Ulf Assarsson

Showing 57 publications
Method of real-time generation of 3d imaging
Real-Time Hair Filtering with Convolutional Neural Networks
Addressing the Shape-Radiance Ambiguity in View-Dependent Radiance Fields
Improved Accuracy for Prism-Based Motion Blur
PERF: Performant, Explicit Radiance Fields
Fast Analytical Motion Blur with Transparency
UV-free Texturing using Sparse Voxel DAGs
User-guided 3D reconstruction using multi-view stereo
Spherical Gaussian Light‐field Textures for Fast Precomputed Global Illumination
Compressing color data for voxelized surface geometry
Compressing color data for voxelized surface geometry
Photon Splatting Using a View-Sample Cluster Hierarchy
Fast, Memory-Efficient Construction of Voxelized Shadows
Exploiting coherence in time-varying voxel data
More Efficient Virtual Shadow Maps for Many Lights
Fast, Memory-Efficient Construction of Voxelized Shadows
Compact Precomputed Voxelized Shadows
Implementing efficient virtual shadow maps for many lights
Per-Triangle Shadow Volumes Using a View-Sample Cluster Hierarchy
Efficient Virtual Shadow Maps for Many Lights
High Resolution Sparse Voxel DAGs
PDQ: Parallel Distance Queries for Deformable Meshes
Clustered Deferred and Forward Shading
Tiled and clustered forward shading: supporting transparency and MSAA
Real-Time Multiple Scattering using Light Propagation Volumes
Real Time Volumetric Shadows using Polygonal Light Volumes
Beyond programmable shading (parts I and II)
Dynamic Transparency for 3D Visualization: Design and Evaluation
Efficient stream compaction on wide SIMD many-core architectures
Hair Self Shadowing and Transparency Depth Ordering Using Occupancy maps
Fast Parallel GPU-Sorting Using a Hybrid Algorithm
Sample Based Visibility for Soft Shadows using Alias-free Shadow Maps
Real-Time Approximate Sorting for Self Shadowing and Transparency in Hair Rendering
Whitted Ray-Tracing for Dynamic Scenes using a Ray-Space Hierarchy on the GPU
Employing Dynamic Transparency for 3D Occlusion Management: Design Issues and Evaluation
Fast Parallel GPU-Sorting Using a Hybrid Algorithm
Efficient Stream Reduction on the GPU
Fast Precomputed Ambient Occlusion for Proximity Shadows
Image-Space Dynamic Transparency for Improved Object Discovery in 3D Environments
Soft Shadow Volumes for Ray Tracing
Occlusion Culling and Z-fail for Soft Shadow Volume Algorithms
A Geometry-based Soft Shadow Volume Algorithm using Graphics Hardware
On the Degree of Vertices in a Shadow Volume Silhouette
An Optimized Soft Shadow Volume Algorithm with Real-Time Performance
Approximate Soft Shadows on Arbitrary Surfaces using Penumbra Wedges
View frustum culland and animated ray tracing : improvements and methodological considerations
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Showing 2 research projects
ACE: Approximate Algorithms and Computing Systems
Real-time Photo-realistic Rendering