Scott MacKinnon
Visar 41 publikationer
What to learn from support functions to improve maritime safety?
Navigators’ views of a collision avoidance decision support system for maritime navigation
Operationalizing COLREGs in SMART ship navigation
Using occurrence data to map the elements of a risk model
Automation and the imbrication of human and material agency: A sociomaterial perspective
Artificial Intelligence in Maritime Navigation: A Human Factors Perspective
Preventing Unruly Technologies in Maritime Navigation: A Systems Approach
From ethnographic research to big data analytics - A case of maritime energy-efficiency optimization
The human factor in the digital age
How does load and impulse influence the success of jettisoning a simulated S-92 push-out window?
Energy cost associated with moving platforms
Dynamic risk assessment of escape and evacuation on offshore installations in a harsh environment
Non‑technical communication factors at the Vessel Traffic Services
Integrating Participatory Practices in Ship Design and Construction
Evaluating a digital ship design tool prototype: Designers' perceptions of novel ergonomics software
Human performance data collected in a virtual environment
Supporting participatory practices in ship design and construction - Challenges and opportunities
Command and Control of Unmanned Vessels: Keeping Shore Based Operators in-the-Loop
Perceived success factors of participatory ergonomics in ship design
Transparency within automated engine control systems: The case of the Savannah Express
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Visar 8 forskningsprojekt
Fysikstyrd ML för att bygga digital tvilling för vindstödda framdrivningsfartyg
AUTOBarge - European training and research network on Autonomous Barges for Smart Inland Shipping
Learning from Algorithm Based decision Support systems (COLREG-LABS)
Efficient, Safe and Sustainable Traffic at Sea (EfficienSea) 2
Efficient, Safe and Sustainable Traffic at Sea (EfficienSea) 2
Sea Traffic Management Validation Project (STM Validation Project)
Maritime Unmanned Navigation through Intelligence in Networks (MUNIN)