Johan Scheers
Visar 38 publikationer
Lithium-ion batteries based on SnO2 electrodes and a LiTFSI-Pip14TFSI ionic liquid electrolyte
Life of superoxide in aprotic Li-O-2 battery electrolytes: simulated solvent and counter-ion effects
Master students learning TRIZ at the University: past experiences, future plans, and best practices
Thermal stability and decomposition of lithium bis(fluorosulfonyl)imide (LiFSI) salts
To Break or not to break: Mechanisms of DMSO decomposition in aprotic LiO2 battery electrolytes
A structural study of LiTFSI-tetraglyme mixtures: From diluted solutions to solvated ionic liquids
Ionic Liquids in Lithium Battery Electrolytes: Composition versus Safety and Physical Properties
Superior Ion-Conducting Hybrid Solid Electrolyte for All-Solid-State Batteries
Role of organic solvent addition to ionic liquid electrolytes for lithium-sulphur batteries
Prediction of Electrolyte and Additive Electrochemical Stabilities
All fluorine-free lithium battery electrolytes Dedications: In memoriam of Prof. per Jacobsson.
A review of electrolytes for lithium-sulphur batteries
Role of lithium precursor in the structure and electrochemical performance of LiFePO4
Nano-fibrous polymer films for organic rechargeable batteries
Structural supercapacitor electrolytes based on bicontinuous ionic liquid-epoxy resin systems
Benzimidazole and imidazole lithium salts for battery electrolytes
Anion-Additive Interactions Studied by Ab Initio Calculations and Raman Spectroscopy.
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Visar 4 forskningsprojekt
Utveckling av framtidens batterisystem med hjälp av atomistiska beräkningar
Flampunktsbestämning av nitrilbaserade elektrolyter för säkrare litiumbatterier
Advanced European lithium sulphur cells for automotive applications (EUROLIS)
Nya batterielektrolyter i ett svenskt-koreanskt samarbete