Mikael Enelund

Professor at Dynamics

Mikael Enelund is a Professor of Structural dynamics at Department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences and Dean of Education for School of MATS (Mechanical, Automation & mechatronics, Engineering design and Marine educations). Mikael obtained his PhD in 1996 and was appointed professor in 2012. Currently he is leader for Chalmers ten-year initiative Tracks to develop the education to become more flexible and responsive to changes in the society as well as to new technology and new materials. His research interest includes finite element methods, modelling and optimization of damping and engineering education developments.

Source: chalmers.se
Image of Mikael Enelund

Showing 44 publications


Curriculum Agility principles for transformative innovation in engineering education

Suzanne Brink, Miranda de Hei, Ellen Sjoer et al
European Journal of Engineering Education
Journal article

Re-imagining engineering education through addressing interdisciplinary course design challenges

Mikael Enelund, Michael O'Connell, Maija Taka et al
Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Conference of SEFI , Lausanne, Switzerland, 2-5 September 2024
Paper in proceeding

Proceedings - Swedish Mechanics Days 2024

Fredrik Larsson, Niklas Andersson, Lars Davidson et al
Proceedings (editor)

Tracks: Impactful Reform for Flexible Adaptable Education

Mattias Bingerud, Mikael Enelund, Kristina Henricson Briggs et al
Transforming Engineering Education 2023, p. 23-27
Paper in proceeding


Suzanne Brink, Carl Johan Carlsson, Mikael Enelund et al
Proceedings of the International CDIO Conference, p. 18-28
Paper in proceeding

Online and Blended Labs for Practical Mechanical Engineering

Christian Stöhr, Shahram Sheihki, Robert Langer et al
Proceedings of the 19th International CDIO Conference, p. 805-819
Paper in proceeding

Learning Mechatronics Using Digital Live Labs

Veronica Olesen, Christian Stöhr, Mikael Enelund et al
Proceedings of the International CDIO Conference, p. 831-847
Paper in proceeding

Curriculum Agility: Responsive Organization, Dynamic Content, and Flexible Education

Suzanne Brink, Carl Johan Carlsson, Mikael Enelund et al
Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE. Vol. 2021-October
Paper in proceeding

Chalmers University of Technology: Overcoming Resistance and Inertia in Education through the Dynamics of a Matrix Organization Including Student Co-Creation

Anna Karlsson-Bengtsson, Mikael Enelund, Mattias Bingerud
Advances in Engineering Education. Vol. 9 (3)
Journal article

Tracks for change, flexibility, interdisciplinarity and creativity in engineering education

Mikael Enelund, Kristina Henricson Briggs
Proceedings of the International CDIO Conference. Vol. 1, p. 37-47
Paper in proceeding

Assessing Curriculum Agility in a CDIO Engineering Education

Suzanne Brink, Carl Johan Carlsson, Mikael Enelund et al
Proceedings of the International CDIO Conference. Vol. 1, p. 13-24
Paper in proceeding

Marine engineering education program development due to CDIO concept

Johan Eliasson, Mikael Enelund
20th Commemorative Annual General Assembly, AGA 2019 - Proceedings of the International Association of Maritime Universities Conference, IAMUC 2019, p. 302-312
Paper in proceeding

Gender Differences in Student Satisfaction Surveys

Panagiota Papadopoulou, Mattias Bingerud, Erik Hulthén et al
Proceedings of the International CDIO Conference, p. 834-845
Paper in proceeding

Lessons Learned from Student Satisfaction Surveys of CDIO Project Courses

Johan Malmqvist, Lars Almefelt, Mikael Enelund et al
Proceedings of the 14th International CDIO Conference
Paper in proceeding

Putting Student Engineers in the Front Seat with a Driver-in-the-Loop Automotive Simulator

Mikael Enelund, Håkan Richardson
Mathworks Technical Articles (26 Juli, 2017)
Magazine article

CDIO Based Engineering Design and Optimization Course

Johannes Quist, Kanishk Bhadani, Magnus Bengtsson et al
Proceedings of 2017 International CDIO Conference, Calgary, Canada, p. 298-314
Paper in proceeding


Jason Z. Moore, Monica Ringvik, Mikael Enelund et al
Proceedings of the 12th International CDIO Conference, Turku University of Applied Sciences, Turku, Finland, June 12-16, 2016
Paper in proceeding

Integration of education for sustainable development in the mechanical engineering curriculum

Mikael Enelund, Maria Knutson Wedel, Ulrika Lundqvist et al
Australasian Journal of Engineering Education. Vol. 19 (1), p. 51-62
Journal article

Integration of education for sustainable development in a mechanical engineering programme

Mikael Enelund, Maria Knutson Wedel, Ulrika Lundqvist et al
Proceedings of the 8th International CDIO Conference, Brisbane, Austraila
Paper in proceeding

Pareto optimization of railway bogie suspension damping to enhance safety and comfort

Albin Johnsson, Viktor Berbyuk, Mikael Enelund
Vehicle System Dynamics. Vol. 50 (9), p. 1379-1407
Journal article

Integration of Computational Mathematics Education in the Mechanical Engineering Curriculum

Mikael Enelund, Stig Larsson, Johan Malmqvist
Proceedings of 7th International CDIO Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark
Paper in proceeding

Constructive Alignment (CA) for Degree Projects - Intended Learning Outcomes, Teaching and Assessment

Johan Malmqvist, Maria Knutson Wedel, Mikael Enelund
Proceedings of 7th International CDIO Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark
Paper in proceeding

Ten Years of CDIO - Experiences from a Long-Term Education Development Process

Johan Malmqvist, Johan Bankel, Mikael Enelund et al
Proceedings of the 6th International CDIO Conference, Montreal, Canada
Paper in proceeding

Vibration dynamics of high speed train with Pareto optimized damping of bogie suspension to enhance safety and comfort

Albin Johnsson, Viktor Berbyuk, Mikael Enelund
Proceedings of ISMA2010 International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering Including USD2010, Leuven, 20-22 September 2010, Editors P. Sas, B. Bergen, p. 3477-3488
Paper in proceeding


Albin Johnsson, Viktor Berbyuk, Mikael Enelund
In Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks, IAVSD'09, 17-21 August 2009, KTH, Stockholm,Sweden., p. 1-12
Paper in proceeding

Space-time discretization of an integro-differential equation modeling quasi-static fractional-order viscoelasticity

Mikael Enelund, Stig Larsson, Klas Adolfsson
JVC/Journal of Vibration and Control. Vol. 14 (9-10), p. 1631-1649
Journal article

Beräkningsinriktad matematikutbildning för maskinteknikprogrammet på Chalmers

Mikael Enelund, Håkan Johansson, Stig Larsson
Ingenjörsutbildningarnas utvecklingskonferens (Sammanstält av K. Edström, J. Malmqvist och K. Pettersson). Vol. (CD), p. 15p-
Other conference contribution

’Design-implement experience from the 2nd year capstone course “Integrated Design and Manufacturing"'

Magnus Evertsson, Johan Bankel, Mikael Enelund et al
Proceedings of the 3rd International CDIO conference, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, June 11-14, 2007.
Other conference contribution

Modelling of constrained thin rubber layer with emphasis on damping

Mikael Enelund, Magnus Alvelid
Journal of Sound and Vibration. Vol. 300 (3-5), p. 662-675
Journal article

Adaptive discretization of an integro-differential equation modeling quasi-static fractional order viscoelasticity

Klas Adolfsson, Mikael Enelund, Stig Larsson
Second IFAC Workshop on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications, p. 422-426
Paper in proceeding

A computational mathematics education for students of mechanical engineering

Mikael Enelund, Stig Larsson
World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education. Vol. 5 (2), p. 329-332
Journal article

Time domain formulation of the Biot poroelastic theory using fractional calculus

Mikael Enelund, Peter Olsson
Second IFAC Workshop on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications, p. 416-421
Paper in proceeding

Discretization of integro-differential equations modeling dynamic fractional order viscoelasticity

Klas Adolfsson, Mikael Enelund, Stig Larsson et al
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, ''Proceedings of Large-Scale Scientific Computations, 2005, Sozopol, Bulgaria'', I. Lirkov, S. Margenov, and J. Wasniewski (Eds.). Vol. 3743, p. 76-83
Paper in proceeding

Development of a new computational mathematics education for the mechanical engineering program at Chalmers University of Technology

Mikael Enelund, Stig Larsson
Second International CDIO Conference, Linköping University, June 13-14, 2006.
Paper in proceeding

Absorbing boundary layers for elastic wave propagation

Håkan Lane, Per Kettil, Mikael Enelund et al
COMPLAS VIII, VIII International Conference on Computational Plasticity, CIMNE, Barcelona
Other conference contribution

Models and numerical procedures for nonlinear fractional order viscoelastics

Klas Adolfsson, Mikael Enelund, Stig Larsson
Book chapter

Modelling of Constrained thin rubber layer with emphasis on damping

Magnus Alvelid, Mikael Enelund
Proceedings of 4th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber (ECCMR), p. 493-500
Paper in proceeding

On the fractional order model of viscoelasticity

Klas Adolfsson, Mikael Enelund, Peter Olsson
Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials. Vol. 9, p. 15-34
Journal article

Models and numerical procedures for nonlinear fractional order viscoelastics

Klas Adolfsson, Mikael Enelund, Stig Larsson
Proceedings of First IFAC workshop on Fractional Differentiation and Its Applications, p. 277-282
Paper in proceeding

Adaptive discretization of fractional order viscoelasticity using sparse time history

Klas Adolfsson, Mikael Enelund, Stig Larsson
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. Vol. 193, p. 4567-4590
Journal article

Damping described by fading memory - Analysis and application to fractional derivative models

Mikael Enelund, Peter Olsson
International Journal of Solids and Structures. Vol. 36, p. 939-970
Journal article

Fractional integral formulation of constitutive equations of viscoelasticity

Mikael Enelund, Åsa Fenander, Peter Olsson
AIAA Journal. Vol. 35, p. 1356-1362
Journal article

Damping described by fading memory models

Mikael Enelund, Peter Olsson
Proceedings of the 36th Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 1 research projects


Prameco - Practicing Mechanical Engineering Online

Johan Malmqvist Product Development
Mikael Enelund Dynamics
Christian Stöhr Engineering Education Research - EER (Chalmers)
Veronica Olesen Automatic Control
European Commission (EC)

3 publications exist
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