Riccardo Catena
Riccardo Catena is Professor in Physics at the Department of Physics, Chalmers University of Technology (Chalmers), Sweden, where he leads a research group consisting of 1 postdoc, 2 PhD students and every year 1-4 master students. Riccardo received the habilitation (venia legendi) at the University of Göttingen, Germany, in 2014 and was promoted to oavlönad docent at Chalmers in 2016. Habilitation and "docentur" represent the highest levels of pedagogical qualification in Germany and Sweden, respectively. He is an elected member of the IUPAP C4 commission on Astroparticle Physics, and a founding member of the council of the European Consortium for Astroparticle Theory (EuCAPT). Riccardo was an elected member of the board of the Section for Elementary Particle and Astroparticle Physics of the Swedish Physical Society from 2017 to 2021. His research is funded by an individual research project grant of the Swedish Research Council and by a research project grant awarded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (co-PI).
Riccardo's field of research is astroparticle physics – the area of basic science lying at the interface of particle physics, astrophysics and cosmology. His contributions to this field range from the theoretical modelling of physical systems or phenomena which cannot be described by the Standard Model of particle physics, to the interpretation of cosmological and astrophysical data on the origin, composition and evolution of our universe and of its constituents. Currently, his research focuses on dark matter. In this context, Riccardo is especially interested in modelling the microscopic properties of dark matter, in computing their observable consequences, and in designing strategies to experimentally test them.
His complete list of publications can be found

Visar 37 publikationer
Resonant or asymmetric: the status of sub-GeV dark matter
Dark matter-induced electron excitations in silicon and germanium with deep learning
Linear response theory for light dark matter-electron scattering in materials
Dark matter-electron interactions in materials beyond the dark photon model
Chiral phonons as dark matter detectors
Spin-1 thermal targets for dark matter searches at beam dump and fixed target experiments
A next-generation liquid xenon observatory for dark matter and neutrino physics
Probing P- And CP-violation in dark matter interactions
Crystal responses to general dark matter-electron interactions
Measuring the local dark matter density in the laboratory
Projected sensitivity to sub-GeV dark matter of next-generation semiconductor detectors
Rejecting the Majorana nature of dark matter with electron scattering experiments
Atomic responses to general dark matter-electron interactions
Constraints on new scalar and vector mediators from LHC dijet searches
Limits on dark matter effective field theory parameters with CRESST-II
Non-relativistic effective interactions of spin 1 Dark Matter
Impact of a XENONnT signal on LHC dijet searches
Quantifying uncertainties in nuclear matrix elements for dark matter searches
Assessing the sensitivity of PINGU to effective dark matter-nucleon interactions
New constraints on inelastic dark matter from IceCube
Direct detection of fermionic and vector dark matter with polarised targets
Determining dark matter properties with a XENONnT/LZ signal and LHC Run 3 monojet searches
Compatibility of a dark matter discovery at XENONnT or LZ with the WIMP thermal production mechanism
J-factors for self-interacting dark matter in 20 dwarf spheroidal galaxies
Dark matter spin determination with directional direct detection experiments
WIMP capture and annihilation in the Earth in effective theories
Signatures of Earth-scattering in the direct detection of Dark Matter
Ab initio nuclear response functions for dark matter searches
Direct Detection of Dark Matter Bound to the Earth
WIMP capture by the Sun in the effective theory of dark matter self-interactions
Phenomenology of dark matter-nucleon effective interactions
New spectral features from bound dark matter
DAMA confronts null searches in the effective theory of dark matter-nucleon interactions
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Visar 7 forskningsprojekt
Exakt modellering av mörk materia elektroninteraktioner i flytande xenon och argon
Susceptibilitet och materialeffeker i mörk materias spridning mot elektroner
Computational modeling of Dark Matter-electron interactions
Dark Matter electron scattering in detector materials
Empirisk bestämning av mörka materians spinn
Discovering Dark Matter Particles in the Laboratory