Mohammad Asadzadeh
My research concerns numerical solution of partial differential equations using finite element methods. Currently I work with particle transport equations as: Fokker-Planck, Vlasov-Maxwell and Schrödinger.

Showing 106 publications
A stabilized P1 domain decomposition finite element method for time harmonic Maxwell’s equations
Preface for Proceedings of JSPS/SAC Workshops at Chalmers 2021 & 2022
Gas Dynamics with Applications in Industry and Life Sciences
A Discontinuous Galerkin Approach for Stabilized Maxwell’s Equations in Pseudo-Frequency Domain
On a multiwavelet spectral element method for integral equation of a generalized Cauchy problem
A finite volume method for the Fermi pencil-beam equation
Convergence of stabilized p1 finite element scheme for time harmonic maxwell’s equations
An introduction to the finite element method for differential equations
On hp-streamline diffusion and Nitsche schemes for the relativistic Vlasov-Maxwell system
Convergence of hp-Streamline Diffusion Method for Vlasov–Maxwell System
Finite element schemes for Fermi equation
Convergence of hp streamline diffusion method for Vlasov-Maxwell System
Use of discontinuity factors in high-order finite element methods
On multiscale variational streamline diffusion scheme for a coupled nonlinear Telegraph system.
Discrete-Ordinates and Streamline Diffusion Methods for a Flow Described by BGK Model
Convergence of finite volume scheme for three dimensional Poisson's equation
Convergence of finite volume scheme for a three dimensional Poisson's equation.
Adaptive approximate globally convergent algorithm with backscattered data.
Efficiency of combined Daubechies wavelets and statistical parameters applied in mammography.
Geometric calculus and finite element methods for Vlasov-Maxwell system
A new approach to Richardson extrapolation in the finite ellement method.
On efficiency of combined Daubechies wavelets and statistical parameters applied in mammography
Fokker-Planck operator as asymptotic limit, Inverse kinetic model and FEMs for VPFP
Spherical Harmonics and a Semidiscrete Finite Element Approximation for the Transport Equation
Combined discrete-ordinates and streamline diffusion for a flow described by BGK model
Analytical Solutions for the Pencil-Beam Equation with Energy Loss and Straggling
Adaptive approximate globally convergent algorithm with backscattered data
A posteriori error estimates for a coupled wave system with a local damping
A combined discontinuous Galerkin and finite volume scheme for multi-dimensional VPFP system
Analytical solutions for the pencil-beam equation with energy loss and straggling
On spherical harmonics and a semidiscrete finite element approximation for the transport equation
A posteriori error estimates for a coupled wave system with a local damping
Galerkin methods for primary ion transport in inhomogeneous media
Ion transport in inhomogeneous media based on the bipartition model for primary ions
Ion Transport in Inhomogeneous Media I. Bipartition Model for Primary Ions
Ion Transport in Inhomogeneous Media II. Galerkin Methods for Primary Ions
On Convergence of Mixed Finite Element Methods for the Vlasov-Poisson-Fokker-Planck System
Convergence of a hp Streamline Diffusion Scheme for Vlasov-Fokker-Planck system.
An Inverse Problem of the Synthesis of Optimal Output Variable Regulators.
Computational Algorithms for Optimization Problems for Periodic Systems
Chebyshev spectral-S_N method for the neutron transport equation.
A nodal method for absorption-diffusion problems.
Chebyshev Spectral-SN Method for the Neutron Transport Equation
Convergence of Streamline Diffusion Methods for the Vlasov-Poisson-Fokker-Planck System.
Convergence of a hp-streamline diffusion scheme for Vlasov-Fokker-Planck system
Asymptotic and Numerical Analysis of Charged Particle Beams.
On the stability of characteristic schemes for the Fermi equation
On Fully Discrete Schemes for the Fermi Pencil-Beam Equations.
The Fokker-Planck operator as an asymptotic limit in anisotropic media.
Convergence of streamline diffusion methods for the Vlaslov-Poisson-Fokker-Planck system
Convergence of a discontinuous Galerkin scheme for the neutron transport.
The Fokker-Planck operator as an asymptotic limit in anisotropic media
On fully discrete schemes for the Fermi pencil-beam equation
A posteriori error estimates for the Fokker-Planck and Fermi pencil beam equations.
Convergence of a discontinuousi Galerkin scheme for the neutron transport
Characteristic Methods for Fokker-Planck and Fermi Pencil Beam Equations
A posteriori error estimates for the Fokker-Planck and Fermi pencil beam equations
A finite element method for the neutron transport equation in an infinite cylindrical domain
On convergence of FEM for the Fokker-Planck equation
Streamline diffusion methods for the Fermi and Fokker-Planck equations
On Varitional Nodal-Diffusion Approximations
On adaptive finite element methods for Fredholm integral equations of the second kind
A review of the one-speed neutron Transport Approximation
The discrete ordinates method for the neutron transport equation in an infinite cylindrical domain
Streamline diffusion methods for the Vlasov-Poisson equation
Numerical approximations for isotropic neutron transport equation
$L_2$-error estimates for the discrete ordinates method for three-dimensional neutron transport
Convergence analysis of some numerical methods for neutron transport and Vlasov equations
Analysis of a fully discrete scheme for neutron transport in two-dimensional geometry.
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Showing 2 research projects