Kristina Lindgren
Visar 30 publikationer
In Situ Measurements of NiAl Precipitation During Aging of Dual Hardening Hybrid Steels
Gamma prime formation in nickel-based superalloy IN738LC manufactured by laser powder bed fusion
Effect of thermal aging on microstructure and carbides of SA508/Alloy 52 dissimilar metal weld
In situ tempering of martensite during laser powder bed fusion of Fe-0.45C steel
The Nanostructure of the Oxide Formed on Fe-10Cr-4Al Exposed in Liquid Pb
Precipitation kinetics of Cu-rich particles in super duplex stainless steels
Investigation of AgGaSe2 as a Wide Gap Solar Cell Absorber
Nanoscale phase separations in as-fabricated thick super duplex stainless steels
Effects of Irradiation and Thermal Ageing on the Nanoscale Chemistry of Steel Welds
Interplay of water and reactive elements in oxidation of alumina-forming alloys
Cluster formation in in-service thermally aged pressurizer welds
Evolution of precipitation in reactor pressure vessel steel welds under neutron irradiation
On the Analysis of Clustering in an Irradiated Low Alloy Reactor Pressure Vessel Steel Weld
Development of matrix microstructure in polycrystalline cubic boron nitride ceramics
Radiation Induced Precipitation in Reactor Pressure Vessel Steel Welds
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Visar 2 forskningsprojekt
FEMMA, Dissimilar metal welds studies
European Database for Multiscale Modelling of Radiation Damage - ENTENTE