Cecilia Svelander

Showing 21 publications


Effect of particle size of chias seeds on bioaccessibility of phenolic compounds during in vitro digestion

Renata, Adriana Labanca, Cecilia Svelander, Marie Alminger
Cogent Food and Agriculture. Vol. 5, p. 1-13
Journal article

Supercritical Fluid Extraction of Berry Seeds: Chemical Composition and Antioxidant Activity

Graziele Gustinelli Carvalho, Lovisa Eliasson, Cecilia Svelander et al
Journal of Food Quality. Vol. 2018, p. 1-10
Journal article

Supercritical extraction of bilberry (Vaccinum myrtillus L.) seed oil: Fatty acid composition and antioxidant actvitiy

Graziele Gustinelli, Lovisa Eliasson, Cecilia Svelander et al
Journal of Supercritical Fluids. Vol. 135, p. 91-97
Journal article

Identification and quantification of even and odd chained 5-n alkylresorcinols, branched chain-alkylresorcinols and methylalkylresorcinols in Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa)

Alastair Ross, Cecilia Svelander, B Göran Karlsson et al
Food Chemistry. Vol. 220, p. 344-351
Journal article

Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction and conventional extraction of chia seed oils: chemical composition and lipid oxidation

Renata Adriana Labanca, Cecilia Svelander, Eliasson Lovisa et al
International Journal of Research. Vol. 04 (10), p. 563-572
Journal article

A high-throughput method for liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry determination of plasma alkylresorcinols, biomarkers of whole grain wheat and rye intake.

Alastair Ross, Cecilia Svelander, Otto Savolainen et al
Analytical Biochemistry. Vol. 499, p. 1-7
Journal article

Herring and beef meals lead to differences in plasma 2-aminoaidipic acid, β-alanine, 4-hydroxyproline, cetoleic acid and docosahexaenoic acid concentrations in overweight men

Alastair Ross, Cecilia Svelander, Ingrid Undeland et al
Journal of Nutrition. Vol. 145 (11), p. 2456-2463
Journal article

Habitual high intake of fatty fish is related to lower levels of F2-isoprostanes in healthy females

Patrik Hansson, Lars Barregård, Melina Halltorp et al
Nutrition. Vol. 31 (6), p. 847-852
Journal article

A randomized longitudinal dietary intervention study during pregnancy: effects on fish intake, phospholipids, and body composition

Marja Bosaeus, Ays Hussain, Therese Karlsson et al
Nutrition Journal. Vol. 14 (1)
Journal article

Postprandial lipid and insulin responses among healthy, overweight men to mixed meals served with baked herring, pickled herring or baked, minced beef

Cecilia Svelander, Britt Gabrielsson, Annette Almgren et al
European Journal of Nutrition. Vol. 54 (6), p. 945-958
Journal article

Postprandial plasma differences after beef and herring based meals in 2-aminoaidipic acid, beta-alanine, 4-hydroxyproline, cetoleic acid and docosahexaenoic acid: a metabolomics study

Alastair Ross, Cecilia Svelander, Ann-Sofie Sandberg
Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism. Vol. 67, p. 251-251
Paper in proceeding

Applicability of in vitro models in prediciting the in vivo bioavailability of lycopene and beta-carotene from differently processed soups

Marie Alminger, Cecilia Svelander, Anna Wellner et al
Food and Nutrition Sciences. Vol. 3 (4), p. 477-489
Journal article

Structural design of natural plant based foods to promote nutritional quality

Sandra van Buggenhout, Lilia Ahrné, Marie Alminger et al
Trends in Food Science and Technology. Vol. 24 (1), p. 47-59
Other text in scientific journal

Rheology and microstructure of carrot and tomato emulsions as a result of high-pressure homogenization conditions

Patricia Lopez-Sanchez, Cecilia Svelander, L Bialek et al
Journal of Food Science. Vol. 76 (1), p. E130-E140
Journal article

High Pressure Homogenization Increases the In Vitro Bioaccessibility of α- and β-Carotene in Carrot Emulsions But Not of Lycopene in Tomato Emulsions

Cecilia Svelander, Patricia Lopez-Sanchez, P. D. Pudney et al
Journal of Food Science. Vol. 76 (9), p. H215-H225
Journal article

Processing of tomato: Impact on in vitro bioaccessibility of lycopene and textural properties

Cecilia Svelander, E. A. Tibäck, Lilia Ahrné et al
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. Vol. 90 (10), p. 1665-1672
Journal article

Controlling the nutrient profile of fruits and vegetables during prolonged storage prior to processing

Jim Robertson, Marie Alminger, Cecilia Svelander et al
5th International Technical Symposium on Food Processing, Monitoring Technology in Bioprocesses and Food Quality Management, p. 337-342
Paper in proceeding

Mechanical and thermal pretreatments of crushed tomatoes: Effects on consistency and in vitro accessibility of lycopene

Evelina Tibäck, Cecilia Svelander, I. J. P. Colle et al
Journal of Food Science. Vol. 74 (7), p. 386-395
Journal article

Thermal pretreatments of carrot pieces using different heating techniques: Effect on quality related aspects

L. Lemmens, Evelina Tibäck, Cecilia Svelander et al
Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies. Vol. 10 (4), p. 522-529
Journal article

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