Emil Alégroth
Visar 28 publikationer
Ranking approaches for similarity-based web element location
Improving Web Element Localization by Using a Large Language Model
Similarity-based Web Element Localization for Robust Test Automation
Special issue on new generations of UI testing
Why many challenges with GUI test automation (will) remain
On the Industrial Applicability of Augmented Testing: An Empirical Study
Augmented testing: Industry feedback to shape a new testing technology
On the long-term use of visual gui testing in industrial practice: a case study
Replicating Rare Software Failures with Exploratory Visual GUI Testing
Maintenance of automated test suites in industry: An empirical study on Visual GUI Testing
An initial analysis of differences in software engineers' attitudes towards organizational change
Teaching Agile: Addressing the Conflict Between Project Delivery and Application of Agile Methods
Exploring the Presence of Technical Debt in Industrial GUI-based Testware: A Case Study
On the industrial applicability of TextTest: An empirical case study
Definition and evaluation of mutation operators for GUI-level mutation analysis
Visual GUI testing in practice: challenges, problemsand limitations
Visual GUI Testing: Automating High-level Software Testing in Industrial Practice
Teaching scrum – what we did, what we will do and what impedes us
Industrial application of visual GUI testing: Lessons learned
State-of-practice in GUI-based system and acceptance testing: An industrial multiple-case study
JAutomate: A tool for system- and acceptance-test automation
Transitioning manual system test suites to automated testing: An industrial case study
Random visual GUI testing: Proof of concept
Industrial applicability of visual GUI testing for system and acceptance test automation
Automated system testing using visual GUI testing tools: A comparative study in industry
Structuring Software Engineering Case Studies to Cover Multiple Perspectives
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Visar 1 forskningsprojekt
Flygtrafikledningssystem: harmonisering av krav- och verifieringsprocess