Marie Strid
Marie Strid is Senior Lecturer and researches and lectures on the area of room and activity. Much of her research is conducted with the Centre for Healthcare Architecture where she among other things runs seminars and conducts research networks. Her goal is to help organisations to order architecture which better fulfills its needed functions.

Showing 18 publications
Future-proofing in healthcare building design
Förstudie Högteknologiska Vårdmiljöer - Intensivvård och Operation
Enpatientrum i Sverige. Förstudie om vårdavdelningar med fokus på nuläge
Cross- and transdisciplinary challenges: Doctoral education at Chalmers Architecture
Hälsa och samhällsbyggnad i undervisningen på Chalmers arkitekturutbildningen
Dancing with Methods. Structuring training in Research by Design processes
Rum för Entreprenörskap. En studie av universitetsbaserade företagsinkubatorer i Västsverige.
Spatial Aspects of Academic Enterprise
Looking at knowledge processes from a spatial aspect
En undersökning av mötet mellan tekniskt kunnande och affärskunskap i Chalmers Innovation
Facilitating Business Incubators as a Place - the Case of Chalmers Innovation Stena
Spatial Aspects of the University Incubator
Studying University Business Incubators as a Place - the Case of Chalmers Innovation Stena
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Showing 6 research projects
Mapping, Reflecting and Developing PhD-by-Design Programmes’
Strengthening Architecture and Built Environment Research - SABRE
Den fysiska miljöns betydelse för ungdomar som vårdas inom de särskilda ungdomshemmen
Enpatientrum i Sverige. Sammanställd utvärdering av ett antal genomförda projekt