Robin Harder
Visar 24 publikationer
A circular economy for phosphorus in sweden-is it possible?
Reframing human excreta management as part of food and farming systems
Recycling nutrients contained in human excreta to agriculture: Pathways, processes, and products
A Swedish comment on ‘review: the availability of life-cycle studies in Sweden’
Perspectives on quantifying and influencing household metabolism
Waste sorting in apartments: integrating the perspective of the user
Fresh Perspectives on the Assessment of Sewage Sludge Management
Quantification of Goods Purchases and Waste Generation at the Level of Individual Households
Source-separation in the existing urban water infrastructure: chances and challenges
Sorting waste in apartment buildings: facts and possibilities
Pathways and Management of Phosphorus in urban areas
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Visar 5 forskningsprojekt
Okanagan Bioregion Nutrient Management Project