Ralph Schroeder

Visar 9 publikationer


Making it Open and Keeping it Safe: e-Enabled Data-Sharing in Sweden

Ann-Sofie Axelsson, Ralph Schroeder
Acta Sociologica. Vol. 52 (2), p. 213-226
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Anyone speak Swedish? Tolerance for language shifting in graphical multi-user virtual environmnets

Ann-Sofie Axelsson, Åsa Abelin, Ralph Schroeder
B. Danet & S. Herring (Eds.), The multilingual Internet: Language, culture and communication online, p. 362-381
Kapitel i bok

Making it Open and Keeping it Safe: e-Enabled Data Sharing in Sweden and Related Issues

Ann-Sofie Axelsson, Ralph Schroeder
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on e-Social Science
Paper i proceeding

The Usability of Shared Virtual Environments: A Comparison of Three Studies and Outlook on the Future

Ralph Schroeder, Ilona Heldal
International Workshop on Designing and Evaluating Virtual Reality Systems, Nottingham University, January, Nottingham, United Kingdom
Paper i proceeding

How Putting Yourself into the Other Person´s Virtual Shoes Enhances Collaboration

Maria Spante, Ralph Schroeder, Ann-Sofie Axelsson
Proceeding of the 7th International Workshop on Presence, Valencia, Spain-October 13-15, p. 190-196
Paper i proceeding

Collaboration and Effectiveness for Distributed Meetings

Ilona Heldal, Lars Bråthe, Ralph Schroeder
12th International Word Wide Web Conference, 20-24 may, Budapest, Hungrary
Poster (konferens)

Immersive Versus Desktop Multi-user Virtual Environments for Understanding Complex Models

Ilona Heldal, Ralph Schroeder
8th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, September, Gyeongju, Korea
Paper i proceeding

Long-term Uses of Collaborative Virtual Environments

Ilona Heldal, Alexander Nilsson, Ralph Schroeder et al
European Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Work, Bonn, Germany
Poster (konferens)

A comparison of Virtual and Real Environments

Ralph Schroeder, Åsa Abelin, Ann-Sofie Axelsson et al
3rd International Workshop on Presence, 27-28 March, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Paper i proceeding

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