Frida Hermansson
Showing 27 publications
Quality Before Quantity? Considering Material Properties in Prospective Modelling of Recycling
Prospective screening life cycle assessment of a sodium-ion hybrid supercapacitor
Maximizing the safety and sustainability of MXenes
Lessons learned when assessing emerging composite materials using life cycle assessment
A procedure for Prospective LCA in Materials Development - The Case of Carbon Fibre Composites
Can carbon fiber composites have a lower environmental impact than fiberglass?
Structural batteries in electric road vehicles -When is it a good idea?
Assessing efforts to reduce the environmental impacts of carbon fibre composites in vehicles
Screening resource assessment of next-generation battery chemistries
Prospective life cycle assessment for biorefinery concept development
The environmental benefits and challenges of a composite car with structural battery materials
Allocation in life cycle assessment of lignin
Environmental Challenges and Opportunities of Lignin
Life cycle assessment of lignin-based carbon fibres
Recommendations for Routes to Sustainable Exploitation of CFRP Materials
Turistens klimatpåverkan – modell och beräkning för Västsverige
Environmental evaluation of bio-composites using LCA - Comparison of two different applications
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Showing 1 research projects
Environmental impacts of recycling and accidents in carbon fibre composite life cycles