Au nanodot and lipid bilayer surfaces for studying cell focal adhesion formation

Patric Wallin, B. Geiger, J. Spatz et al
European Cells and Materials. Vol. 21 (SUPPL.1), p. 45-
Paper in proceeding

Electrospun polyurethane-based elastomer fibers for biomedical applications

Carl Zandén, Marina Voinova, C. T. Wang et al
European Cells and Materials. Vol. 21 (SUPPL.1), p. 36-
Paper in proceeding

Surface properties of electrospun polyurethane-based elastomer networks for biomedical applications

Carl Zandén, Marina Voinova, Chi-Ting Wang et al
Poster at the Second International Conference on Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials, Strasbourg, 6-10 March, 2011
Conference poster

Köttproduktion utan djur

Stellan Welin, Julie Gold, Johanna Berlin
Formas Fokuserar, series no 14, Forskningsrådet Formas, p. 261-272
Book chapter

Supported phospholipid bilayers as a platform for neural progenitor cell culture

Dorota Thid, K. Holm, Peter S Eriksson et al
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part A. Vol. 77 (4), p. 940 - 953
Journal article

Issues of ligand accessibility and mobility in initial cell attachment

Dorota Thid, Marta Bally, K. Holm et al
Langmuir. Vol. 23, p. 11693-11704
Journal article

A novel cell force sensor for quantification of traction during cell spreading and contact guidance

Nina Tymchenko, Jonas Wallentin, Sarunas Petronis et al
Biophysical Journal. Vol. 93, p. 335-345
Journal article

DHA-induced changes of supported lipid membrane morphology

Dorota Thid, Jason J. Benkoski, Sofia Svedhem et al
Langmuir. Vol. 23 (11), p. 5878-5881
Journal article

Peptide-functionalized supported phospholipid membranes as growth substrates for neural progenitor cells

Dorota Thid, K. Holm, P.S. Eriksson et al
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. Vol. Published online July 23
Journal article

Swedish National Program of graduate education in biomaterials

Peter Thomsen, Julie Gold
Abstract, 7th World Biomaterials Congress, Sydney, Australia, 2004
Paper in proceeding

Protein adsorption on model surfaces with controlled nanotopography and chemistry

F. A. Denis, Per Hanarp, Duncan Sutherland et al
Langmuir. Vol. 18 (3), p. 819-828
Journal article

Optically driven micromachine elements

M. E. J. Friese, Halina Rubinsetein, Julie Gold et al
Applied Physics Letters. Vol. 78 (4), p. 547-549
Journal article

Functional surfaces for biorecognition and sensing

Fredrik Höök, Karin Glasmästar, Annette Graneli et al
Abstract of Papers of the American Chemical Society. Vol. 220, p. U257-U257
Paper in proceeding

Retention of bacteria on a substratum surface with micro-patterned hydrophobicity

R. Bos, H. C. van der Mei, Julie Gold et al
FEMS Microbiology Letters. Vol. 189 (2), p. 311-315
Journal article

Non-animal tests for evaluating the toxicity of solid xenobiotics - The report and recommendations of ECVAM Workshop 30

B. Fubini, A. E. Aust, R. E. Bolton et al
ATLA Alternatives to Laboratory Animals. Vol. 26 (5), p. 579-617
Magazine article

Site-specific adhesion of Staphylococcus epidermidis (RP12) in Ti-Al-V metal systems

B. L. Gabriel, Julie Gold, A. G. Gristina et al
Biomaterials. Vol. 15 (8), p. 628-634
Journal article

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Showing 3 research projects


Smart mat av havre och odlade muskelceller (Smat)

Mats Stading Engineering Materials
Julie Gold Biological Physics
Roland Kádár Engineering Materials


Mistra Environmental Nanosafety

Julie Gold Biological Physics
Ferry Nugroho Chemical Physics
Sverker Molander Environmental Systems Analysis
Rickard Arvidsson Environmental Systems Analysis
Christoph Langhammer Chemical Physics
Anna Furberg Environmental Systems Analysis
The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research (Mistra)

8 publications exist
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