Per Kjellgren

Visar 10 publikationer


Computations and full-scale tests of active flow control applied on a Volvo truck-trailer

Mohammad El-Alti, Valery Chernoray, Per Kjellgren et al
Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics. Vol. 79, p. 253-267
Paper i proceeding

Shape optimization and active flow control of truck-trailers for improved aerodynamics using large-eddy simulation and response surfaces

Mohammad El-Alti, Per Kjellgren, Lars Davidson
ERCOFTAC Series. Vol. 20, p. 405-410
Paper i proceeding

On the numerical modeling of active flow control for aerodynamics applications and its impact on the pressure field

Mohammad El-Alti, Per Kjellgren, Lars Davidson
ERCOFTAC Series. Vol. 20, p. 695-700
Paper i proceeding

Drag Reduction of Heavy Trucks by Active Flow Control of the Wake behind the Trailer

Mohammad El-Alti, Per Kjellgren, Valery Chernoray et al
Svenska Mekanikdagar 13-15 June 2011 Chalmers Göteborg, p. 74-
Övrigt konferensbidrag

On the Download Alleviation for the XV-15 Wing by Active Flow Control Using Large-Eddy Simulation

Mohammad El-Alti, Per Kjellgren, Lars Davidson
ERCOFTAC Series. Vol. 13, p. 527-532
Paper i proceeding

Download Alleviation of a Tilt-rotor Wing by Active Flow Control Strategies

Per Kjellgren, Mohammad El-Alti, Lars Davidson
KATnet II Conference: Key Aerodynamic Technologies
Paper i proceeding

A-LES for Drag Reduction of Truck-Trailers

Mohammad El-Alti, Per Kjellgren, Lars Davidson
A-LES: Workshop of Active FLow Control, Gothenburg, 13-14 Oct 2009
Paper i proceeding

Large eddy simulation of turbulence flow noise on streamers

Per Kjellgren, Lars Davidson
79th Society of Exploration Geophysicists International Exposition and Annual Meeting 2009, SEG 2009, p. 117-121
Paper i proceeding

Drag Reduction for Trucks by Active Flow Control of the Wake Behind the Trailer

Mohammad El-Alti, Per Kjellgren, Lars Davidson
Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer 6
Paper i proceeding

On the Download Alleviation for the XV-15 Wing by Active Flow Control Using Large-Eddy Simulation

Mohammad El-Alti, Per Kjellgren, Lars Davidson
ERCOFTAC WORKSHOP, Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation 7, Trieste - Italy, September 8-10, 2008
Paper i proceeding

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