Silvia Muceli
Silvia Muceli is an Associate Professor in Neural Engineering. Her research focuses on surface and intramuscular electromyography, biomedical signal processing and modelling, bioelectrode development, neurophysiology of movement, sensorimotor development, and neural prosthesis control. She received her master’s degree in Electronics Engineering from the University of Cagliari (Italy) and PhD in Biomedical Science and Engineering from Aalborg University (Denmark). She completed postdoctoral training at the University Medical Center Göttingen (Germany) and Imperial College London (United Kingdom). She then joined Chalmers as Assistant Professor. She is a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, a member of the Council of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology (ISEK), a Senior member of the IEEE, treasurer of the Swedish Section of IEEE Women in Engineering and organizing committee member of the Workforce for Inclusive Science at Chalmers.

Showing 48 publications
Tutorial. Frequency analysis of the surface EMG signal: Best practices
The “Little Person” in the Brain Who Helps to Direct Our Movements
Using High Density EMG to Proportionally Control 3D Model of Human Hand
Essential tremor accentuates the pattern of tremor-band coherence between upper limb muscles
Development of functional organization within the sensorimotor network across the perinatal period
Editorial: Current Trends in Deep Learning for Movement Analysis and Prosthesis Control
The Pop and Color of Our Electrified Muscles
Deep learning for robust decomposition of high-density surface EMG signals
Proof of concept for multiple nerve transfers to a single target muscle
Motor unit characteristics after selective nerve transfers
Non-invasive analysis of motor neurons controlling the intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of the hand
Wearable multichannel haptic device for encoding proprioception in the upper limb
An fMRI compatible smart device for measuring palmar grasping actions in newborns
Tutorial. Surface EMG detection in space and time: Best practices
Signing up to motor signatures: a unique link to action
Peripheral nerve transfers change target muscle structure and function
Motor unit territories in human genioglossus estimated with multichannel intramuscular electrodes
Electrical stimulation of afferent pathways for the suppression of pathological tremor
A biologically-inspired robust control system for myoelectric control
Specificity of surface EMG recordings for gastrocnemius during upright standing
Multi-channel intramuscular and surface EMG decomposition by convolutive blind source separation
Principles of motor unit physiology evolve with advances in technology
Experimental muscle pain impairs the synergistic modular control of neck muscles
Online tremor suppression using electromyography and low level electrical stimulation
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