Marie Strid

Senior Lecturer at Building Design

Marie Strid is Senior Lecturer and researches and lectures on the area of room and activity. Much of her research is conducted with the Centre for Healthcare Architecture where she among other things runs seminars and conducts research networks. Her goal is to help organisations to order architecture which better fulfills its needed functions.

Image of Marie Strid

Showing 16 publications


Förstudie Högteknologiska Vårdmiljöer - Intensivvård och Operation

Marie Strid, Charlotta Thodelius, Eva Ek et al
Report - Centre for Healthcare Architecture (CVA)

Spelar rummet någon roll?

Marie Strid
NIO - FEM. Vol. 2017 (2), p. 24-29
Magazine article

Cross- and transdisciplinary challenges: Doctoral education at Chalmers Architecture

Catharina Dyrssen, Marie Strid
Archidoctor Universalis: Future of research in European architectural education, p. 362-376
Book chapter

Hälsa och samhällsbyggnad i undervisningen på Chalmers arkitekturutbildningen

Maria Berezecki Mårtensson, Marie Strid, Jaan-Henrik Kain

Quality Innovation & Evidence in Healthcare Physical Environments in England & Sweden - Establishing a Collaborative Roadmap

Göran Lindahl, Michael Phiri, Grant Mills et al
Better Healthcare through better infrastructure, 3rd Annual Conference of the Health and Care Infrastructure Research and Innovation Centre, 22-24 September 2010, Edingburgh, Scotland
Paper in proceeding

Dancing with Methods. Structuring training in Research by Design processes

Catharina Dyrssen, Marie Strid, Saddek Rehal
Communicating by Design, Brussels, April 2009
Other conference contribution

How to facilitate university business incubators as entrepreneurial environments.- Lessons to learn from a study of a university business incubator

Marie Strid
Paper for EFMC conference 2005, published in Facility Management Exhibition Europe, proceedings,
Paper in proceeding

Spatial Aspects of Academic Enterprise

Marie Strid
Paper for the 13th Annual International Conference ?High Technology Small Firms Conference
Paper in proceeding

Looking at knowledge processes from a spatial aspect

Marie Strid
Paper for a third Movements of Entrepreneurship, publication workshop organized by ESBRI ?Entrepreneurship in New Territories: Towards New Groundings
Paper in proceeding

Facilitating Business Incubators as a Place - the Case of Chalmers Innovation Stena

Marie Strid, Lisbeth Birgersson
Paper for the European Facility Management Conference
Paper in proceeding

Spatial Aspects of the University Incubator

Marie Strid, Lisbeth Birgersson
Paper for the International Research Symposium at 2nd International Postgraduate Research Conference in the Built and Human Environment, University of Salford 2002 published in / Sun, M, et al
Paper in proceeding

Studying University Business Incubators as a Place - the Case of Chalmers Innovation Stena

Marie Strid, Lisbeth Birgersson
3rd International Postgraduate Research Conference in the Built and Human Environment, ESAI, Lisbon 2003 / Aouad, Ghassan, Ruddock, L
Other conference contribution

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Showing 6 research projects


Mapping, Reflecting and Developing PhD-by-Design Programmes’

Fredrik Nilsson Architecture and Civil Engineering
Marie Strid Building Design
Malgorzata Zboinska Architectural theory and methods
Krystyna Pietrzyk Building Design
European Commission (EC)

2 publications exist

Strengthening Architecture and Built Environment Research - SABRE

Fredrik Nilsson Architectural theory and methods
Göran Lindahl Building Design
Anna Braide Building Design
Johanna Eriksson Building Design
Marie Strid Building Design
European Commission (EC)


Den fysiska miljöns betydelse för ungdomar som vårdas inom de särskilda ungdomshemmen

Marie Strid Building Design
Charlotta Thodelius Building Design
Roger Ulrich Building Design
SIS - The Swedish National Board of Institutional Care


Enpatientrum i Sverige

Marie Strid Building Design
Kristin Schmitt Building Design
Sophy Sapan Longe Olsson Building Design
Charlotta Thodelius Building Design
Göran Lindahl Construction Management
Peter Fröst Building Design


Enpatientrum i Sverige. Sammanställd utvärdering av ett antal genomförda projekt

Marie Strid Building Design
Charlotta Thodelius Building Design
Göran Lindahl Construction Management
Sophy Sapan Longe Olsson Building Design
Peter Fröst Building Design
Swedish Health and Facilities Network


Integrative Ways of Residing: Health and Quality of Residence Architectural Inventions for Dwelling, Ageing and Healthcaring AIDAH

Sten Gromark Building Design
Hanna Morichetto Building Design
Roger Ulrich Building Design
Marie Strid Building Design
Elizabeth Marcheschi Building Design
Ola Nylander Building Design
Saga Karlsson Building Design
Charlotta Thodelius Building Design
Elke Miedema Building Design
Maria Berezecka Mårtensson Building Design
Peter Fröst Building Design
Inga Malmqvist Building Design
Anna Braide Building Design
Cecilia Pettersson Building Design
Göran Lindahl Construction Management

13 publications exist
There might be more projects where Marie Strid participates, but you have to be logged in as a Chalmers employee to see them.