Johan Holmén
Johan holds a PhD in Physical Resource Theory and conducts research on sustainability transformations. The research develops knowledge on how society’s complex sustainability challenges can be understood and addressed in transformative ways in practice, emphasizing methodological development for learning and systemic change based on backcasting. The research is inter- and transdisciplinary where knowledge is drawn from multiple fields, also in collaboration with societal actors.
Johan has a special interest in education for sustainable development and has been part of establishing Challenge Lab at Chalmers that in 2016 received the UNEP/EAUC GUPES Green Gown Award. Johan also participates in The Postdoc Academy for Transformational Leadership (2022-2024), which is an initiative of the Robert Bosch Foundation together with the Humboldt-Universätet zu Berlin, Leuphana University Lüneburg, Stockholm Resilience Centre and the Dutch Research Institute for Transitions.

Showing 25 publications
Multi-level learning for systemic transformation: Experiences from an expedition in North Mid Sweden
Så kan regeringens satsning stärka Sveriges ingenjörsutbildningar
Sustainability-oriented labs in transitions: An empirically grounded typology
Higher Education Leadership: Cruise or Expedition?
WORKSHOP: When emotions are NOT outlawed: Using emotional scaffolding to enhance student learning
A space for learners to lead and leaders to learn: Challenge Lab
Navigating Sustainability Transformations: Backcasting, transdisciplinarity and social learning
Sustainability-oriented labs in real-world contexts: An exploratory review
Transforming knowledge systems for life on Earth: Visions of future systems and how to get there
Guiding Sustainability Transitions: Backcasting, Experimentation and Social learning
A Sustainability Lighthouse—Supporting Transition Leadership and Conversations on Desirable Futures
Guiding Systemic Change: A cross-case analysis of ‘transition labs’ in Canada and Sweden
A principles-based framework for sustainability transitions
Challenge Lab – Learning by Engaging in Society’s Sustainability Transitions
Challenge Lab - Students guiding sustainability transitions in society
Challenge Lab: A transformative and integrative approach for sustainability transitions
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Showing 8 research projects
Climate-neutral Gothenburg and Falköping 2030 3.0
Interaction platform for research on system transformation
Developing hospital care at home: systems innovation promoting implementation of medtech solutions
Governance for an equal and inclusive climate transition in Gothenburg
Navigating sustainable regional energy system transitions
Model comparison and cross‐case analysis of “transition labs”