Niklas Andersson
Visar 30 publikationer
Liver-derived igf-I regulates mean life span in mice
Reduced bone mass and muscle strength in male 5α-reductase type 1 inactivated mice.
A variant near the interleukin-6 gene is associated with fat mass in Caucasian men
Variants of the interleukin-1 receptor antagonist gene are associated with fat mass in men.
Mice chronically fed high-fat diet have increased mortality and disturbed immune response in sepsis.
The role of the G protein-coupled receptor GPR30 in the effects of estrogen in ovariectomized mice.
Liver-derived IGF1 enhances the androgenic response in prostate.
Identification of Target Cells for the Genomic Effects of Estrogens in Bone
Liver-derived IGF-I is permissive for ovariectomy-induced trabecular bone loss
A gene expression fingerprint of mouse stomach ECL cells.
Investigation of central versus peripheral effects of estradiol in ovariectomized mice
Pharmacological treatment of osteopenia induced by gastrectomy or ovariectomy in young female rats.
Estren is a selective estrogen receptor modulator with transcriptional activity.
Estrogen receptor specificity for the effects of estrogen in ovariectomized mice.
Drug-induced prevention of gastrectomy- and ovariectomy-induced osteopaenia in the young female rat.
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