Atli Magnus Seelow
Visar 39 publikationer
Notes on the Useful Arts — Technological Progress as a Basis for Modern Architecture
Die Stockholmer Ausstellung 1930 – Die schwedische Rezeption des deutschen Funktionalismus
The Stockholm Exhibition 1930 — The Swedish Reception of German Functionalism
Technological Progress as a Basis for Modern Architecture
Akzeptiere. Das Buch und seine Geschichte. Deutsche Übersetzung mit Einleitung und Kommentar
The Construction Kit and the Assembly Line — Walter Gropius’ Concepts for Rationalizing Architecture
Reconstructing the Stockholm Exhibition 1930
Naturstein und Nationalromantik
Function and Form: Shifts in Modernist Architects’ Design Thinking
Exploring Natural Stone and Building a National Identity
From the Continent to the North – German Influence on Modern Architecture in Sweden
Reconstructing the Stockholm Exhibition 1930. Stockholmsutställningen 1930 rekonstruerad
History as a model. Models as history
Reconstructing the Stockholm Exhibition 1930. Stockholmsutställningen 1930 rekonstruerad
Nordic Nexus. A little-known gem in Iceland by Alvar Aalto
From Natural Stone to National Romanticism
Jørn Utzon. Drawings and Buildings
Jørn Utzon. Drawings and Buildings
Die Rekonstruktion der Stockholmer Ausstellung 1930
Rekonstruiert: Die Stockholm Ausstellung 1930
From the continent to the north
Gottfried Semper – faðir nútíma óperuhúsa
Deutsches Museum. Naturwissenschaft und Technik im Fluß
Architektonische Archäologie am Marienhof
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Visar 1 forskningsprojekt
Architecture in the Making: Arkitektur som en skapande disciplin och materiell praktik