Fredrik Törner
Visar 26 publikationer
Towards Benchmarking of Functional Safety in the Automotive Industry
Why Do We not Learn from Defects? Towards Defect-Driven Software Process Improvement
Improving fault injection in automotive model based development using fault bypass modeling
A Light-Weight Defect Classification Scheme for Embedded Automotive Software Development
Verification of ISO 26262 Software requirements in safety critical EE-systems
Modelling Support for Design of Safety-Critical Automotive Embedded Systems
Automotive Safety Case – A Qualitative Case Study of Drivers, Usages, and Issues
Automotive Safety Cases – An Empirical Case Study of Requirements
On Hazard Identification and Safety Cases In the Automotive Domain
Defects in Automotive Use Cases
Evaluation of Hazard Identification Methods in the Automotive Domain
Assessment of Hazard Identification Methods for the Automotive Domain
An Empirical Quality Assessment of Automotive Use Cases
An Empirical Quality Assessment of Automotive Use cases
Lessons Learned from Model Based Development of a Dependable Control-by-Wire System
Actuator Focused Hazard Analysis
Actuator Based Hazard presented Analysis for Safety Critical Systems
Experiences from Model Based Development of Drive-By-Wire Control Systems
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