Bengt Hagström
Visar 23 publikationer
Electrical functionalization of wet-spun cellulose fibers through different grades of carbon black
Wet Spun Fibers from Solutions of Cellulose in an Ionic Liquid with Suspended Carbon Nanoparticles
Melt spun electrical conductive textile fibers with high carbon particles loading
Energy harvesting from piezoelectric textile fibres
Poling and characterization of piezoelectric polymer fibers for use in textile sensor
Preparation of polypropylene/nanoclay composite fibers
Melt spinning of PVDF fibers with enhanced beta phase structure
Piezoelectric polymeric bicomponent fibers produced by melt spinning
Melt spinning of beta-phase poly(vinylidene fluoride) yarns with and without a conductive core
Melt spinning of conducting polymeric composites containing carbonaceous fillers
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