Ebrahim Ghahramani
Visar 16 publikationer
Numerical Simulation of Tip Vortex Cavitation Inception
Experimental investigation of cavitation-induced erosion around a surface-mounted bluff body
Numerical simulation and analysis of multi-scale cavitating flows
Experimental and numerical study of cavitating flow around a surface mounted semi-circular cylinder
A comparative study between numerical methods in simulation of cavitating bubbles
Numerical prediction of small scale cavities using a coupled mixture-bubble model
Experimental study of cavitation erosion around a surface-mounted semi-circular cylinder
A Realizable Hybrid Mixture-Bubble Model for Cavitating Flows
Realizability improvements to a hybrid mixture-bubble model for simulation of cavitating flows
Analysis of the Finite Mass Transfer Models in the Numerical Simulation of Bubbly Flows
Coupling of the Cavitation Mixture Model with the Discrete Bubble Model
A multi-scale Eulerian-Lagrangian model for simulation of cavitating flows
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Visar 1 forskningsprojekt