Mazen Mohamad

Visar 13 publikationer
Guidelines for Supporting Software Engineers in Developing Secure Web Applications
Beyond Code Generation: An Observational Study of ChatGPT Usage in Software Engineering Practice
Managing security evidence in safety-critical organizations
Increasing the Confidence in Security Assurance Cases using Game Theory
Understanding, Implementing, and Supporting Security Assurance Cases in Safety-Critical Domains
CONSERVE: A framework for the selection of techniques for monitoring containers security
TEP-GNN: Accurate Execution Time Prediction of Functional Tests Using Graph Neural Networks
Security Assurance Cases – State of the Art of an Emerging Approach
Towards Understanding and Applying Security Assurance Cases for Automotive Systems
Asset-driven Security Assurance Cases with Built-in Quality Assurance
Design Decisions in the Construction of Traceability Information Models for Safe Automotive Systems
Assurance Cases for Road Vehicles: an Industry Perspective
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