Martin Löwstedt
Martin is an Associate Professor at the Division of Innovation and R&D Management. His research is focused on change management and industry transitions, with a special interest in the built environment sector. Martin is currently conducting research within the areas "future business models construction companies", "digital transformation in the built environment sector", and "innovation leadership". He is teaching courses in leadership at the Master- and PhD level.
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Showing 40 publications
Pastoral power in leadership work: the relational leadership idiom in the construction industry
Navigating the logics of changing public facilities management
Sund konkurrens i bygg- och anläggningssektorn kräver sunt ledarskap
Strategy wayfinding: Backstage rehearsal for frontstage enactment
Navigating the Logics of Changing Public Facilities Management
Liberating the semantics: Embodied work(man)ship in construction
The indispensable site manager: normalization of overwork in the construction industry
Doing strategy in project-based organizations: Actors and patterns of action
Hur sker förändring inom svensk byggbransch? En studie om initiativ, logiker, och roller
The site manager as an omnious being: Exploring the ‘body’ in embodiment of organizational spaces
The site manager as an omnious being: Exploring the 'body' in embodiment of organizational spaces
Exploring the Work Practices of Site Managers as Processes of Embodiment
Strategizing in construction: Exploring practices and paradoxes
Social identity in construction: enactments and outcomes
Game of experts: Management consultants vying for power in unfamiliar fields
Strategy workshops: The fusing of the past and the future in the present
Using positioning theory to understand construction of selfhood in strategy audits
"Being a construction worker": Identity effects as a self-reinforcing mechanism in construction
Exploring the concept of strategy using a practice lens: The case of a large construction company
Bringing on-site identities into the boardroom: A self-reinforcing mechanism in construction
"Playing back-spin balls": Narrating organizational change in construction
“Two strides forward, one stride back:” Strategy practice as chains of conversations
Strategy work in a large construction company: personified strategies as drivers för change
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Showing 9 research projects
Ledarskapets roll för digital transformation av samhällsbyggnadssektorn
Digitialization and business models in the built environment ecosystem: Future scenarios
The role of leadership to transform the built environement sector
Managning strategic change in public facilties management organizations
Barriers and drivers for a digitally driven industry development
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