Patrik Höstmad
Patrik Höstmad is Associate Professor in Applied Acoustics and his research includes various aspects of sound and vibration, e.g. vehicle acoustics, environmental noise and urban planning, and ground vibrations.

Showing 67 publications
Finite Element Modelling of Tunnel Shielding in Vibration Measurements of Ground-Borne Noise
Blind estimation of sound coloration in rooms using chi-square distributions of damping constants
Visualisation of traffic noise exposure and health impact in a 3D urban environment
An urban planning tool demonstrator with auralisation and visualisation of the sound environment
An aeroacoustic study of the flow surrounding the front of a simplified ICE3 high-speed train model
Contact stiffness considerations when simulating tyre/road noise
Off-peak low noise heavy-duty vehicles, façade insulation and indoor noise disturbance
Att avveckla befintliga- och utveckla nya utbildningsprogram utan en kris
Vibrationsdämpande markfilter för reduktion av markvibrationer vid sprängning i bergtäkter
Perceptual validation of auralized heavy-duty vehicle
Voglers filter - Försök att dämpa vibrationer vid sprängning
Perceptual validation of auralized heavy-duty vehicles
Ämnesstråks-, lärsekvens- och profilansvariga som stöd i programutveckling
Importance of tread inertia and damping on the tyre/road contact stiffness
On boundary conditions of absorbers for the intensity potential approach
Auralisation of truck engine sound – preliminary results using a granular approach
Numerical Modelling of Tyre/Road Interaction
The intensity potential approach for predicting sound power flow through partial enclosures
Trafikbuller – kan framtidens bilar bli tystare?
Numerical Modelling of Tyre/Road Interaction
Influence of tread inertia during deformation using a detailed numerical tyre/road contact model
Intensity Potential Approach for Modeling High-Frequency Sound Fields
On the design of structural junctions for the purpose of hybrid passive-active vibration control
Solving the intensity potential problem by using the boundary element method
Investigation of a hybrid passive-active vibration-control configuration
Rapid tyre/road separation: An experimental study of adherence forces and noise generation
An impedance matching technique for active-passive vibration control
Modelling Non-Linear Contact Stiffness in Tyre/Road Contact
The influence of material parameters and geometry on an active junction
Modelling Effects due to Small-Scale Roughness in Tyre/Road Contact
Validation of a High Frequency Three-Dimensional Tyre Model
A contact model for predicting adherence force and noise generation in the tyre / road contact
A study of forces and noise generation in a contact including adhesive bonds
High Frequency Dynamic Behaviour of Smooth and Patterned Passenger Car Tyres
Tyre/Road Noise Generation — Modelling and Understanding
Validation of a High Frequency Tyre Model Based on the Elastic Field Equations
Experimental Study of High Frequency Response of Tyres
The Generation of the Tyre/Road Noise — Mechanisms and Models
The Modelling of Tyre/Road Noise — A Quasi Three-Dimensional Model
Simulation of the Tyre/Road Noise
A Method for Experimental Collection of Global Material Data for Tyres
Modelling of Dynamical Rolling Contact Forces
Investigation of Driving Point and Transfer Mobilities of Simple Tread Blocks on a Tyre
Experimental Verification of the Theory of Coupling-Loss Factors for Beam to Panel Junctions
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Showing 11 research projects
Metodik för att förfina prediktering av stomljud
Development of model and methodology for ground-borne noise in road and railway projects
Computation of aeroacoustic sources and sound propagation for urban challenges, part 2
Ride Comfort and Noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH) in passenger cars
Computation of aeroacoustic sources and sound propagation for urban challenges
Improved acoustical properties of launcher fairings
Increased distribution efficiency with more quiet delivery vehicles