Anders Gunnarsson
Visar 30 publikationer
Structure and Composition of Native Membrane Derived Polymer-Supported Lipid Bilayers
Supported lipid bilayer repair mediated by AH peptide
Liposome binding for multiplexed biomolecule detection and imaging using ToF-SIMS
Probing Biomolecular Recognition at the Single Molecule Level
Interaction of Single Viruslike Particles with Vesicles Containing Glycosphingolipids
Continuous Lipid Bilayers Derived from Cell Membranes for Spatial Molecular Manipulation
Accumulation and Separation of Membrane-Bound Proteins Using Hydrodynamic Forces
A simple nanoplasmonic sensor with microliter sample handling
Probing molecular recognition on the single molecule level
Liposome-Based Chemical Barcodes for Single Molecule DNA Detection Using Imaging Mass Spectrometry
Simulation of dissociation of DNA duplexes attached to the surface
Molecular motors on lipid bilayers and silicon dioxide: different driving forces for adsorption
Detection, Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Membrane Associated Single-molecule Hybridization Events
Single-molecule Detection and Mismatch Discrimination of Unlabeled DNA Targets
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