Karl Börjesson

Researcher at Institution of Chemistry at Gothenburg University
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Showing 61 publications


Lowering of the singlet-triplet energy gap via intramolecular exciton-exciton coupling

Clara Schäfer, Rasmus Ringström, Jörg Hanrieder et al
Nature Communications. Vol. 15 (1)
Journal article

The Rise and Current Status of Polaritonic Photochemistry and Photophysics

Rahul Bhuyan, Jürgen Mony, Oleg Kotov et al
Chemical Reviews. Vol. 123 (18), p. 10877-10919
Review article

A self-standing three-dimensional covalent organic framework film

Yizhou Yang, Yanyan Chen, Fernando Izquierdo Ruiz et al
Nature Communications. Vol. 14 (1)
Journal article

Room Temperature Dye Glasses: A Guideline Toward the Fabrication of Amorphous Dye Films with Monomeric Absorption and Emission

Clara Schäfer, Sandra Hultmark, Yizhou Yang et al
Chemistry of Materials. Vol. 34 (20), p. 9294-9302
Journal article

Recyclable optical bioplastics platform for solid state red light harvesting via triplet-triplet annihilation photon upconversion

Pankaj Bharmoria, Fredrik Edhborg, Hakan Bildirir et al
Journal of Materials Chemistry A. Vol. 10 (40), p. 21279-21290
Journal article

Electroactive Covalent Organic Framework Enabling Photostimulus-Responsive Devices

Yizhou Yang, Amritha P. Sandra, Alexander Idström et al
Journal of the American Chemical Society. Vol. 144 (35), p. 16093-16100
Journal article

Organic charged polaritons in the ultrastrong coupling regime

Mao Wang, Suman Mallick, Anton Frisk Kockum et al
Physical Review Research. Vol. 4 (2)
Journal article

Enhancing Vibrational Light-Matter Coupling Strength beyond the Molecular Concentration Limit Using Plasmonic Arrays

M. Hertzog, Battulga Munkhbat, Denis Baranov et al
Nano Letters. Vol. 21 (3), p. 1320-1326
Journal article

Photoisomerization Efficiency of a Solar Thermal Fuel in the Strong Coupling Regime

Jürgen Mony, Clàudia Climent, Anne Petersen et al
Advanced Functional Materials. Vol. 31 (21)
Journal article

Vitrification of octonary perylene mixtures with ultralow fragility

Sandra Hultmark, Alexei Cravcenco, Khushbu Kushwaha et al
Science advances. Vol. 7 (29)
Journal article

Kinetics and Efficiency of Triplet-Triplet Annihilation Photon Upconversion under Pulsed Excitation Conditions

Chen Ye, Bo Albinsson, Karl Börjesson
Chemistry-Methods. Vol. 1 (1), p. 17-21
Journal article

A Highly Conductive All-Carbon Linked 3D Covalent Organic Framework Film

Yizhou Yang, Suman Mallick, Fernando Izquierdo Ruiz et al
Small. Vol. 17 (40)
Journal article

Exciton Delocalization Counteracts the Energy Gap: A New Pathway toward NIR-Emissive Dyes

Alexei Cravcenco, Yi Yu, Fredrik Edhborg et al
Journal of the American Chemical Society. Vol. 143 (45), p. 19232-19239
Journal article

Optimizing photon upconversion by decoupling excimer formation and triplet triplet annihilation

Chen Ye, Victor Gray, Khushbu Kushwaha et al
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. Vol. 22 (3), p. 1715-1720
Journal article

Demonstration of an azobenzene derivative based solar thermal energy storage system

Zhihang Wang, Raul Losantos, Diego Sampedro et al
Journal of Materials Chemistry A. Vol. 7 (25), p. 15042-15047
Journal article

Annihilation Versus Excimer Formation by the Triplet Pair in Triplet-Triplet Annihilation Photon Upconversion

Chen Ye, Victor Gray, Jerker Mårtensson et al
Journal of the American Chemical Society. Vol. 141 (24), p. 9578-9584
Journal article

A Record Chromophore Density in High-Entropy Liquids of Two Low-Melting Perylenes: A New Strategy for Liquid Chromophores

Khushbu Kushwaha, Liyang Yu, Kati Stranius et al
Advanced Science. Vol. 6 (4)
Journal article

Macroscopic heat release in a molecular solar thermal energy storage system

Zhihang Wang, Anna Roffey, Raul Losantos et al
Energy and Environmental Sciences. Vol. 12 (1), p. 187-193
Journal article

Liquid Norbornadiene Photoswitches for Solar Energy Storage

Ambra Dreos, Zhihang Wang, Jonas Udmark et al
Advanced Energy Materials. Vol. 8 (18)
Journal article

Norbornadiene-Based Photoswitches with Exceptional Combination of Solar Spectrum Match and Long-Term Energy Storage

Martyn Jevric, Anne Petersen, Mads Manso et al
Chemistry - A European Journal. Vol. 24 (49), p. 12767-12772
Journal article

Release of Terminal Alkynes via Tandem Photodeprotection and Decarboxylation of o -Nitrobenzyl Arylpropiolates in a Flow Microchannel Reactor

Behabitu Ergette Tebikachew, Karl Börjesson, Nina Kann et al
Bioconjugate Chemistry. Vol. 29 (4), p. 1178-1185
Journal article

Evaluating Dihydroazulene/Vinylheptafulvene Photoswitches for Solar Energy Storage Applications

Zhihang Wang, J. Udmark, Karl Börjesson et al
ChemSusChem. Vol. 10 (15), p. 3049-3055
Journal article

Fluorescent RNA cytosine analogue-an internal probe for detailed structure and dynamics investigations

Anders Foller Füchtbauer, S. Preus, Karl Börjesson et al
Scientific Reports. Vol. 7 (1)
Journal article

Voltage-Controlled Switching of Strong Light-Matter Interactions using Liquid Crystals

M. Hertzog, Per Rudquist, J. A. Hutchison et al
Chemistry - A European Journal. Vol. 23 (72), p. 18166-18170
Journal article

Exploring the potential of a hybrid device combining solar water heating and molecular solar thermal energy storage

Ambra Dreos, Karl Börjesson, Zhihang Wang et al
Energy and Environmental Sciences. Vol. 10 (3), p. 728-734
Journal article

Unraveling factors leading to efficient norbornadiene-quadricyclane molecular solar-thermal energy storage systems

K. Jorner, Ambra Dreos, R. Emanuelsson et al
Journal of Materials Chemistry A. Vol. 5 (24), p. 12369-12378
Journal article

Effect of Ring Strain on the Charge Transport of a Robust Norbornadiene-Quadricyclane-Based Molecular Photoswitch

Behabitu Ergette Tebikachew, H. P. B. Li, A. Pirrotta et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Vol. 121 (13), p. 7094-7100
Journal article

Porphyrin-Anthracene Complexes: Potential in Triplet-Triplet Annihilation Upconversion

Victor Gray, Karl Börjesson, Damir Dzebo et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Vol. 120 (34), p. 19018-19026
Journal article

Photon upconversion with directed emission

Karl Börjesson, Per Rudquist, Victor Gray et al
Nature Communications. Vol. 7, p. artikel nr 12689-
Journal article

Tuning the photochemical properties of the fulvalene-tetracarbonyl-diruthenium system

Anders Lennartsson, Angelica Lundin, Karl Börjesson et al
Dalton Transactions. Vol. 45 (21), p. 8740-8744
Journal article

Intramolecular Triplet-Triplet Annihilation Upconversion in 9,10-Diphenylanthracene Oligomers and Dendrimers

Damir Dzebo, Karl Börjesson, Victor Gray et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Vol. 120 (41), p. 23397-23406
Journal article

Low Molecular Weight Norbornadiene Derivatives for Molecular Solar-Thermal Energy Storage

Maria Quant, Anders Lennartsson, Ambra Dreos et al
Chemistry - A European Journal. Vol. 22 (37), p. 13265-13274
Journal article

Optically switchable transistors by simple incorporation of photochromic systems into small-molecule semiconducting matrices

M. El Gemayel, Karl Börjesson, M. Herder et al
Nature Communications. Vol. 6
Journal article

Optically switchable transistors comprising a hybrid photochromic molecule/n-type organic active layer

Karl Börjesson, M. Herder, L. Grubert et al
Journal of Materials Chemistry C. Vol. 3 (16), p. 4156-4161
Journal article

The dramatic effect of the annealing temperature and dielectric functionalization on the electron mobility of indene-C60 bis-adduct thin films

E. Orgiu, M.A. Squillaci, W. Rekab et al
Chemical Communications. Vol. 51 (25), p. 5414-5417
Journal article

Photon up-conversion and molecular solar thermal energy storage: New materials and devices

Karl Börjesson, Anders Lennartsson, Victor Gray et al
2014 IEEE Photonics Conference, IPC 2014, p. 445-446
Paper in proceeding

Diaryl-substituted norbornadienes with red-shifted absorption for molecular solar thermal energy storage

Victor Gray, Anders Lennartsson, P. Ratanalert et al
Chemical Communications. Vol. 50 (40), p. 5330-5332
Journal article

Conjugated anthracene dendrimers with monomer-like fluorescence

Karl Börjesson, Melina Gilbert Gatty, Damir Dzebo et al
RSC Advances. Vol. 4 (38), p. 19846-19850
Journal article

Fluorinated fulvalene ruthenium compound for molecular solar thermal applications

Karl Börjesson, Anders Lennartsson, Kasper Moth-Poulsen
Journal of Fluorine Chemistry. Vol. 161, p. 24-28
Journal article

Photon up-converting devices for solar fuels

Karl Börjesson, Damir Dzebo, Bo Albinsson et al
SPIE Newsroom
Magazine article

Exploring the Potential of Fulvalene Dimetals as Platforms for Molecular Solar Thermal Energy Storage: Computations, Syntheses, Structures, Kinetics, and Catalysis

Karl Börjesson, D. Coso, Victor Gray et al
Chemistry - A European Journal. Vol. 20 (47), p. 15587-15604
Journal article

Photon upconversion facilitated molecular solar energy storage

Karl Börjesson, Damir Dzebo, Bo Albinsson et al
Journal of Materials Chemistry. Vol. 1, p. 8521-8524
Journal article

Efficiency Limit of Molecular Solar Thermal Energy Collecting Devices

Karl Börjesson, Anders Lennartsson, Kasper Moth-Poulsen
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. Vol. 1 (6), p. 585-590
Journal article

Functionalized DNA Nanostructures for Light Harvesting and Charge Separation

Bo Albinsson, Karl Börjesson, Jonas Hannestad
Coordination Chemistry Reviews. Vol. 256 (21-22), p. 2399-2413
Review article

Molecular solar thermal (MOST) energy storage and release system

Kasper Moth-Poulsen, D. Coso, Karl Börjesson et al
Energy and Environmental Sciences. Vol. 5 (9), p. 8534-8537
Journal article

Reversible Hybridization of DNA Anchored to a Lipid Membrane via Porphyrin

Jakob Woller, Karl Börjesson, Sofia Svedhem et al
Langmuir. Vol. 28 (4), p. 1944-1953
Journal article

A Bioinspired Self Assembled Dimeric Porphyrin Pocket that Binds Electron Accepting Ligands

Karl Börjesson, Jakob Woller, Elham Parsa et al
Chemical Communications. Vol. 48 (12), p. 1793-1795
Journal article

Soft-Surface DNA Nanotechnology: DNA Constructs Anchored and Aligned to Lipid Membrane

Karl Börjesson, Erik Lundberg, Jakob Woller et al
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. Vol. 50 (36), p. 8312-8315
Journal article

Functionalized Nanostructures: Redox-Active Porphyrin Anchors for Supramolecular DNA Assemblies

Karl Börjesson, Joanna Wiberg, Afaf El-Sagheer et al
ACS Nano. Vol. 4 (9), p. 5037-5046
Journal article

Characterization of Nucleobase Analogue FRET Acceptor tC(nitro)

S. Preus, Karl Börjesson, K. Kilsa et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry B. Vol. 114 (2), p. 1050-1056
Journal article

Thermodynamic Aspects of DNA Nanoconstruct Stability and Design

Peter Sandin, John Tumpane, Karl Börjesson et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Vol. 113 (15), p. 5941-5946
Journal article

Nucleic Acid Base Analog FRET-Pair Facilitating Detailed Structural Measurements in Nucleic Acid Containing Systems

Karl Börjesson, S. Preus, Afaf El-Sagheer et al
Journal of the American Chemical Society. Vol. 131 (12), p. 4288-4293
Journal article

Membrane-Anchored DNA Assembly for Energy and Electron Transfer

Karl Börjesson, John Tumpane, Thomas Ljungdahl et al
Journal of the American Chemical Society. Vol. 131 (8), p. 2831-2839
Journal article

2,6,8-Trisubstituted 3-hydroxychromone derivatives as fluorophores for live-cell imaging.

Christine Dyrager, Annika Friberg, Kristian Dahlén et al
Chemistry - A European Journal. Vol. 15 (37), p. 9417-23
Journal article

Highly efficient incorporation of the fluorescent nucleotide analogs tC and tC(O) by Klenow fragment

Peter Sandin, Gudrun Stengel, Thomas Ljungdahl et al
Nucleic Acids Research. Vol. 37 (12), p. 3924-3933
Journal article

Synthesis and Photophysical Characterisation of Fluorescent 8-(1H-1,2,3-Triazol-4-yl)adenosine Derivatives

Christine Dyrager, Karl Börjesson, P. Diner et al
European Journal of Organic Chemistry (10), p. 1515-1521
Journal article

Nucleic acid structure and sequence probing using fluorescent base analogue tCo

Karl Börjesson, Peter Sandin, Marcus Wilhelmsson
Biophysical Chemistry. Vol. 139 (1), p. 24-28
Journal article

A membrane anchored DNA-based energy/electron transfer assembly

Karl Börjesson, John Tumpane, Thomas Ljungdahl et al
Nucleic acids symposium series (2004) (52), p. 691-691
Journal article

Characterization and use of tricyclic fluorescent nucleic acid base analogues

Karl Börjesson, Peter Sandin, Bo Albinsson et al
Nucleic acids symposium series (2004) (52), p. 3-4
Journal article

Characterization and Use of an Unprecedentedly Bright and Structurally Non-Perturbing Fluorescent DNA Base Analogue

Peter Sandin, Karl Börjesson, Hong Li et al
Nucleic Acids Research. Vol. 36 (1), p. 157-167
Journal article

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