Linus Hammar

Showing 38 publications


Imaging-sonar observations of salmonid interactions with a vertical axis instream turbine

Anke Bender, Olivia Langhamer, Francisco Francisco et al
River Research and Applications. Vol. 39 (8), p. 1578-1589
Journal article

Cumulative impact assessment for ecosystem-based marine spatial planning

Linus Hammar, Sverker Molander, Jonas Pålsson et al
Science of the Total Environment. Vol. 734
Journal article

Temperate fish community variation over seasons in relation to large-scale geographic seascape variables

Diana Perry, Thomas A.B. Staveley, Linus Hammar et al
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. Vol. 75 (10), p. 1723-1732
Journal article

Introducing ocean energy industries to a busy marine environment

Linus Hammar, Martin Gullström, Thomas G. Dahlgren et al
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. Vol. 74, p. 178-185
Review article

The critical role of informed political direction for advancing technology: The case of Swedish marine energy

Johnn Andersson, Eugenia Perez Vico, Linus Hammar et al
Energy Policy. Vol. 101, p. 52-64
Journal article

A tool for simulating collision probabilities of animals with marine renewable energy devices

Pal Schmitt, Ross Culloch, Lilian Lieber et al
PLoS ONE. Vol. 12 (11)
Journal article

Expanding the concept of sustainable seafood using Life Cycle Assessment

Friederike Ziegler, Sara Hornborg, Bridget S. Green et al
Fish and Fisheries. Vol. 17 (4), p. 1073-1093
Journal article

Effects of tidal current-induced flow on reef fish behaviour and function on a subtropical rocky reef

Linda Eggertsen, Linus Hammar, Martin Gullström
Marine Ecology - Progress Series. Vol. 559, p. 175-192
Journal article

The importance of political direction: An analysis of the Swedish marine energy innovation system

Johnn Andersson, Eugenia Perez Vico, Linus Hammar
International Sustainability Transitions Conference 2015
Paper in proceeding

A Probabilistic Model for Hydrokinetic Turbine Collision Risks: Exploring Impacts on Fish

Linus Hammar, Linda Eggertsen, Sandra Andersson et al
PLoS ONE. Vol. 10 (3), p. e0117756-
Journal article

Är de nya förnybara resurserna stora nog?

Björn Sandén, Linus Hammar, Fredrik Hedenus
Perspektiv på förnybar el 2014, p. 10-11
Book chapter

Are renewable energy resources large enough to replace non-renewable energy?

Björn Sandén, Linus Hammar, Fredrik Hedenus
Systems Perspectives on Renewable Power 2014, p. 18-31
Book chapter

Teknologier för förnyelsebar elproduktion

Ola Carlson, Linus Hammar, Zack Norwood et al
Perspektiv på förnybar el 2014, p. 12-13
Book chapter

Harnessing energy flows: technologies for renewable power production

Ola Carlson, Linus Hammar, Zack Norwood et al
Systems Perspectives on Renewable Power 2014, p. 32-45
Book chapter

Assessing ecological risks of offshore wind power on Kattegat cod

Linus Hammar, A. Wikstrom, Sverker Molander
Renewable Energy. Vol. 66, p. 414-424
Journal article

Will ocean energy harm marine ecosystems?

Linus Hammar
Systems Perspectives on Renewable Power 2014, p. 84-93
Book chapter

Drivers and barriers to rural electrification in Tanzania and Mozambique - grid-extension, off-grid, and renewable energy technologies

Helene Ahlborg, Linus Hammar
Renewable Energy. Vol. 61, p. 117-124
Journal article

Hydrokinetic Turbine Effects on Fish Swimming Behaviour

Linus Hammar, Sandra Andersson, Linda Eggertsen et al
PLoS ONE. Vol. 8 (12), p. artikel nr e84141-
Journal article

Who should be afraid of a tidal turbine - the good the bad or the ugly?

Linus Hammar, Jimmy Ehnberg
10th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference Series, p. 6-
Paper in proceeding

Renewable ocean energy in the Western Indian Ocean

Linus Hammar, Jimmy Ehnberg, Alberto Mavume et al
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. Vol. 16 (7), p. 4938-4950
Review article

Stereo-Video Methodology for Quantitative Analysis of Fish-Turbine Interactions

Linus Hammar, Jimmy Ehnberg, Linda Eggertsen et al
1st Asian Wave and Tidal Conference Series, p. 8-
Paper in proceeding

Simplified site-screening method for micro tidal current turbines applied in Mozambique

Linus Hammar, Jimmy Ehnberg, Alberto Mavume et al
Renewable Energy. Vol. 44 (44), p. 414-422
Journal article

Drivers and barriers to rural electrification in Tanzania and Mozambique – grid extension, off-grid and renewable energy sources

Helene Ahlborg, Linus Hammar
World Renewable Energy Congress 2011 – Sweden, 8-11 May 2011, Linköping, Sweden. Vol. 10 (57), p. 2493-2500
Paper in proceeding

Drivers and barriers to rural electrification in rural Tanzania and Mozambique – interaction between stakeholders

Helene Ahlborg, Linus Hammar
Working paper: NESS 2011. Power landscapes – histories and futures. Theme: The power of power. June 14-16, 2011. Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden
Other conference contribution

Applying Ecological Risk Assessment Methodology for Outlining Ecosystem Effects of Ocean Energy Technologies

Linus Hammar, Martin Gullström
9th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, September 5-9 2011, Southamptin, p. 8-
Paper in proceeding

Förnybara energikällors inverkan på de svenska miljömålen

Sverker Molander, Helene Ahlborg, Rickard Arvidsson et al

Electrification based on small electricity grids in Africa - ocean energy in combination with land-based energy sources

Linus Hammar, Jimmy Ehnberg, Sverker Molander
Modern Energy Review. Vol. 2, p. 71-72
Magazine article

Ocean energy in combination with land-based renewable energy sources: appropriate technology for smaller electricity grids in Africa?

Linus Hammar, Jimmy Ehnberg, Martin Gullström et al
Proceedings of the 8th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Uppsala, Sweden, September 2009
Other conference contribution

Ocean energy in combination with land-based renewable energy sources: appropriate technology for smaller electricity grids in Africa?

Sverker Molander, Linus Hammar, Jimmy Ehnberg et al
Oral presentation, 8th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, EWTEC 2009, Uppsala, Sweden 2009
Other conference contribution

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Showing 3 research projects


Exploring and mitigating the environmental risk of hydrokinetic turbines

Sverker Molander Environmental Systems Analysis
Olivia Langhamer Environmental Systems Analysis
Linus Hammar Environmental Systems Analysis
Swedish Energy Agency

1 publication exists

Power Take-Off System for a Subsea Tidal Kite (PowerKite)

Yujing Liu Electric Power Engineering
Johan Tivander Environmental Systems Analysis
Jian Zhao Electric Power Engineering
Linus Hammar Environmental Systems Analysis
Sverker Molander Environmental Systems Analysis
Georgios Mademlis Electric Power Engineering
Olivia Langhamer Environmental Systems Analysis
Mohamad Kaddoura Environmental Systems Analysis
European Commission (EC)

12 publications exist

Providing Renewable Energy Technologies to Productive Use for Rural Electrification (STEEP-RES II)

Sverker Molander Environmental Systems Analysis
Jimmy Ehnberg Electric Power Engineering
Joseph Maskaraa Ngowi Energy Technology
Linus Hammar Environmental Systems Analysis
Helene Ahlborg Environmental Systems Analysis
Erik Ahlgren Energy Technology

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