Patrik Höstmad

Associate Professor at Applied Acoustics

Patrik Höstmad is Associate Professor in Applied Acoustics and his research includes various aspects of sound and vibration, e.g. vehicle acoustics, environmental noise and urban planning, and ground vibrations.

Image of Patrik Höstmad

Showing 67 publications


Finite Element Modelling of Tunnel Shielding in Vibration Measurements of Ground-Borne Noise

Fatemeh Dashti, Patrik Höstmad, Jens Forssén
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Vol. 14th International Work-shop on Railway Noise, IWRN 2022, p. 723-730
Paper in proceeding

Influence of Sound and Vibration on Perceived Overall Ride Comfort - A Comparison between an Electric Vehicle and a Combustion Engine Vehicle

Xiaojuan Wang, Anna-Lisa Osvalder, Patrik Höstmad
SAE International Journal of Vehicle Dynamics, Stability, and NVH. Vol. 7 (2)
Journal article

Sound and vibration influence overall ride comfort in a combustion passenger car under different driving scenarios

Xiaojuan Wang, Anna-Lisa Osvalder, Patrik Höstmad
International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics. Vol. 10 (2), p. 207-234
Journal article

Blind estimation of sound coloration in rooms using chi-square distributions of damping constants

Peter Mohlin, Patrik Höstmad
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. Vol. 152 (1), p. 456-469
Journal article

Visualisation of traffic noise exposure and health impact in a 3D urban environment

Mikael Ögren, Jens Forssén, Patrik Höstmad et al
Paper collection of the ICBEN 2021 Congress
Paper in proceeding

Using horizontal sonic crystals to reduce the aeroacosutic signature of a simplified ICE3 train model

Guglielmo Minelli, Huadong Yao, Niklas Andersson et al
Applied Acoustics. Vol. 172
Journal article

Human Response to Vibrations and Its Contribution to the Overall Ride Comfort in Automotive Vehicles - A Literature Review

Xiaojuan Wang, Anna-Lisa Osvalder, Patrik Höstmad et al
SAE Technical Papers. Vol. 2020-April (April)
Journal article

Tutorial on scaling of the discrete fourier transform and the implied physical units of the spectra of time-discrete signals

Jens Ahrens, Carl Andersson, Patrik Höstmad et al
148th Audio Engineering Society International Convention
Paper in proceeding

An urban planning tool demonstrator with auralisation and visualisation of the sound environment

Jens Forssén, Patrik Höstmad, Beata Stahre Wästberg et al
Proceedings of the FA2020 Conference, p. 869-871
Paper in proceeding

An aeroacoustic study of the flow surrounding the front of a simplified ICE3 high-speed train model

Guglielmo Minelli, Huadong Yao, Niklas Andersson et al
Applied Acoustics. Vol. 160
Journal article

Contact stiffness considerations when simulating tyre/road noise

Julia Winroth, Wolfgang Kropp, Carsten Hoever et al
Journal of Sound and Vibration. Vol. 409, p. 274-286
Journal article

Off-peak low noise heavy-duty vehicles, façade insulation and indoor noise disturbance

Patrik Höstmad, Jens Forssén, Penny Bergman et al
Proceedings of the INTER-NOISE 2016 - 45th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering: Towards a Quieter Future, p. 5258-5266
Paper in proceeding

Att avveckla befintliga- och utveckla nya utbildningsprogram utan en kris

Caroline Ingelhammar, Patrik Höstmad, Kaj Suneson
5:e Utvecklingskonferensen för Sveriges ingenjörsutbildningar, Uppsala universitet, 18 – 19 november 2015
Paper in proceeding

Vibrationsdämpande markfilter för reduktion av markvibrationer vid sprängning i bergtäkter

Pontus Thorsson, Monica Soldinger Almefelt, Patrik Höstmad

Towards a low noise truck specification

Patrik Höstmad, Penny Bergman, Jens Forssén

Perceptual validation of auralized heavy-duty vehicle

Penny Bergman, Astrid Pieringer, Jens Forssén et al
Proceedings of Euronoise 2015, Maastricht, June 1-3, 2015, p. 769-774
Paper in proceeding

Voglers filter - Försök att dämpa vibrationer vid sprängning

Pontus Thorsson, Patrik Höstmad
SBMI Branschdagar (Sveriges Bergmaterialindustri), Umeå, 22 oktober, 2015
Other conference contribution

Perceptual validation of auralized heavy-duty vehicles

Penny Bergman, Astrid Pieringer, Jens Forssén et al
Euronoise 2015, p. 769-774
Paper in proceeding

Ämnesstråks-, lärsekvens- och profilansvariga som stöd i programutveckling

Patrik Höstmad, Caroline Ingelhammar, Kaj Suneson
5:e Utvecklingskonferensen för Sveriges ingenjörsutbildningar, Uppsala universitet, 18 – 19 november 2015
Paper in proceeding

Importance of tread inertia and damping on the tyre/road contact stiffness

Julia Winroth, Patrik Andersson, Wolfgang Kropp
Journal of Sound and Vibration. Vol. 333 (21), p. 5378-5385
Journal article

On boundary conditions of absorbers for the intensity potential approach

Patrik Andersson
AIA-DAGA 2013 Conference on Acoustics, Meran, Italy, March 18-21, 2013
Paper in proceeding

Auralisation of truck engine sound – preliminary results using a granular approach

Jens Forssén, Patrik Andersson, Penny Bergman et al
AIA-DAGA, Merano, mars 2013
Paper in proceeding

Numerical Modelling of Tyre/Road Interaction

Patrik Andersson, Carsten Hoever, Julia Winroth et al
Scientific Bulletin, Automotive Series. Vol. 22
Journal article

Boundary Element Method for Intensity Potential Approach: Predicting the Radiated Sound Power from Partially Enclosed Noise Sources

Patrik Andersson, E. Lindberg
Acta Acustica united with Acustica. Vol. 98 (4), p. 588-599
Journal article

The intensity potential approach for predicting sound power flow through partial enclosures

Patrik Andersson, Michael Thivant, Jean-Louis Guyader
18th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2011, ICSV 2011, Rio de Janeiro, 10 - 14 July 2011. Vol. 2, p. 1261-1275
Paper in proceeding

Evaluation of approximations used for the tread layer response and road surface roughness in numerical models of the tyre/road contact

Julia Winroth, Patrik Andersson
18th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2011, ICSV 2011, Rio de Janeiro, 10 - 14 July 2011. Vol. 2, p. 1666-1673
Paper in proceeding

Predicting sound power radiated from engine bays using decomposition of the vector field of sound intensity

Patrik Andersson
Svenska Mekanikdagar, 13-15 Juni 2011, Chalmers tekniska högskola, Göteborg
Other conference contribution

Trafikbuller – kan framtidens bilar bli tystare?

Patrik Andersson
SPs byggdagar 2011, 5-6 oktober, Borås
Other conference contribution

Numerical Modelling of Tyre/Road Interaction

Patrik Andersson, Carsten Hoever, Julia Winroth et al
Exploratory Workshop: Modern Methods of Vibro-Acoustic Studies With Automotive Applications, University of Pitesti, Romania, November 24-25, 2011
Other conference contribution

Influence of tread inertia during deformation using a detailed numerical tyre/road contact model

Julia Winroth, Patrik Andersson
Proceedings - 6th Forum Acusticum 2011, Aalborg, 27 June - 1 July 2011, p. 2431-2434
Paper in proceeding

Intensity Potential Approach for Modeling High-Frequency Sound Fields

Michael Thivant, Patrik Andersson, Jean-Louis Guyader
Acta Acustica united with Acustica. Vol. 97 (1), p. 103-114
Journal article

Implementation of non-linear contact stiffness and adhesion in a numerical model for tyre/road contact

Julia Winroth, Patrik Andersson
Proceedings of InterNoise 2010, Lissabon, Portugal, June 13-16, 2010
Paper in proceeding

On the design of structural junctions for the purpose of hybrid passive-active vibration control

Jonas Svensson, Patrik Andersson, Wolfgang Kropp
Journal of Sound and Vibration. Vol. 329 (9), p. 1274-1288
Journal article

Solving the intensity potential problem by using the boundary element method

Patrik Andersson
Proceedings of InterNoise2010, 13-16 June 2010, Lisbon, Portugal
Paper in proceeding

Feedforward control of bending waves in frequency domain at structural junctions using an impedance formulation

Jonas Svensson, Patrik Andersson, Joachim Scheuren et al
Journal of Sound and Vibration. Vol. 323 (3-5), p. 555-573
Journal article

Investigation of a hybrid passive-active vibration-control configuration

Jonas Svensson, Patrik Andersson, Wolfgang Kropp
Proceeding of Noise and Vibration: Emergin Methods; 5-8 April 2009; Oxford, England
Paper in proceeding

Boundary element formulation using modified Green's functions for media with random distribution of scattering objects

Patrik Andersson
Proceedings of NOVEM 2009 Noise and Vibration: Emerging Methods, Oxford, UK (108)
Paper in proceeding

Rapid tyre/road separation: An experimental study of adherence forces and noise generation

Patrik Andersson, Wolfgang Kropp
Wear. Vol. 266 (1-2), p. 129-138
Journal article

Active scattering control of flexural waves at beam junctions: The influence of beam properties on power flow and control effort

Jonas Svensson, Patrik Andersson, Joachim Scheuren et al
Journal of Sound and Vibration. Vol. 313 (3-5), p. 418-432
Journal article

Time domain contact model for tyre/road interaction including nonlinear contact stiffness due to small-scale roughness

Patrik Andersson, Wolfgang Kropp
Journal of Sound and Vibration. Vol. 318 (1-2), p. 296-312
Journal article

An impedance matching technique for active-passive vibration control

Jonas Svensson, Patrik Andersson, Wolfgang Kropp
Acoustics 08, Paris, June 29-July 4, 2008
Paper in proceeding

Experimental Investigation of Sound Power Radiation From Partly Open Enclosure With Numerous Interior Objects

Eskil Lindberg, Patrik Andersson
19th International Congress on Acoustics, Madrid, 2007
Paper in proceeding

Modelling Non-Linear Contact Stiffness in Tyre/Road Contact

Patrik Andersson
19th International Congress on Acoustics, Madrid, 2007
Paper in proceeding

The influence of material parameters and geometry on an active junction

Jonas Svensson, Patrik Andersson, Wolfgang Kropp
International Congress on Acoustics, Madrid 2007, p. 6-
Paper in proceeding

Modelling Effects due to Small-Scale Roughness in Tyre/Road Contact

Patrik Andersson
Proceedings of EuroNoise 2006, 30 May - 1 June, 2006
Paper in proceeding

Framtidsbilder för samhällsbyggnad

Patrik Andersson, Ulf Boman, Johan Funehag et al

Identification of complex moduli for rubber compounds by minimisation of the error between measured and FE-modelled velocity profiles

Jonas Svensson, Patrik Andersson
Paper in proceeding

Validation of a High Frequency Three-Dimensional Tyre Model

Patrik Andersson, Krister Larsson
Acta Acustica united with Acustica. Vol. 91 (1), p. 121-131
Journal article

Contact forces and noise generation during hastily separation of tyre tread blocks from road surfaces

Patrik Andersson
Constitutive Models for Rubber IV — Austrell and Kari (eds), p. 571-577
Paper in proceeding

A contact model for predicting adherence force and noise generation in the tyre / road contact

Patrik Andersson
Proceedings of NOVEM (Noise and Vibration: Emerging Methods), Saint-Raphaël, France
Paper in proceeding

A study of forces and noise generation in a contact including adhesive bonds

Patrik Andersson, Wolfgang Kropp
Nordic Vibration Research 2004, June 3-4, (The Scandinavian Vibration Society,
Paper in proceeding

High Frequency Dynamic Behaviour of Smooth and Patterned Passenger Car Tyres

Patrik Andersson, Krister Larsson, Frédéric Wullens et al
Acta Acustica united with Acustica. Vol. 90 (3), p. 445-456
Journal article

Tyre/Road Noise Generation — Modelling and Understanding

Wolfgang Kropp, Krister Larsson, Frédéric Wullens et al
Spring meeting of the Institute of Acoustics, Southampton, Uk, March 29/30, 2004
Paper in proceeding

Validation of a High Frequency Tyre Model Based on the Elastic Field Equations

Patrik Andersson, Krister Larsson
Conference proceedings of the 10th Interational Congress on Sound and Vibration, July 7-10 2003, Stockholm, Sweden
Paper in proceeding

Experimental Study of High Frequency Response of Tyres

Patrik Andersson, Krister Larsson, Frédéric Wullens et al
EuroNoise2003, May 19-21 2003, Naples, Italy
Paper in proceeding

The Generation of the Tyre/Road Noise — Mechanisms and Models

Wolfgang Kropp, Krister Larsson, Frédéric Wullens et al
Conference proceedings of the 10th Interational Congress on Sound and Vibration, July 7-10 2003, Stockholm, Sweden
Paper in proceeding

High Frequency Tyre Vibrations

Patrik Andersson
Licentiate thesis

The Modelling of Tyre/Road Noise — A Quasi Three-Dimensional Model

Wolfgang Kropp, Krister Larsson, Frédéric Wullens et al
InterNoise2001, The Hague, The Netherlands
Paper in proceeding

Simulation of the Tyre/Road Noise

Wolfgang Kropp, Krister Larsson, Frédéric Wullens et al
Styrian Noise, Vibration & Harshness Congress 2001, Acoustic Competence Center, Graz, Austria
Other conference contribution

A Method for Experimental Collection of Global Material Data for Tyres

Patrik Andersson, Krister Larsson, Wolfgang Kropp
Nordic Vibration Research 2001, Stockholm, Sweden (The Scandianvian Vibration Society,
Other conference contribution

Modelling of Dynamical Rolling Contact Forces

Krister Larsson, Wolfgang Kropp, Patrik Andersson
Nordic Vibration Research 2001, Stockholm, Sweden (The Scandianvian Vibration Society,
Other conference contribution

Investigation of Driving Point and Transfer Mobilities of Simple Tread Blocks on a Tyre

Patrik Andersson, Krister Larsson, Wolfgang Kropp
17th International Congress on Acoustics, Rome, Italy, 2001
Paper in proceeding

Optimisation of Damping Layers

Wolfgang Kropp, Patrik Andersson

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Showing 11 research projects


Metodik för att förfina prediktering av stomljud

Patrik Höstmad Applied Acoustics
Jens Forssén Applied Acoustics
Fatemeh Dashti Applied Acoustics
Swedish Transport Administration


Development of model and methodology for ground-borne noise in road and railway projects

Patrik Höstmad Applied Acoustics
Jens Forssén Applied Acoustics
Fatemeh Dashti Applied Acoustics
Swedish Transport Administration


Computation of aeroacoustic sources and sound propagation for urban challenges, part 2

Niklas Andersson Fluid Dynamics
Patrik Höstmad Applied Acoustics
Huadong Yao Fluid Dynamics
Sinisa Krajnovic Fluid Dynamics
Guglielmo Minelli Fluid Dynamics

2 publications exist

Ride Comfort and Noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH) in passenger cars

Anna-Lisa Osvalder Design & Human Factors
Xiaojuan Wang Design & Human Factors
Patrik Höstmad Applied Acoustics
China-Euro Vehicle Technology (CEVT) AB

6 publications exist

Computation of aeroacoustic sources and sound propagation for urban challenges

Niklas Andersson Fluid Dynamics
Sinisa Krajnovic Fluid Dynamics
Huadong Yao Fluid Dynamics
Patrik Höstmad Applied Acoustics

1 publication exists

A demonstrator for virtual planning and scenario analysis of invisible environmental factors with focus on noise in the city (DemoVirPEN)

Fabio Latino Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Beata Stahre Wästberg Interaction design
Daniel Sjölie Interaction design
Monica Billger Architectural theory and methods
Jens Forssén Applied Acoustics
Patrik Höstmad Applied Acoustics

4 publications exist

Vibration attenuating metamaterial (ground filter) for reduction of ground vibrations caused by blasting in quarries

Patrik Höstmad Applied Acoustics
Pontus Thorsson Applied Acoustics
Development Fund of the Swedish Construction Industry (SBUF)


Improved acoustical properties of launcher fairings

Patrik Höstmad Applied Acoustics
Wolfgang Kropp Applied Acoustics
Swedish National Space Board



Dan Andersson Logistics & Transportation
Jens Forssén Applied Acoustics
Patrik Höstmad Applied Acoustics
Penny Bergman Applied Acoustics


Increased distribution efficiency with more quiet delivery vehicles

Penny Bergman Applied Acoustics
Patrik Höstmad Applied Acoustics
Jens Forssén Applied Acoustics
Astrid Pieringer Applied Acoustics

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