Andrea Fazi
Showing 17 publications
Proton irradiation-induced cracking and microstructural defects in UN and (U,Zr)N composite fuels
Laser-Assisted Field Evaporation of Chromia with Deep Ultraviolet Laser Light
CrN–NbN nanolayered coatings for enhanced accident tolerant fuels in BWR
Comparing CrN and TiN Coatings for Accident-Tolerant Fuels in PWR and BWR Autoclaves
Cold spray Cr-coated Optimized ZIRLO claddings: an option for accident tolerant fuels
Characterization of as-deposited cold sprayed Cr-coating on Optimized ZIRLO™ claddings
Multiple growth of graphene from a pre-dissolved carbon source
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Showing 1 research projects
Electrifying bacteria with graphene to enhance microbial electro-fuels production from CO2