Niclas Lindvall

Showing 29 publications
Monolithic high-index contrast grating mirror for a GaN-based vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser
Pore-free bubbling delamination of chemical vapor deposited graphene from copper foils
Measurements of weak localization of graphene in inhomogeneous magnetic fields
A hybrid-type CVD system for graphene growth
Defect/oxygen assisted direct write technique for nanopatterning graphene
Fabrication and characterization of graphene-superconductor devices
Unusual thermopower of inhomogeneous graphene grown by chemical vapor deposition
Control of the Dirac point in graphene by UV light
Detection of graphene microelectromechanical system resonance
Growth mechanism of graphene on platinum: Surface catalysis and carbon segregation
Quantum Hall effect in graphene decorated with disordered multilayer patches
Determination of the Bending Rigidity of Graphene via Electrostatic Actuation of Buckled Membranes
Towards transfer-free fabrication of graphene NEMS grown by chemical vapour deposition
Towards graphene-based devices: Fabrication and characterization
Cleaning graphene using atomic force microscope
Low Partial Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition of Graphene on Copper
Graphene p-n-p junctions controlled by local gates made of naturally oxidized thin aluminium films
Transfer-free fabrication of suspended graphene grown by chemical vapor deposition
The Aharonov-Bohm effect in graphene rings with metal mirrors
Family of graphene-based superconducting devices
Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistors with Suspended Graphene Gates
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