Isaac Fernando Quijandria Diaz
Showing 19 publications
Extended quantum process tomography of logical operations on an encoded bosonic qubit
Quantum error correction with dissipatively stabilized squeezed-cat qubits
Resolving Fock states near the Kerr-free point of a superconducting resonator
Multipartite Entanglement in a Microwave Frequency Comb
Gradient-Descent Quantum Process Tomography by Learning Kraus Operators
Quantum process tomography of continuous-variable gates using coherent states
Robust Preparation of Wigner-Negative States with Optimized SNAP-Displacement Sequences
Wigner negativity in the steady-state output of a Kerr parametric oscillator
Gaussian Conversion Protocols for Cubic Phase State Generation
Tripartite Genuine Non-Gaussian Entanglement in Three-Mode Spontaneous Parametric Down-Conversion
Universal Gate Set for Continuous-Variable Quantum Computation with Microwave Circuits
Numerical study of Wigner negativity in one-dimensional steady-state resonance fluorescence
Generating Multimode Entangled Microwaves with a Superconducting Parametric Cavity
Steady-State Generation of Wigner-Negative States in One-Dimensional Resonance Fluorescence
Ultrastrong coupling in two-resonator circuit QED
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