Lars Marcus
Lars Marcus is an architect and professor in Urban Design and leads the research group Spatial Morphology Group (SMoG). His research concerns how spatial form, as defined by architecture and urban design, supports, structures and sets limits to people’s everyday life. In extension, spatial form conditions vital social, economic and ecological urban processes. Hence, spatial morphology constitutes a form of technology creating spatial structure for other urban systems. He is also founder and partner of the consultancy firm Spacescape, performing spatial analysis, design support and policy development in architectural and urban projects for architects, municipalities and real estate companies.

Showing 82 publications
Placing Urban Renewal in the Context of the Resilience Adaptive Cycle
Crime and Fear in Public Places: Towards Safe, Inclusive and Sustainable Cities (Book Review)
PST (Place Syntax Tool) Documentation v3.2.4-3.2.5_20230110
Crowd Movement - DTCC Milestone Project
Frontiers in Social-Ecological Urbanism
Master planning for change - designing the resilient city
Towards analytical typologies of plot systems: quantitative profile of five European cities
Applying a systems perspective on the notion of the smart city
GIS-based Time model. Urban development in Gothenburg, 1960 to present
Statistical modelling and analysis of big data on pedestrian movement
How smart is smart growth? Examining the environmental validation behind city compaction
Skatteväxla från arbete till mark effektivare än en plastpåseskatt
Så kan kommuner skapa nya värdefulla lägen för bostäder
Location-based density and differentiation - adding attraction variables to Space Syntax
Plot systems and property rights: morphological, juridical and economic aspects
Replik i artikeln "Fråga efter Kenneth" av Mikael Askergren
The soft technologies of urban development – the need for a broader technology concept
Integrating visibility graph analysis (VGA) with connectivity analysis in landscape ecology
Bee Connected – Ekosystemtjänsten Pollinering - Gröna Kopplingar för Resilienta Städer
Location-based density and diversity – adding attraction variables to space syntax
Nya Slussen återskapar gamla Slussens problem
The theoretical underpinnings of a theory of spatial capital
Representations of street networks in space syntax towards flexible maps and multiple graphs
Cities as implements or facilities – the need for a spatial morphology in smart city systems
Quantitative comparison of the distribution of densities in three Swedish cities
Cognitive affordances in sustainable urbanism: contributions of space syntax and spatial cognition
Nytt miljonprogram – unik chans att lösa flera frågor
Är det verkligen kvartersstad vi vill ha
Diversity in density: looking back and forth
Därför påverkar stadens form både ekonomi och segregation
Towards a social-ecological urban morphology: integrating urban form and landscape ecology
Spacescape – urban research and design
Connectivity, density and built form: integrating ´Spacemate´ with space syntax
Satsa på Göteborgs gator för att få attraktiva hus
A social-ecological approach to sustainable urbanism-the design of cognitive affordances
Nytt miljonprogram unik chans att losa flera fragor
Connectivity, density and built form: integrating ´Spacemate´ with space syntax.
Nature Routines and Affinity with the Biosphere: A Case Study of Preschool Children in Stockholm
Streets for co-presence? Mapping potentials
Interaction rituals and co-presence – linking humans to humans in space syntax theory
Dela[d] Stad – Stadsbyggande och segregation I-V
Storstäder i samverkan - stadsbyggandets sociala dimension
Street Interaction and Social Inclusion
What can typology explain that configuration can not?
Ecological space and cognitive geometry: Linking humans and environment in space syntax theory
Toward an integrated theory of spatial morphology and resilient urban systems
The street: a key component for a less segregated city
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Showing 17 research projects
Katalytisk systemomställning i Kärra Skogome
Crowd Movement. Predicting pedestrian movement in public space.
Digital tools for the valuation of land in urban development projects (DITO)
Stadsformsmodeller i praktiken
Urban infrastructure impact assessment of road infrastructure in urban environments
Aligning ontologies in traffic safety and urban development
Digital planning tools for more efficient land development
GIS-based Time model. Gothenburg, 1960-2018 (Fusion Point Gothenburg - Subproject A-x2)
Quantification of barrier effects of transport infrastructure
Spatial Morphology Lab _ SMoL. International laboratory for comparative research in urban form
Towards comprehensive urban mobility models - integrating transport modelling and space syntax
Architecture in the Making: Architecture as a Making Discipline and Material Practice