Rasoul Atashipour
Visar 41 publikationer
On buckling of layered composite heavy columns—Effect of interlayer bonding imperfection
Fatigue-strength assessment of laser welds in corrugated core steel sandwich panels
Simulation and analysis of adhesive failure in Glued-in Rod (GiR) connections for timber structures
A weak shear web model for deflection analysis of deep composite box-type beams
Influence of grain inclination angle on shear buckling of laminated timber sheathing products
Accuracy evaluation of Gamma-method for deflection prediction of partial composite beams
Transverse shear stiffness of corrugated core steel sandwich panels with dual weld lines
A numerical approach to the rotational stiffness of stake welds
Stability analysis of three-layer shear deformable partial composite columns
On the shear buckling of clamped narrow rectangular orthotropic plates
Exact elastic analysis of a doubly coated thick circular plate using functionally graded interlayers
Accurate free vibration analysis of thick laminated circular plates with attached rigid core
Bending analysis of thick laminated rectangular plates using a boundary layer function
An analytical approach for stress analysis of functionally graded annular sector plates
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Visar 4 forskningsprojekt
Framtidens biobaserade byggande och boende
Lägre vikt vid användning av stålsandwichelement i brodäck