Lars Marcus

Full Professor at Urban Design and Planning

Lars Marcus is an architect and professor in Urban Design and leads the research group Spatial Morphology Group (SMoG). His research concerns how spatial form, as defined by architecture and urban design, supports, structures and sets limits to people’s everyday life. In extension, spatial form conditions vital social, economic and ecological urban processes. Hence, spatial morphology constitutes a form of technology creating spatial structure for other urban systems. He is also founder and partner of the consultancy firm Spacescape, performing spatial analysis, design support and policy development in architectural and urban projects for architects, municipalities and real estate companies.

Image of Lars Marcus

Showing 82 publications


Placing Urban Renewal in the Context of the Resilience Adaptive Cycle

Lars Marcus, Johan Colding
Land. Vol. 13 (1)
Journal article

Crime and Fear in Public Places: Towards Safe, Inclusive and Sustainable Cities (Book Review)

Lars Marcus
Urban Studies. Vol. In Press
Other text in scientific journal

PST (Place Syntax Tool) Documentation v3.2.4-3.2.5_20230110

Ioanna Stavroulaki, Meta Berghauser Pont, Martin Fitger et al
Other - Software code

Crowd Movement - DTCC Milestone Project

Meta Berghauser Pont, Ioanna Stavroulaki, Oscar Ivarsson et al

Disentangling barrier effects of transport infrastructure: synthesising research for the practice of impact assessment

Job van Eldijk, Jorge Gil, Lars Marcus
European Transport Research Review. Vol. 14 (1)
Journal article

Editorial: Social-ecological urbanism: Developing discourse, institutions and urban form for the design of resilient social-ecological systems in cities

Meta Berghauser Pont, Stephan Barthel, Johan Colding et al
Frontiers in Built Environment. Vol. 8
Other text in scientific journal

Frontiers in Social-Ecological Urbanism

Johan Colding, Karl Samuelsson, Lars Marcus et al
Land. Vol. 11 (6)
Journal article

Master planning for change - designing the resilient city

Lars Marcus
Urban Morphology. Vol. 25 (1), p. 107-108
Other text in scientific journal

Towards analytical typologies of plot systems: quantitative profile of five European cities

Evgeniya Bobkova, Meta Berghauser Pont, Lars Marcus
Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science. Vol. 48 (4), p. 604-620
Journal article

Applying a systems perspective on the notion of the smart city

Johan Colding, Marita Wallhagen, P. Sörqvist et al
Smart Cities. Vol. 3 (2)
Journal article

Towards a socio-ecological spatial morphology: a joint network approach to urban form and landscape ecology

Lars Marcus, Meta Berghauser Pont, Stephan Barthel
Urban Morphology. Vol. 24 (1), p. 21-34
Journal article

GIS-based Time model. Urban development in Gothenburg, 1960 to present

Ioanna Stavroulaki, Lars Marcus, Meta Berghauser Pont
Report - Älvstranden Utveckling AB

Det alla missar i debatten om vår stad

Lars Marcus
Svenska dagbladet
Newspaper article

Structure of Plot Systems and Economic Activity in Cities: Linking Plot Types to Retail and Food Services in London, Amsterdam and Stockholm

Evgeniya Bobkova, Lars Marcus, Meta Berghauser Pont et al
Urban Science. Vol. 3 (3)
Journal article

Statistical modelling and analysis of big data on pedestrian movement

Ioanna Stavroulaki, David Bolin, Meta Berghauser Pont et al
12th International Space Syntax Symposium, SSS 2019
Paper in proceeding

Urban Calculator

Meta Berghauser Pont, Ioanna Stavroulaki, Lars Marcus
Report - Älvstranden Utveckling AB

How smart is smart growth? Examining the environmental validation behind city compaction

Åsa Gren, Johan Colding, Meta Berghauser Pont et al
Ambio. Vol. 48 (6), p. 580-589
Review article

Spatial configuration of plot systems and urban diversity: empirical support for a differentiation variable in spatial morphology

Lars Marcus, Evgeniya Bobkova
12th International Space Syntax Symposium, SSS 2019
Paper in proceeding

The spatial distribution and frequency of street, plot and building types across five European cities

Meta Berghauser Pont, Ioanna Stavroulaki, Evgeniya Bobkova et al
Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design. Vol. 46 (7), p. 1226-1242
Journal article


Meta Berghauser Pont, Alexander Ståhle, Lars Marcus et al
Other - Software code

Empirical support for a theory of spatial capital: Housing prices in Oslo and land values in Gothenburg

Lars Marcus, Axel Heyman, Alexander Hellervik et al
12th International Space Syntax Symposium, SSS 2019
Paper in proceeding

Towards a socio-ecological spatial morphology: integrating elements of urban morphology and landscape ecology

Lars Marcus, Meta Berghauser Pont, Stephan Barthel
Urban Morphology. Vol. 23 (2), p. 115-124
Journal article

Development of urban types based on network centrality, built density and their impact on pedestrian movement

Meta Berghauser Pont, Ioanna Stavroulaki, Lars Marcus
Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design. Vol. 46 (8), p. 1549-1564
Journal article

Skatteväxla från arbete till mark effektivare än en plastpåseskatt

Lars Marcus, Holger Wallbaum
Dagens Nyheter (DN)
Newspaper article

Så kan kommuner skapa nya värdefulla lägen för bostäder

Örjan Sjöberg, Lars Marcus
Dagens Nyheter
Newspaper article

Dags för den andra formen

Lars Marcus
PLAN (1)
Magazine article

Location-based density and differentiation - adding attraction variables to Space Syntax

Lars Marcus, Meta Berghauser Pont, Ioanna Stavroulaki et al
Paper in proceeding

Plot systems and property rights: morphological, juridical and economic aspects

Evgeniya Bobkova, Lars Marcus, Meta Berghauser Pont
24th ISUF International Conference. Book of Papers, p. 177-185
Paper in proceeding

Vi har missat hållbarhetståget

Lars Marcus
Arkitekten (1)
Magazine article

Replik i artikeln "Fråga efter Kenneth" av Mikael Askergren

Lars Marcus
Kritik (37)
Magazine article

Spatial Morphology Lab

Meta Berghauser Pont, Lars Marcus, Ioanna Stavroulaki

Towards a social-ecological urbanism: Co-producing knowledge through design in the Albano Resilient Campus project in Stockholm

Hanna Erixon Aalto, Lars Marcus, Jonas Torsvall
Sustainability. Vol. 10 (3)
Journal article

The soft technologies of urban development – the need for a broader technology concept

Lars Marcus, Fredrik Nilsson
Other conference contribution

Integrating visibility graph analysis (VGA) with connectivity analysis in landscape ecology

Meta Berghauser Pont, K. Ahrné, Å Gren et al
11th International Space Syntax Symposium, SSS 2017, Lisbon, Portugal, 3-7 July 2017, p. 157.1-157.18
Paper in proceeding

Multivariable measures of plot systems: describing the potential link between urban diversity and spatial form based on the spatial capacity concept

Evgeniya Bobkova, Lars Marcus, Meta Berghauser Pont
11th International Space Syntax Symposium, SSS 2017, Lisbon, Portugal, 3-7 July 2017, p. 47.1-47.15
Paper in proceeding

Modelling bikeability; Space syntax based measures applied in examining speeds and flows of bicycling in Gothenburg

B. Manum, T. Nordström, Jorge Gil et al
11th International Space Syntax Symposium, SSS 2017, Lisbon, Portugal, 3-7 July 2017, p. 89.1-89.16
Paper in proceeding

Bee Connected – Ekosystemtjänsten Pollinering - Gröna Kopplingar för Resilienta Städer

Meta Berghauser Pont, åsa gren, Karin Ahrné et al

Quantitative comparison of cities: Distribution of street and building types based on density and centrality measures

Meta Berghauser Pont, Ioanna Stavroulaki, Jorge Gil et al
11th International Space Syntax Symposium, SSS 2017, Lisbon, Portugal, 3-7 July 2017. Vol. 2, p. 44.1-44.18
Paper in proceeding

Location-based density and diversity – adding attraction variables to space syntax

Lars Marcus, Meta Berghauser Pont, Evgeniya Bobkova
ISUF 2017 XXIV international conference: City and territory in the globalization age, Seville
Paper in proceeding

Nya Slussen återskapar gamla Slussens problem

Lars Marcus, Alexander Ståhle
Svenska dagbladet (14 september)
Magazine article

The theoretical underpinnings of a theory of spatial capital

Lars Marcus
11th International Space Syntax Symposium, SSS 2017, Lisbon, Portugal, 3-7 July 2017, p. 168.1-168.11
Paper in proceeding

Representations of street networks in space syntax towards flexible maps and multiple graphs

Ioanna Stavroulaki, Lars Marcus, Meta Berghauser Pont et al
11th International Space Syntax Symposium, SSS 2017, Lisbon, Portugal, 3-7 July 2017. Vol. 5, p. 174.1-174.16
Paper in proceeding

Cities as implements or facilities – the need for a spatial morphology in smart city systems

Lars Marcus, Daniel Koch
Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design. Vol. 44 (2), p. 1-22
Journal article

Cities as Accessible Densities and Diversities – Adding Attraction Variables to Configurational Analysis

Lars Marcus, Meta Berghauser Pont, Evgeniya Bobkova
Proceedings of the 11th Space Syntax Symposium, 2017 Lisbon
Paper in proceeding

Quantitative comparison of the distribution of densities in three Swedish cities

Meta Berghauser Pont, Ioanna Stavroulaki, Kailun Sun et al
Proceedings ISUF 2017 XXIV international conference: City and territory in the globalization age
Paper in proceeding

Cities as accessible densities and diversities Adding attraction variables to configurational analysis

Lars Marcus, Meta Berghauser Pont, Evgeniya Bobkova
11th International Space Syntax Symposium, SSS 2017, Lisbon, Portugal, 3-7 July 2017, p. 167.1-167.12
Paper in proceeding

Cognitive affordances in sustainable urbanism: contributions of space syntax and spatial cognition

Lars Marcus, Matteo Giusti, Stephan Barthel
Journal of Urban Design. Vol. 21 (4), p. 439-452
Journal article

Nytt miljonprogram – unik chans att lösa flera frågor

Lars Marcus, Meta Berghauser Pont, Stephan Barthel et al
Dagens Nyheter
Magazine article

Är det verkligen kvartersstad vi vill ha

Lars Marcus, Meta Berghauser Pont
Plan (5-6 (6e okt.)), p. 14-19
Magazine article

Ett språk om stadens form

Lars Marcus
Arkitekten (12)
Magazine article

Diversity in density: looking back and forth

Meta Berghauser Pont, Lars Marcus
Book chapter

Därför påverkar stadens form både ekonomi och segregation

Lars Marcus
Dagens Nyheter (5 juli), p. 2-
Magazine article

Towards a social-ecological urban morphology: integrating urban form and landscape ecology

Lars Marcus, Meta Berghauser Pont
Proceedings: ISUF 2015 XXII international Conference: City as organism: New visions for urban life. Vol. 1 (1), p. 371-378
Paper in proceeding

Spacescape – urban research and design

Lars Marcus, Alexander Ståhle
The changing shape of practice, p. 155-166
Book chapter

Connectivity, density and built form: integrating ´Spacemate´ with space syntax

Meta Berghauser Pont, Lars Marcus, Per Haupt
Proceedings: ISUF 2015 XXII international Conference: City as organism: New visions for urban life (2)
Paper in proceeding

Satsa på Göteborgs gator för att få attraktiva hus

Lars Marcus, Meta Berghauser Pont
Göteborgsposten (28 oktober)
Magazine article

A social-ecological approach to sustainable urbanism-the design of cognitive affordances

Lars Marcus, Matteo Giusti, Stephan Barthel
Journal of Urban Design. Vol. 21 (4), p. 439-452
Journal article

Nytt miljonprogram unik chans att losa flera fragor

Meta Berghauser Pont, Lars Marcus, Ann Legeby et al
Dagens Nyheter (25 april 2016)
Magazine article

Vikten av rätt mått

Lars Marcus, Meta Berghauser Pont
Arkitektur. Vol. 2015 (03), p. 4-
Magazine article

Connectivity, density and built form: integrating ´Spacemate´ with space syntax.

Meta Berghauser Pont, Lars Marcus
Proceedings of the 22nd ISUF conference
Paper in proceeding

Nature Routines and Affinity with the Biosphere: A Case Study of Preschool Children in Stockholm

Matteo Giusti, Stephan Barthel, Lars Marcus
Children, Youth and Environments. Vol. 24 (3), p. 16-42
Journal article

Grönytor som gör sitt jobb

Lars Marcus, Meta Berghauser Pont
Tidningen Arkitekten
Magazine article

Streets for co-­presence? Mapping potentials

Ann Legeby, Meta Berghauser Pont, Lars Marcus
10th International Space Syntax Symposium, SSS 2015, University College London, United Kingdom, 13-17 July 2015, p. 108:1-108:17
Paper in proceeding

Interaction rituals and co-presence – linking humans to humans in space syntax theory

Lars Marcus
Karimi, K., et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 10th International Space Syntax Symposium, UCL, London, UK, 13-17 July 2015
Paper in proceeding

Stadsplanering kan skapa nya attraktiva lägen

Lars Marcus
Dagens Nyheter
Magazine article

Dela[d] Stad – Stadsbyggande och segregation I-V

Ann Legeby, Meta Berghauser Pont, Lars Marcus

Resiliens och stadsform

Lars Marcus
Sju perspektiv på hållbar utveckling Om hur hållbarhetsperspektivet kan stärkas i en ny regional utvecklingsplan för Stockholmsregionen
Magazine article

Storstäder i samverkan - stadsbyggandets sociala dimension

Ann Legeby, Lars Marcus, Meta Berghauser Pont et al

Street Interaction and Social Inclusion

Ann Legeby, Meta Berghauser Pont, Lars Marcus
Suburban Urbanities: Suburbs and the Life of the High Street, p. 239-262
Book chapter

What can typology explain that configuration can not?

Meta Berghauser Pont, Lars Marcus
10th International Space Syntax Symposium, SSS 2015, University College London (UCL)London, United Kingdom, 13-7 July 2015, p. 43:1-43:16
Paper in proceeding

Ecological space and cognitive geometry: Linking humans and environment in space syntax theory

Lars Marcus
10th International Space Syntax Symposium, SSS 2015, UCL, London, UK, 13-17 July 2015
Paper in proceeding

Toward an integrated theory of spatial morphology and resilient urban systems

Lars Marcus, Johan Colding
Ecology and Society. Vol. 19 (4)
Journal article

The street: a key component for a less segregated city

Ann Legeby, Meta Berghauser Pont, Lars Marcus
Mistra Urban Futures Papers 2014:1
Other conference contribution

Rosenbergs Arkitekter

Benjamin Mandre, Peder Alton, Lars Marcus


Meta Berghauser Pont, Lars Marcus
Nordic Journal of Architectural Research (2), p. 11-30
Journal article

Can spatial form support urban ecosystem services: Developing descriptions and measures to capture the spatial demands for pollination using the framework of space syntax

Lars Marcus, Meta Berghauser Pont, åsa gren
A|Z ITU Journal of Faculty of Architecture. Vol. 11 (2), p. 255-270
Journal article

Can spatial form support urban ecosystem services – representing patches and connectivity zones for bees using space syntax methodology

Lars Marcus, Meta Berghauser Pont, åsa gren
Proceedings, Ninth international space syntax symposium, Seoul
Paper in proceeding

Innovations in measuring density: from area and location density to accessible and perceived density.

Meta Berghauser Pont, Lars Marcus
Proceedings of IGU Conference 2013: Applied GIS and Spatial Modelling
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 17 research projects


Katalytisk systemomställning i Kärra Skogome

Lars Marcus Urban Design and Planning


Crowd Movement. Predicting pedestrian movement in public space.

Meta Berghauser Pont Urban Design and Planning
Vilhelm Verendel Data Science Research Engineers
Ioanna Stavroulaki Urban Design and Planning
Oscar Ivarsson Data Science Research Engineers
Lars Marcus Urban Design and Planning

2 publications exist

Digital tools for the valuation of land in urban development projects (DITO)

Lars Marcus Urban Design and Planning
Meta Berghauser Pont Urban Design and Planning


Stadsformsmodeller i praktiken

Lars Marcus Urban Design and Planning
Meta Berghauser Pont Urban Design and Planning
City of Gothenburg


Digital Twin Cities Centre

Jonas Runberger Architectural theory and methods
Meta Berghauser Pont Urban Design and Planning
Liane Thuvander Architectural theory and methods
Anders Logg Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Fredrik Edelvik Digital Twin Cities Centre
Johan Felix Digital Twin Cities Centre
Jorge Gil Urban Design and Planning
Graham Kemp Data Science
Bernd Ketzler Digital Twin Cities Centre
Mattias Roupé Construction Management
Alexander Hollberg Building Technology
Fredrik Nilsson Architecture and Civil Engineering
Leonardo Rosado Water Environment Technology
Vasilis Naserentin Digital Twin Cities Centre
Minna Karstunen Geology and Geotechnics
Sanjay Somanath Building Technology
Lars Marcus Urban Design and Planning
Mikael Johansson Construction Management
Malgorzata Zboinska Architectural theory and methods

83 publications exist


Lars Marcus Urban Design and Planning
Swedish Transport Administration


Urban infrastructure impact assessment of road infrastructure in urban environments

Meta Berghauser Pont Urban Design and Planning
Lars Marcus Urban Design and Planning
Ioanna Stavroulaki Urban Design and Planning
Swedish Transport Administration

2 publications exist

Safe and Liveable Urban Streets: Integrating driver and the built environment perspectives for a sustainable transport system

Robert Thomson Injury Prevention
Lars Marcus Urban Design and Planning
Selpi Selpi Crash Analysis and Prevention
Jorge Gil Urban Design and Planning
Ioanna Stavroulaki Urban Design and Planning


Aligning ontologies in traffic safety and urban development

Lars Marcus Urban Design and Planning
Jorge Gil Urban Design and Planning
Selpi Selpi Crash Analysis and Prevention


The transportation system as key to achieving societal aims through regional and urban development - empirical analysis, models and stakeholder involvement

Claes Andersson Physical Resource Theory
Lars Marcus Urban Design and Planning

2 publications exist

Digital planning tools for more efficient land development

Lars Marcus Urban Design and Planning
Evgeniya Bobkova Urban Design and Planning


GIS-based Time model. Gothenburg, 1960-2018 (Fusion Point Gothenburg - Subproject A-x2)

Ioanna Stavroulaki Urban Design and Planning
Alice Örnö Ax Urban Design and Planning
Lars Marcus Urban Design and Planning
Meta Berghauser Pont Urban Design and Planning
Jan Sahlberg Urban Design and Planning
Ehsan Abshirini Urban Design and Planning
Älvstranden Utveckling

1 publication exists

Quantification of barrier effects of transport infrastructure

Lars Marcus Urban Design and Planning
Jorge Gil Urban Design and Planning
Job van Eldijk Urban Design and Planning
Ramböll AB
Swedish Transport Administration
Centre for Management of the Built Environment (CMB)

5 publications exist

Spatial Morphology Lab _ SMoL. International laboratory for comparative research in urban form

Meta Berghauser Pont Urban Design and Planning
Jorge Gil Urban Design and Planning
Kailun Sun Urban Design and Planning
Jesper Olsson Urban Design and Planning
Evgeniya Bobkova Urban Design and Planning
Lars Marcus Urban Design and Planning
Ehsan Abshirini Urban Design and Planning
Ioanna Stavroulaki Urban Design and Planning

9 publications exist

Towards comprehensive urban mobility models - integrating transport modelling and space syntax

Lars Marcus Urban Design and Planning
Norwegian Public Roads Administration (NPRA)

2 publications exist

Architecture in the Making: Architecture as a Making Discipline and Material Practice

Fredrik Nilsson Architecture
Frans Magnusson Architectural theory and methods
Malgorzata Zboinska Research - Architectural Theory and Method
Stig Anton Nielsen Architectural theory and methods
Atli Magnus Seelow Research - Architectural Theory and Method
Andrej Slavik Architectural theory and methods
Catharina Dyrssen Urban Design and Planning
Claes Caldenby Research - Architectural Theory and Method
Julia Fredriksson Urban Design and Planning
Lars Marcus Urban Design and Planning
Daniel Norell Education - Architectural Theory and Method
Johan Linton Education - Architectural Theory and Method
Liane Thuvander Research - Architectural Theory and Method
Paula Femenias Building Design
Beata Stahre Wästberg Interaction design
Michael Asgaard Andersen Architectural theory and methods
Monica Billger Architectural theory and methods
Michael U. Hensel Unknown organization
Nel Janssens Research - Architectural Theory and Method
Halina Dunin-Woyseth von Turow Architectural theory and methods
Karel Deckers Unknown organization
Johan Liekens Unknown organization
Anna Maria Orrù Urban Design and Planning
Karl-Gunnar Olsson Research - Architectural Theory and Method
Daniel Koch Building Design

23 publications exist
There might be more projects where Lars Marcus participates, but you have to be logged in as a Chalmers employee to see them.