Andrea Fazi

Showing 15 publications


Fine-Tuning Melt Pools and Microstructures: Taming Cracks in Powder Bed Fusion—Laser Beam of a non-weldable Ni-base Superalloy

Ahmed Fardan Jabir Hussain, Andrea Fazi, Ru Lin Peng et al
Materialia. Vol. 34
Journal article

Enhanced steel machining performance using texture-controlled CVD alpha-alumina coatings: Fundamental degradation mechanisms

Siamak Shoja, Olof Bäcke, Andrea Fazi et al
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture. Vol. 197
Journal article

Unexpected thermal aging effect on brittle fracture and elemental segregation in modern dissimilar metal weld

Andrea Fazi, Pedro A. Ferreirós, Yanling Ge et al
Materials Characterization. Vol. 217
Journal article

Experimental investigation and numerical modelling of the cyclic plasticity and fatigue behavior of additively manufactured 316 L stainless steel

M. Subasic, A. Ireland, R. Mansour et al
International Journal of Plasticity. Vol. 176
Journal article

Proton irradiation-induced cracking and microstructural defects in UN and (U,Zr)N composite fuels

Elina Charatsidou, Maria Giamouridou, Andrea Fazi et al
Journal of Materiomics. Vol. 10 (4), p. 906-918
Journal article

Performance and evolution of cold spray Cr-coated optimized ZIRLO™ claddings under simulated loss-of-coolant accident conditions

Andrea Fazi, Mohammad Sattari, Marta Krystyna Stiller et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 576
Journal article

Crystallographic characterization of U<inf>2</inf>CrN<inf>3</inf>: A neutron diffraction and transmission electron microscopy approach

Sobhan Patnaik, Yulia Mischenko, Jennifer Stansby et al
Nuclear Materials and Energy. Vol. 35
Journal article

CrN–NbN nanolayered coatings for enhanced accident tolerant fuels in BWR

Andrea Fazi, Mohammad Sattari, Michal Strach et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 586
Journal article

Comparing CrN and TiN Coatings for Accident-Tolerant Fuels in PWR and BWR Autoclaves

Andrea Fazi, Pratik Lokhande, Denise Adorno Lopes et al
Journal of Nuclear Engineering. Vol. 3 (4), p. 321-332
Journal article

Cold sprayed Cr-coating on Optimized ZIRLO™ claddings: the Cr/Zr interface and its microstructural and chemical evolution after autoclave corrosion testing

Andrea Fazi, Marta Krystyna Stiller, Hans-Olof Andrén et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 560
Journal article

Bandgap engineered Cu<inf>2</inf>ZnGe<inf>x</inf>Sn<inf>1−x</inf>S<inf>4</inf> solar cells using an adhesive TiN back contact layer

Nishant Saini, Jes Larsen, Kristina Lindgren et al
Journal of Alloys and Compounds. Vol. 880
Journal article

Characterization of as-deposited cold sprayed Cr-coating on Optimized ZIRLO™ claddings

Andrea Fazi, Hisham Aboulfadl, Anand Harihara Subramonia Iyer et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 549
Journal article

Multiple growth of graphene from a pre-dissolved carbon source

Andrea Fazi, Andreas Nylander, Abdelhafid Zehri et al
Nanotechnology. Vol. 31 (34), p. 345601-
Journal article

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Showing 1 research projects


Electrifying bacteria with graphene to enhance microbial electro-fuels production from CO2

Nikolaos Xafenias Industrial Biotechnology
Jie Sun Quantum Device Physics
Andrea Fazi Industrial Biotechnology

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