Mark Foreman
Dr. Foreman's research spans both nuclear chemistry and industrial materials recycling. His interests in materials includes the recycling of polymers, metals and other materials. Also he has an interest in the safe and sustainable (environmental, social and financial) management of hazardous wastes. His interests within nuclear chemistry include the chemistry of serious reactor accidents, the organic chemistry of low/intermediate radioactive wastes and new separations for the nuclear fuel cycle.

Showing 105 publications
Sustainable solvent extraction of gold and other metals with biomass chemicals
Radiolytic degradation of dimethyl telluride in aqueous solutions
Batch flowsheet test for a GANEX-type process: the CHALMEX FS-13 process
Novel approach to recycling of steel swarf using hydrometallurgy
Organic Telluride Formation from Paint Solvents Under Gamma Irradiation
Tellurium Behavior in the Containment Sump: Dissolution, Redox, and Radiolysis Effects
Metal extraction from a deep eutectic solvent, an insight into activities
Chemical Transformations in Li-Ion Battery Electrode Materials by Carbothermic Reduction
Synthesis and ligand substitution reactions of κ<sup>4</sup>-B,S,S',S''-ruthenaboratranes
Affinity of charcoals for different forms of radioactive organic iodine
Chemical interaction between sea-salt and tellurium, between 300 and 1180 K
Activity coefficients in deep eutectic solvents: Implications for the solvent extraction of metals
Stability of phenyl trifluoromethyl sulfone as diluent in a grouped actinide extraction process
An introduction to serious nuclear accident chemistry
Dielectric strength of γ-radiation cross-linked, high vinyl-content polyethylene
Extraction thermodynamics of Am(III) and Eu(III) using CyMe4-BTBP in various organic diluents
Influence of processing conditions on the mechanical properties of melt-blended plastics
Studies on the Solvent Extraction of Rare Earth Metals From Fluorescent Lamp Waste Using Cyanex 923
Hexanoic acid as an alternative diluent in a GANEX process: feasibility study
Synthesis and Screening of t-Bu-CyMe4-BTBP, and Comparison with CyMe4-BTBP
Recycling of high purity selenium from CIGS solar cell waste materials
Processing conditions on WEEE plastic model material blends
Fission product interactions with nitrogen donor ligands used for spent nuclear fuel treatment
Influence of processing conditions on the mechanical properties of melt-blended plastics
Identification of the chemical inventory of different paint types applied in nuclear facilities
Formation of organic iodides from containment paint ingredients caused by gamma irradiation
A TBP/BTBP-Based GANEX Separation Process Part 3: Fission Product Handling
Studies of a Solvent for GANEX Applications Containing CyMe4-BTBP and DEHBA in Cyclohexanone
Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) plastics composition
Radon capture with silver exchanged zeolites
Extraction experiments after radiolysis of a proposed GANEX solvent - the effect of time
A TBP/BTBP-based GANEX Separation ProcessPart 2: Ageing, Hydrolytic, and Radiolytic Stability
A TBP/BTBP-based GANEX Separation Process. Part 1: Feasibility
Development of a Novel GANEX Process
Partitioning and Transmutation Annual Report 2008
Hydrogenation catalysts from used nickel metal hydride batteries
Partitioning and Transmutation Annual Report 2007
The Effect of Irradiation on Extraction of Various Metals by C5-BPBP
Acomparative study of some BTP and BTBP class ligands
Poly(methimazolyl)borato nitrosyl complexes of molybdenum and tungsten
The Behaviour of Organic Solvents Containing C5-BTBP and CyMe4-BTBP at Low Irradiation Doses
Extraction behaviour of nickel(II) using some of the BTBP-class ligands
Tetradentate ligands for extraction and separation of An(III) and Ln(III): the BTBP-class ligands
Extraction properties of 6,6'-bis-(5,6-dipentyl-[1,2,4]triazin-3-yl)-[2,2']bipyridinyl (C5-BTBP).
Inhibiting the radiolysis of BTP-molecules by addition of nitrobenzene
The first rhodaboratrane: RhCl(PPh3){B(mt)(3)} (Rh -> B) (mt = methimazolyl)
Metallathiirenes. 5. Bis- and tris(methimazolyl)borato thiocarbamoyl complexes of molybdenum(II)
New mixed-donor unsymmetrical P-N-P ligands and their palladium(II) complexes
Organo-P-S and P-Se heterocycles
The reaction of dithiadiphosphetane disulfides with dienes, alkenes and thioaldehydes
Reactions of dithiadiphosphetane disulfides with organonitrogen compounds
The preparation of a solubilized form of Lawessons reagent and its thionation reactions
Phosphorus-sulfur-nitrogen heterocycles from diferrocenyl dithiadiphosphetane disulfide
Novel 1,2-thiaphosphetanes from diferrocenyldithiadiphosphetane disulfide
Heterocycles from diferrocenyl dithiadiphosphetane disulfide
New organophosphorus-sulfur heterocycles
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Showing 11 research projects
LIMEX, Innovative Membrane Extraction of Lithium for Spent Lithium-Ion Battery Recycling.
Further microfludic work for radioanalysis
Further studies of charcoal and an automatic version of the Maypack sampler for radioactive iodine
Microfluidic chemical separations for use during radiological accidents
Charcoals and chloride effects
European Rare Earth Magnet Recycling Network (EREAN)
Lithium Sulfur Superbattery Exploitating Nanotechnology (LISSEN)