Martin Löwstedt

Associate Professor at Innovation and R&D Management

Martin is an Associate Professor at the Division of Innovation and R&D Management. His research is focused on change management and industry transitions, with a special interest in the built environment sector. Martin is currently conducting research within the areas "future business models construction companies", "digital transformation in the built environment sector", and "innovation leadership". He is teaching courses in leadership at the Master- and PhD level.

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Showing 40 publications


Unravelling the work of knowledge professionals: a neo-institutional exploration of knowledge transfer in the construction industry

Anders Sköld, Johanna Pregmark, Martin Löwstedt et al
Other conference contribution

Leadership and digital transformation in the construction industry: a qualitative exploration of leadership practices

Mikael Lantz, Martin Löwstedt, Joakim Netz
Association of Researchers in Construction Management, ARCOM 2024 - Proceedings of the 40th Annual Conference, p. 101-110
Paper in proceeding

Innovationshubben SKILLS Systemdemonstration av hållbar omställning i ekosystem genom digitalisering och affärsutveckling

Martin Löwstedt, Dan Engström, Olle Samuelsson et al
Report - Smart Built Environment

Pastoral power in leadership work: the relational leadership idiom in the construction industry

Alexander Styhre, Jonas Fasth, Martin Löwstedt
Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management. Vol. 18 (1), p. 84-101
Journal article

Moving Beyond 'Business as Usual'? Exploring Digital Transformation in the Swedish Construction Sector

Dilek Ulutas Duman, Martin Löwstedt, Viktoria Sundquist
In: Tutesigensi, A and Neilson, C J (Eds) Proceedings of the 38th Annual ARCOM Conference (38th annual conference), p. 45-51
Paper in proceeding

Leadership under construction: A qualitative exploration of leadership processes in construction companies in Sweden.

Martin Löwstedt, Jonas Fasth, Alexander Styhre
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management - ASCE. Vol. 147 (12)
Journal article

Lost and found in translation: top-down decoupling and bottom-up recoupling of strategies and practices in construction production

Dimosthenis Kifokeris, Martin Löwstedt
Proceedings of the 37th Annual ARCOM Conference, ARCOM 2021, p. 532-541
Paper in proceeding

Navigating the logics of changing public facilities management

Ingrid Svensson, Martin Löwstedt
Facilities. Vol. 39 (11-12), p. 737-758
Journal article

Working in a loosely coupled system: exploring practices and implications of coupling work on construction sites

Rikard Sandberg, Martin Löwstedt, Christine Räisänen
Construction Management and Economics. Vol. 39 (3), p. 212-226
Journal article

Standardizing the free and independent professional: The case of construction site managers in Sweden

Martin Löwstedt, Rikard Sandberg
Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management. Vol. 27 (6), p. 1337-1355
Journal article

Sund konkurrens i bygg- och anläggningssektorn kräver sunt ledarskap

Christine Räisänen, Martin Löwstedt, Charlotte Wäreborn-Shultz
Sund konkurrens i bygg- och anläggningssektorn kräver sunt ledarskap, p. 159-168
Book chapter

Strategy wayfinding: Backstage rehearsal for frontstage enactment

Christine Räisänen, Kajsa Simu, Martin Löwstedt
Nordic Academy of Management conference. Vol. 2019
Paper in proceeding

Navigating the Logics of Changing Public Facilities Management

Ingrid Svensson, Martin Löwstedt
Proceedings of the 35th Annual ARCOM Conference, 2-4 September 2019, Leeds, UK, Association of Researchers in Construction Management
Paper in proceeding

Liberating the semantics: Embodied work(man)ship in construction

Rikard Sandberg, Christine Räisänen, Martin Löwstedt et al
Societies under Construction , p. 115-149
Book chapter

The indispensable site manager: normalization of overwork in the construction industry

Rikard Sandberg, Martin Löwstedt, Christine Räisänen
Other conference contribution

CEOs narrating leadership: Constant gardeners, team players, actionable pragmatists and business directors

Martin Löwstedt, Christine Räisänen
Proceeding of the 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, ARCOM 2018, p. 697-706
Paper in proceeding

Doing strategy in project-based organizations: Actors and patterns of action

Martin Löwstedt, Christine Räisänen, Roine Leiringer
International Journal of Project Management. Vol. 36 (6), p. 889-898
Journal article

The site manager as an omnious being: Exploring the ‘body’ in embodiment of organizational spaces

Rickard Sandberg, Martin Löwstedt, Christine Räisänen et al
EGOS conference, Naples 2016, 6-9 July, Sub-Theme 4: Diversity, Embodiment and Affect
Paper in proceeding

The site manager as an omnious being: Exploring the 'body' in embodiment of organizational spaces

Rikard Sandberg, Martin Löwstedt, Christine Räisänen et al
Other conference contribution

The problematic of place-taking and space-making in liminal practices: Contending experts appropriating space

Christine Räisänen, Martin Löwstedt, Max Rapp-Ricciardi
EGOS conference, Naples 2016, 6-9 July, Sub-Theme 17: Expert Power and Management: The Role of Management and Occupations in Shaping Organizations, Institutions and Societies
Paper in proceeding

Exploring the Work Practices of Site Managers as Processes of Embodiment

Rikard Sandberg, Christine Räisänen, Martin Löwstedt
In: P W Chan and C J Neilson (Eds.) Proceedings of the 32nd Annual ARCOM Conference. Vol. 2, p. 679-688
Paper in proceeding

‘Taking off my glasses in order to see’: exploring practice on a building site using self-reflexive ethnography

Martin Löwstedt
Construction Management and Economics. Vol. 33 (5-6), p. 404-414
Journal article

Stakes and struggles in liminal spaces: construction practitioners interacting with management-consultants

Christine Räisänen, Martin Löwstedt
Engineering Project Organization Journal. Vol. 4 (2-3), p. 123-133
Journal article

Social identity in construction: enactments and outcomes

Martin Löwstedt, Christine Räisänen
Construction Management and Economics. Vol. 32 (11), p. 1093-1105
Journal article

"Taking off my glasses in order to see": exploring practice on a building site using self-reflexive ethnography

Martin Löwstedt
Raiden, A B and Aboagye-Nimo, E (Eds) Proceedings of the 30th Annual ARCOM Conference, 1-3 September 2014, Portsmouth, UK, Association of Researchers in Construction Management, p. 247-256
Paper in proceeding

Game of experts: Management consultants vying for power in unfamiliar fields

Christine Räisänen, Martin Löwstedt
EGOS conference, Rotterdam, 3-5 July, Sub-theme 41: The Power of Management Experts in Organizations and Society
Paper in proceeding

Strategy workshops: The fusing of the past and the future in the present

Christine Räisänen, Ann-Charlotte Stenberg, Martin Löwstedt
CIB World Building Congress, Construction and Society, Brisbane, 5-9 May 2013
Paper in proceeding

Using positioning theory to understand construction of selfhood in strategy audits

Christine Räisänen, Ann-Charlotte Stenberg, Martin Löwstedt
28th Egos Colloquium, Helsinki, Sub-theme 05 Strategy-as-Practice
Paper in proceeding

"Being a construction worker": Identity effects as a self-reinforcing mechanism in construction

Martin Löwstedt, Christine Räisänen
CIB 2012 Conference Proceedings, Montréal
Paper in proceeding

Bringing on-site identities into the boardroom: A self-reinforcing mechanism in construction

Martin Löwstedt, Christine Räisänen
28th Egos Colloquium, Helsinki, Sub-theme 21 Self-reinforcing processes in organizations
Paper in proceeding

"Playing back-spin balls": Narrating organizational change in construction

Martin Löwstedt, Christine Räisänen
Construction Management and Economics. Vol. 30 (9), p. 795-806
Journal article

“Two strides forward, one stride back:” Strategy practice as chains of conversations

Christine Räisänen, Ann-Charlotte Stenberg, Martin Löwstedt
27th EGOS Colloquium, Göteborg, 2011
Other conference contribution

Strategy work in a large construction company: personified strategies as drivers för change

Martin Löwstedt, Christine Räisänen, Ann-Charlotte Stenberg et al
6th Nordic conference on Construction Economics and Organisation, 13-15 April, 2011, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Paper in proceeding

How does change happen in a large construction company: Comparing objectified and lived versions of change

Martin Löwstedt, Christine Räisänen, Ann-Charlotte Stenberg
27th Annual Conference of the Association of Researchers in Construction Management, ARCOM 2011. Bristol, 5 - 7 September 2011. Vol. 1, p. 85-94
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 9 research projects


Ledarskapets roll för digital transformation av samhällsbyggnadssektorn

Martin Löwstedt Innovation and R&D Management
Development Fund of the Swedish Construction Industry (SBUF)

1 publication exists

The skills innovation hub – Systems demonstration of sustainable transition in ecosystems through digitalisation and business development

Martin Löwstedt Innovation and R&D Management
Vinnova, Formas, Energimyndigheten

1 publication exists

Digitialization and business models in the built environment ecosystem: Future scenarios

Martin Löwstedt Innovation and R&D Management
Viktoria Sundquist Construction Management

2 publications exist

Digitaliseringsdrivna värden och affärsmodeller i samhällsbyggnadssektorns ekosystem: En detaljerad framtidsspaning

Martin Löwstedt Innovation and R&D Management
Viktoria Sundquist Construction Management


The role of leadership to transform the built environement sector

Alexander Styhre Unknown organization
Martin Löwstedt Innovation and R&D Management
Centre for Management of the Built Environment (CMB)

1 publication exists

Managning strategic change in public facilties management organizations

Pernilla Gluch Service Management and Logistics
Ingrid Svensson Service Management and Logistics
Martin Löwstedt Construction Management
Sara Brorström Unknown organization
Centre for Management of the Built Environment (CMB)

4 publications exist

Barriers and drivers for a digitally driven industry development

Martin Löwstedt Construction Management


Mapping middle managers´ work situation and leadership potential to enhance social sustainability in the construction sector: A question of futures thinking

Christine Räisänen Construction Management
Martin Löwstedt Construction Management
Rikard Sandberg Construction Management

2 publications exist

Vad driver verkliga förbättringar: konkurrensen, utvecklingsintresset eller modetrenderna?

Martin Löwstedt Construction Management
Development Fund of the Swedish Construction Industry (SBUF)

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