Max Biermann
Showing 34 publications
Operational experiences of chemical-looping combustion with 18 manganese ores in a 300W unit
Efficient heat integration of industrial CO2 capture and district heating supply
Preem CCS - Synthesis of main project findings and insights
Partial capture from refineries through utilization of existing site energy systems
Preem CCS – A Pioneering Swedish-Norwegian Collaboration Showcasing the Full CCS Chain
Potential Impact of the Preem-CCS Project
Efficient utilization of industrial excess heat for carbon capture and district heating
Partial carbon capture – an opportunity to decarbonize primary steelmaking
CO2stCap - Reducing the Cost of Carbon Capture in Process Industry
Webinar: The CO2stCap project and overall results
Extended abstract: Cutting Cost of CO<inf>2</inf> Capture in Process Industry CO<inf>2</inf>stCap
Cost Efficient Partial CO2 Capture at an Integrated Iron and Steel Mill
Partial Carbon Capture by Absorption Cycle for Reduced Specific Capture Cost
Evaluation of Steel Mills as Carbon Sinks
CO2 Capture from Combustion of Biomass Volatiles with a Chemical-Looping Combustion Process
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