Bing Zhao
He is focusing on micro-electronics of both charge and spin and Nano/micro magnetism manipulation in the Van der Waals heterostructure, like, van der Waals (vdW) magnets, topological quantum materials, etc.; developing novel approaches for nanofabrication and designing new measurement techniques that lead to fundamental physics experiments in spintronics and nanoelectronics.

Showing 16 publications
Room temperature nonlocal detection of charge-spin interconversion in a topological insulator
Large out-of-plane spin-orbit torque in topological Weyl semimetal TaIrTe<inf>4</inf>
All-2D CVD-grown semiconductor field-effect transistors with van der Waals graphene contacts
Multifunctional Spin Logic Operations in Graphene Spin Circuits
Room-Temperature Non-Local Spin Transport in Few-Layer Black Phosphorus Passivated with MgO
Charge to spin conversion in van der Waals metal NbSe<inf>2</inf>
Unconventional Charge–Spin Conversion in Weyl-Semimetal WTe2
Observation of charge to spin conversion in Weyl semimetal WTe2 at room temperature
Charge-spin conversion signal in WTe2 van der Waals hybrid devices with a geometrical design
Electrically controlled spin-switch and evolution of Hanle spin precession in graphene
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