Jose-Ramon Perez-Cisneros
Visar 16 publikationer
A Wideband and Highly Efficient Circulator Load Modulated Power Amplifier Architecture
TX Beamforming EVM Performance of a 65 dBm-EIRP Slant-Polarized Gapwaveguide Phased Array at 28 GHz
Design of a Compact GaN Power Amplifier with High Efficiency and Beyond Decade Bandwidth
A Generic Theory for Design of Efficient Three-stage Doherty Power Amplifiers
Wideband Sequential Circulator Load Modulated Amplifier with Back-off Efficiency Enhancement
Evaluation of Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer with Distributed Antennas
Investigation of power amplifier performance under load mismatch conditions
Doherty Load Modulation Based on Non-Reciprocity
Circulator Load Modulated Amplifier: A Non-Reciprocal Wideband and Efficient PA Architecture
An Active Load-Pull Technique to Emulate Outphasing Power Amplifiers
Emulation of Load Modulated Amplifiers Using Tabulated Load-Pull Data from a Single Amplifier
Mixed-Mode Active Load-Pull Using one Single-Ended Device-Under-Test
Emulation of a Multi-Stage Differential Amplifier Using one Single-Ended Device-Under-Test
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