Mike Pereira
Showing 11 publications
The Traffic Reaction Model: A kinetic compartmental approach to road traffic modeling
Non-stationary Gaussian random fields on hypersurfaces: Sampling and strong error analysis
Mean-square exponential stabilization of coupled hyperbolic systems with random parameters
Data-driven distance metrics for kriging - Short-term urban traffic state prediction
Galerkin-Chebyshev approximation of Gaussian random fields on compact Riemannian manifolds
Incremental Exponential Stability of the Unidirectional Flow Model
Parameter and density estimation from real-world traffic data: A kinetic compartmental approach
Geostatistics for Large Datasets on Riemannian Manifolds: A Matrix-Free Approach
Short-term traffic prediction using physics-aware neural networks
A matrix-free approach to geostatistical filtering
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Showing 4 research projects
Time-Evolving Stochastic Manifolds (StochMan)
Learning in Stochastic Traffic Networks
Efficient approximation methods for random fields on manifolds
STOchastic Traffic NEtworks (STONE)