Linus Hammar
Visar 38 publikationer
Imaging-sonar observations of salmonid interactions with a vertical axis instream turbine
Cumulative impact assessment for ecosystem-based marine spatial planning
Introducing ocean energy industries to a busy marine environment
A tool for simulating collision probabilities of animals with marine renewable energy devices
Expanding the concept of sustainable seafood using Life Cycle Assessment
The importance of political direction: An analysis of the Swedish marine energy innovation system
A Probabilistic Model for Hydrokinetic Turbine Collision Risks: Exploring Impacts on Fish
Är de nya förnybara resurserna stora nog?
Are renewable energy resources large enough to replace non-renewable energy?
Teknologier för förnyelsebar elproduktion
Harnessing energy flows: technologies for renewable power production
Power from the Brave New Ocean - Marine Renewable Energy and Ecological Risks
Assessing ecological risks of offshore wind power on Kattegat cod
Will ocean energy harm marine ecosystems?
Hydrokinetic Turbine Effects on Fish Swimming Behaviour
Who should be afraid of a tidal turbine - the good the bad or the ugly?
Renewable ocean energy in the Western Indian Ocean
Stereo-Video Methodology for Quantitative Analysis of Fish-Turbine Interactions
Simplified site-screening method for micro tidal current turbines applied in Mozambique
Distribution of Wind and Solar Energy Resources in Tanzania and Mozambique
Towards Technology Assessment of Ocean Energy in a Developing Country Context
An initial assessment of Ocean Energy Resources in the Western Indian Ocean
Förnybara energikällors inverkan på de svenska miljömålen
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Visar 3 forskningsprojekt
Undersökning och motverkande av miljörisker från hydrokinetiska turbiner
Power Take-Off System for a Subsea Tidal Kite (PowerKite)
Förnybar energiteknologi till produktiv elanvändning för landsbygdselektrifiering