Sten Gromark
Showing 124 publications
Editors' Notes: Offering a Visionary Reality - Architecture as Fiction
Urban space and public life - intro part 2
Explorations on Residential Resilience—brf Viva 2011-2019
Architectural anthropology: An Introduction
Architectural Anthropology: Exploring Lived Space
Diss. review of Anne Hedegaard Winther: Urban Compact Living - Making Home in the City.
The Multipurpose Use of Social Sustainability - A Swedish Case; Brf Viva 2019
Architecture for residential care and ageing communities: Spaces for dwelling and healthcare
Architecture for Residential Care and Ageing Communities: Spaces for Dwelling and Healthcare.
Voices from the Inside: Residents’ Experiences in the Bois-le-Prêtre Alteration Project, Paris, 2013
Architecture in Effect Vol #1(2) : Rethinking the Social in Architecture – Making Effects.
From Housing to Residing: Conceptual considerations.
Social Housing Renewal Challenged: La tour Bois-le-Prêtre, Paris 2012
Ways of residing in transformation - Interdisciplinary perspectives.
The Experience of Converted Spaces in Tallinn: Symbolic Change and Becoming of Identities
Social Sustainability in Residential Solutions – A Swedish Case.
Residential Futures. Editors' Afterword.
Ways of residing in transformation: Interdisciplinary perspectives
'Situations of Empowerment or Denigration? [Review of Architecture and the Welfare State 2015]
Voices of Residents – An Analytical Method; Henri Raymond 1966
The Becoming of Identities: A Case of Residential Resilience - Tour Bois-le-Prêtre, Paris, 2012.
Architectures and Philosophies in Turmoil: Critical Situations of Architectural and Social Change.
A Case of Symbolic Transgression
A Third Wave of Receptions: Space as Concrete Abstraction, Lukasz Stanek on Henri Lefebvre
The Primacy of Residential Quality in Urban Creation. A Current Observation on a Recurring Notion
Shared housing and spatial invention / Habitat partagé et innovation spatiale - Europan 13 Themes
Ombyggnad med omtanke om det sociala i boendets arkitektur
The Becoming of Residential Identities: A Case of Residential Resilience - Bois-le-Prêtre, 2012
Bakåtblickar - Framtidsvyer / Looking Backwards - Looking Forwards
Consuming Quality – Residential Prospects in Interdisciplinary Focus. The Fahle Maja Case
Free Value. Residential Architecture and Symbolic Cultural Consumption
Three days that didn't shake Göteborg
Skolrummets danande atmosfärer – mellan disciplinerande underkastelse och förlösande befrielse.
Mellan profession och akademi. Reflektioner kring arkitekturforskningens egenart.
Tre dagar som inte skakade Göteborg
Christiania - en studie i motståndets estetiska former
Bostadens rum. Chalmersarkitekter om bostadens kvalitéer
Extreme housing : La cité manifeste, Mulhouse 2005
Situations of Urban Architecture as Cultural Explorations
Cité Manifeste - Mulhouse 2005
Studier i motståndets estetiska former, rec. Maria Hellström, 2006, Steal this place [diss.]
Guy Debord och Situationens politiska estetik
Situationer av Arkitektur. Arkitekturprojektets filosofi: Makt, Begär och Situation
Situations of urban architecture as cultural explorations
Situations of Urban Architecture as Cultural Explorations
Kraftspel i urban och samhällelig förändring - En utforskande arkitektur.
"kasper salinpriset / the kasper salin prize 1998-2001 förord/preface
Arkitektur som kunskapsstrategi.
The Singularity of Architectural Research
Jönköpings högskola. Samspelad kvartett med dissonanser.
Arkitektur - forskningsfält med egenart
Henri Lefebvre: Ett seklets vittnesbörd
Learning from Karlskrona : Beyond Convention and Invention.
Absolut Abstraktion - Om Eduardo Souto de Moura.
Laurent Beaudouin: Ljuset är i arkitekturen förkroppsligad materia.
Det stora blå : Henri Ciriani.
Arkitektur speglar samhällets kulturella tillstånd.
Korrugerad plast - ger himmelsk transparens i ny holländsk arkitektur
Brief Commentary to Hélène Vacher's article Henri Prost: The Moroccan Experience
A Balanced Conception of Modernity : The Case of Stumholmen
Belleville, en fransk aptitretare. Arkitekturskolan Belleville i Paris
Projets de sauvegarde du patrimoine liés au développement social et culturel en Suède
Med arkitektur...Befria eller Beslå...? Ett modernismens dilemma.
Goteborg - Stacken, La fourmiliere La vie communautaire à la suédoise
Den svenska scenen. Ur den post-funktionalistiska vilsenheten mot en poetisk modernism?
Stadsgestaltningens renässans - en fråga om stadens arkitektur som ett socialt projekt?
Autentisk Arkitektur med en inledande essä med titeln Bostadsfrågan som en Arkitekturfråga
Henri Lefebvre - Vardagligheten och Staden, efterord, i Staden som Rättighet.
Att bygga, bo och förvalta - gemensamt! Exempel från Frankrike
Från Produktionens Rum till Rummets Produktion.
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Showing 5 research projects
Architectures and Philosophies in Turmoil - The Case of France Post 68
Architecture in Effect - The Becoming of Residential Identities
Architecture in Effect: Rethinking the Social in Architecture