Stefan Allard
Stefans forskning är fokuserad på frågeställningar kring slutförvar av radioaktivt avfall samt återvinning av litium-jonbatterier från elfordon, användandes lösnings- och vätske-vätske-extraktionskemi. Han är studierektor för kurserna på kärnkemi och är även övergripande strålskyddsexpert för Chalmers

Visar 29 publikationer
Disordered Crystal Structure and Anomalously High Solubility of Radium Carbonate
A laboratory exercise on systematic effects in gamma ray spectrometry
Ex vivo alendronate localization at the mesoporous titania implant/bone interface
Solvent extraction for separation of metals from HEV Li-ion batteries nitrate leach liquor
Solvent extraction for separation of metals from HEV Li-ion batteries sulphate leach liquor
Recycling automotive Li(NiyMnzCo1-y-z)O2 /C batteries
Building a comprehensive nuclear education in Sweden
Scoping recycling investigations of lithium iron phosphate batteries
Dependency of BET surface area on particle size for some granitic minerals.
In vivo stability of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles coated on titanium implant surfaces.
Correlation between particle size and surface area for chlorite and K-feldspar
Dissociation Constants of alpha-D-Isosaccharinic Acid: "Composite" and "Intrinsic" Values
Complexation of Americium with a-D-Isosaccharinate
Complexing properties of αisosaccarinate: Thorium
Investigations of α-D-isosaccharinate: Fundamental Properties and Complexation
Characterization of alpha-Isosaccarinic acid: Lactone and carboxylic conformations
Characterization of á-Isosaccharinic acid: pKa-determination
Characterization of α-Isosaccharinic Acid: pKa-determination
Studies of α-D-isosaccharinic Acid – Acid dissociation constant and structural conformations
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Visar 3 forskningsprojekt
Transnational Access to Large Infrastructure for a Safe Management of ActiNide (TALISMAN)
CROCK - Crystalline Rock Retention Processes