Tuve Mattsson
Visar 41 publikationer
Wettability of cellulose surfaces under the influence of an external electric field
Dewatering microcrystalline cellulose: The influence of ionic strength
Effect of crossflow regime on the deposit and cohesive strength of membrane surface fouling layers
Electroosmotic dewatering of cellulose nanocrystals
Local properties of filter cakes formed from pH-adjusted bauxite residue slurries
Local filtration properties of microcrystalline cellulose: Influence of an electric field
The Development of a Wood-based Materials-biorefinery
Filtration properties of kraft lignin: The influence of xylan and precipitation conditions
The Influence of Ionic Strength on the Electroassisted Filtration of Microcrystalline Cellulose
Local filtration properties of Kraft lignin: The influence of residual xylan
Parameters Affecting the Cross-Flow Filtration of Dissolved LignoBoost Kraft Lignin
In situ investigation of soft cake fouling layersusing fluid dynamic gauging
The influence of ionic strength on the local filtration properties of titanium dioxide
Towards a wood based material biorefinery - A demonstrator
Local filtration properties of microcrystalline cellulose
Local and average filtration properties of kraft softwood lignin
Local filtration properties of kraft lignin: influence of ligning-carbohydrate complex
Effects of surface structure on the filtration properties of microcrystalline cellulose
Local solidosity of microcrystalline cellulose during dead-end filtration and sedimentation
Investigation of skin formation during filtration of micro crystalline cellulose
Filtration properties and skin formation of micro-crystalline cellulose
On the local filtration properties of microcrystalline cellulose during dead-end filtration
Local filtration properties for hard-to-filter compressible materials
Green liquor sludge separation, A comparison between gasifier and recovery boiler produced liquors
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Visar 2 forskningsprojekt
Development of resource-efficient chemical processes, part 2
Undersökning av membran-fouling vid tvärflöde filtrering av vedkomponenter