Hans Chen
Hans Chen studies the interactions between the atmosphere and other components of the climate system. His research deals with climate change and variability, linkages between Arctic warming and mid-latitude weather patterns, terrestrial carbon cycle dynamics, and observation-based estimation of greenhouse gas emissions and removals. One of the aims of his research is to develop methods for monitoring human emissions of carbon dioxide using primarily satellite observations.

Showing 31 publications
Precipitation variability related to atmospheric circulation patterns over the Tibetan Plateau
Global patterns and drivers of post-fire vegetation productivity recovery
Assessing Arctic wetting: Performances of CMIP6 models and projections of precipitation changes
Increasing Sensitivity of Tree Radial Growth to Precipitation
Fire carbon emissions over Equatorial Asia reduced by shortened dry seasons
Reversed asymmetric warming of sub-diurnal temperature over land during recent decades
Disentangling the effects of vapor pressure deficit on northern terrestrial vegetation productivity
Interdecadal variability of the warm Arctic-cold Eurasia pattern linked to the Barents oscillation
Increasing terrestrial ecosystem carbon release in response to autumn cooling and warming
Amplified wintertime Barents Sea warming linked to intensified Barents oscillation
Divergent consensuses on Arctic amplification influence on midlatitude severe winter weather
The robustness of midlatitude weather pattern changes due to Arctic sea ice loss
Using the Köppen classification to quantify climate variation and change: An example for 1901–2010
A robust mode of climate variability in the Arctic: The Barents Oscillation
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Showing 5 research projects
Unveiling the impacts of vapor pressure deficit on forest productivity (VAPOR)
Monitoring anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions from space
ModElling the Regional and Global Earth system (MERGE)