Sheedeh Fouladvand
Showing 17 publications
Unsteady-state operation of supported platinum catalysts for high conversion of methane
Methyl crotonate hydrogenation over Pt: Effects of support and metal dispersion
Chemistry of supported palladium nanoparticles during methane oxidation
A transient in situ infrared spectroscopy study on methane oxidation over supported Pt catalysts
Mechanisms behind sulfur promoted oxidation of methane
Promoting methane oxidation: Effect of catalyst composition and transient operation
Methane oxidation over Pd supported on ceria–alumina under rich/lean cycling conditions
Methane oxidation over Pd supported on ceria-alumina
Sulfur promoted methane oxidation over supported platinum catalysts
Methane oxidation over Pd supported on ceria-alumina
Methane oxidation over supported noble metals-mechanistic consequences of transient operation
Fault Tree Analysis, Strengths and Weaknesses
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