Karl Börjesson
Showing 61 publications
Lowering of the singlet-triplet energy gap via intramolecular exciton-exciton coupling
The Rise and Current Status of Polaritonic Photochemistry and Photophysics
A self-standing three-dimensional covalent organic framework film
Electroactive Covalent Organic Framework Enabling Photostimulus-Responsive Devices
Organic charged polaritons in the ultrastrong coupling regime
Photoisomerization Efficiency of a Solar Thermal Fuel in the Strong Coupling Regime
Vitrification of octonary perylene mixtures with ultralow fragility
A Highly Conductive All-Carbon Linked 3D Covalent Organic Framework Film
Exciton Delocalization Counteracts the Energy Gap: A New Pathway toward NIR-Emissive Dyes
Optimizing photon upconversion by decoupling excimer formation and triplet triplet annihilation
Demonstration of an azobenzene derivative based solar thermal energy storage system
Macroscopic heat release in a molecular solar thermal energy storage system
Liquid Norbornadiene Photoswitches for Solar Energy Storage
Evaluating Dihydroazulene/Vinylheptafulvene Photoswitches for Solar Energy Storage Applications
Voltage-Controlled Switching of Strong Light-Matter Interactions using Liquid Crystals
Porphyrin-Anthracene Complexes: Potential in Triplet-Triplet Annihilation Upconversion
Photon upconversion with directed emission
Tuning the photochemical properties of the fulvalene-tetracarbonyl-diruthenium system
Low Molecular Weight Norbornadiene Derivatives for Molecular Solar-Thermal Energy Storage
Photon up-conversion and molecular solar thermal energy storage: New materials and devices
Conjugated anthracene dendrimers with monomer-like fluorescence
Fluorinated fulvalene ruthenium compound for molecular solar thermal applications
Photon up-converting devices for solar fuels
Photon upconversion facilitated molecular solar energy storage
Efficiency Limit of Molecular Solar Thermal Energy Collecting Devices
Functionalized DNA Nanostructures for Light Harvesting and Charge Separation
Molecular solar thermal (MOST) energy storage and release system
Reversible Hybridization of DNA Anchored to a Lipid Membrane via Porphyrin
A Bioinspired Self Assembled Dimeric Porphyrin Pocket that Binds Electron Accepting Ligands
Soft-Surface DNA Nanotechnology: DNA Constructs Anchored and Aligned to Lipid Membrane
Functionalized Nanostructures: Redox-Active Porphyrin Anchors for Supramolecular DNA Assemblies
Characterization of Nucleobase Analogue FRET Acceptor tC(nitro)
Thermodynamic Aspects of DNA Nanoconstruct Stability and Design
Membrane-Anchored DNA Assembly for Energy and Electron Transfer
2,6,8-Trisubstituted 3-hydroxychromone derivatives as fluorophores for live-cell imaging.
Highly efficient incorporation of the fluorescent nucleotide analogs tC and tC(O) by Klenow fragment
Nucleic acid structure and sequence probing using fluorescent base analogue tCo
A membrane anchored DNA-based energy/electron transfer assembly
Characterization and use of tricyclic fluorescent nucleic acid base analogues
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