Sara Renström
Visar 26 publikationer
Making dinner in an uncomfortable future: Comparing provocations as user insight elicitation methods
Supporting diverse roles for people in smart energy systems
Use to Use - a User Perspective on Product Circularity
Re-framing Product Circularity from a User Perspective
Design for alternative ways of doing – explorations in the context of thermal comfort
What a designer can change: a proposal for a categorisation of artefact-related aspects
Inviting Interaction – Explorations of the district heating interface for people
Mapping out the design opportunities: pathways of sustainable behaviour
Narrating energy through annotating everyday life
Residents' perceptions of housing and resource use: A comfortable home?
Energy storytelling through annotating everyday life
Design for Sustainable Behaviour: A Toolbox for Targeting the Use Phase
Pleasurable Ways of Staying Warm – A Pathway towards Reduced Energy Consumption
Design for Sustainable Behaviour – A User Centred Approach to Energy Efficiency
Target the Use Phase! Design for Sustainable Behaviour.
Pathways of Sustainable Behaviours
Blankets, Candles, Showers, and Thermostats – An Exploration of Residents’ Ways of Staying Warm
Who benefits? Effects and perceptions of residential volumetric water billing
Benefits and Difficulties for Industry when Designing for Sustainable Behaviour
The Green User. Design for Sustainable Behaviour.
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