Sheedeh Fouladvand

Showing 17 publications


Comparative Study of SO<inf>2</inf> and SO<inf>2</inf>/SO<inf>3</inf> Poisoning and Regeneration of Cu/BEA and Cu/SSZ-13 for NH<inf>3</inf> SCR

Xavier Auvray, Maria Arvanitidou, Åsa Högström et al
Emission Control Science and Technology. Vol. 7 (4), p. 232-246
Journal article

Unsteady-state operation of supported platinum catalysts for high conversion of methane

Sheedeh Fouladvand, Magnus Skoglundh, Per-Anders Carlsson
Chemical Engineering Journal. Vol. 292, p. 321-325
Journal article

Methyl crotonate hydrogenation over Pt: Effects of support and metal dispersion

Hu Chaoquan, Derek Creaser, Sheedeh Fouladvand et al
Applied Catalysis A: General. Vol. 511, p. 106-116
Journal article

Chemistry of supported palladium nanoparticles during methane oxidation

Johan Nilsson, Per-Anders Carlsson, Sheedeh Fouladvand et al
ACS Catalysis. Vol. 5 (4), p. 2481-2489
Journal article

A transient in situ infrared spectroscopy study on methane oxidation over supported Pt catalysts

Sheedeh Fouladvand, Magnus Skoglundh, Per-Anders Carlsson
Catalysis Science and Technology. Vol. 4 (10), p. 3463-3473
Journal article

Inside front cover

Sheedeh Fouladvand, Magnus Skoglundh, Per-Anders Carlsson
Catalysis Science and Technology. Vol. 4 (10), p. 3396-3396
Journal article

Mechanisms behind sulfur promoted oxidation of methane

Djamela Bounechada, Sheedeh Fouladvand, Torben Pingel et al
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. Vol. 15 (22), p. 8648-8661
Journal article

Methane oxidation over Pd supported on ceria–alumina under rich/lean cycling conditions

Sheedeh Fouladvand, Stefan Schernich, Jörg Libuda et al
Topics in Catalysis. Vol. 56 (1-8), p. 410-415
Journal article

Methane oxidation over Pd supported on ceria-alumina

Sheedeh Fouladvand, Stefan Schernich, Jörg Libuda et al
Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on Catalysis and Automotive Pollution Control (CAPoC9), Brussels, Belgium, August 29-31
Paper in proceeding

Sulfur promoted methane oxidation over supported platinum catalysts

Per-Anders Carlsson, Sheedeh Fouladvand, Bounechada Djamela et al
Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on Catalysis and Automotive Pollution Control (CAPoC9), Brussels, Belgium, August 29-31
Paper in proceeding

In situ studies of supported platinum catalysts for environmental applications -Mechanistic consequences of periodic operation for catalytic oxidation of CO and methane

Magnus Skoglundh, Elin Becker, Lisa Kylhammar et al
Presented at the Swedish-German Workshop on In situ X-ray Techniques, Rosersberg Castle, Sweden, October 6-7 2011
Paper in proceeding

Methane oxidation over Pd supported on ceria-alumina

Sheedeh Fouladvand, Henrik Grönbeck, Per-Anders Carlsson et al
22st North American Catalysis Society Meeting (22th NAM), Detroit, USA, June 5-10, 2011
Paper in proceeding

Methane oxidation over supported noble metals-mechanistic consequences of transient operation

Per-Anders Carlsson, Elin Becker, Lisa Kylhammar et al
Proceedings of the 22st North American Meeting Detroit, USA, June 5-11
Paper in proceeding

Fault Tree Analysis, Strengths and Weaknesses

Sheedeh Fouladvand, PAYAM GHIACI, Mohammad Shahriari
Other conference contribution

A simple methodology for environmental risk evaluation: a case study related to water resources management

Mohammad Shahriari, Sheedeh Fouladvand, Nasim Shekari et al
Proceedings of International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene SHO 2008, 7 and 8th February, Guimarães, Portugal, p. 297-302
Paper in proceeding

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