Jonathan Tan
Mer information om Jonathan finns på vår engelska webbsida.
Visar 87 publikationer
Astrochemical Diagnostics of the Isolated Massive Protostar G28.20-0.05
Disk Wind Feedback from High-mass Protostars. III. Synthetic CO Line Emission
Carbon-chain chemistry in the interstellar medium
Disk Wind Feedback from High-mass Protostars. IV. Shock-ionized Jets
An HST Study of the Substellar Population of NGC 2024
The SOFIA Massive (SOMA) Star Formation Survey. IV. Isolated Protostars
Star cluster formation from turbulent clumps – III. Across the mass spectrum
GMC collisions as triggers of star formation – VIII. The core mass function
Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models to Predict the Density of Molecular Clouds
On the Lifetime of Molecular Clouds with the “Tuning-fork” Analysis
Spitzer thermal phase curve of WASP-121 b
Disk Wind Feedback from High-mass Protostars. II. The Evolutionary Sequence
Mother of dragons: A massive, quiescent core in the dragon cloud (IRDC G028.37+00.07)
Massive Protostars in a Protocluster—A Multi-scale ALMA View of G35.20-0.74N
A Census of Outflow to Magnetic Field Orientations in Nearby Molecular Clouds
Isolated Massive Star Formation in G28.20-0.05
Astrochemical modelling of infrared dark clouds
The Disk Population in a Distant Massive Protocluster
Inside-out planet formation: VI. oligarchic coagulation of planetesimals from a pebble ring?
The Core Mass Function across Galactic Environments. III. Massive Protoclusters
Is There Any Linkage between Interstellar Aldehyde and Alcohol?
Deuterium Chemodynamics of Massive Pre-Stellar Cores
The Hi-GAL compact source catalogue - II. The 360° catalogue of clump physical properties
Star cluster formation in Orion A
MRI-active inner regions of protoplanetary discs. I. A detailed model of disc structure
Star Formation in a Strongly Magnetized Cloud
Photodissociation region diagnostics across galactic environments
ALMA-IRDC: dense gas mass distribution from cloud to core scales
SiO Outflows as Tracers of Massive Star Formation in Infrared Dark Clouds
Hunting for Runaways from the Orion Nebula Cluster
Salt, Hot Water, and Silicon Compounds Tracing Massive Twin Disks
Stellar Variability in a Forming Massive Star Cluster
The High-mass Protostellar Population of a Massive Infrared Dark Cloud
The SOFIA Massive (SOMA) Star Formation Survey. III. From Intermediate- to High-mass Protostars
Gas Kinematics of the Massive Protocluster G286.21+0.17 Revealed by ALMA
SiO emission as a probe of cloud-cloud collisions in infrared dark clouds
An X-Ray View of Two Infrared Dark Clouds G034.43+00.24 and G035.39-00.33
Disk Wind Feedback from High-mass Protostars
Dynamics of a massive binary at birth
Star cluster formation from turbulent clumps. II. Gradual star cluster formation
Measuring the ionisation fraction in a jet from a massive protostar
The SOFIA Massive (SOMA) Star Formation Survey. II. High Luminosity Protostars
Interstellar Plunging Waves: ALMA Resolves the Physical Structure of Nonstationary MHD Shocks
Discovery of a Photoionized Bipolar Outflow toward the Massive Protostar G45.47+0.05
An Ordered Envelope-Disk Transition in the Massive Protostellar Source G339.88-1.26
Multiple Feedback in Low-Metallicity Massive Star Formation
IN-SYNC. VIII. Primordial Disk Frequencies in NGC 1333, IC 348, and the Orion A Molecular Cloud
Fragmentation properties of massive protocluster gas clumps: an ALMA study
Zooming in to Massive Star Birth
High Spectral Resolution Observations toward Orion BN at 6 μm: No Evidence for Hot Water
The Core Mass Function across Galactic Environments. II. Infrared Dark Cloud Clumps
On the formation of runaway stars BN and x in the Orion Nebula Cluster
The inception of star cluster formation revealed by [C ii] emission around an Infrared Dark Cloud
The Core Mass Function in the Massive Protocluster G286.21+0.17 Revealed by ALMA
GMC Collisions as Triggers of Star Formation. V. Observational Signatures
Outflow-confined H II Regions. II. The Early Break-out Phase
GMC Collisions as Triggers of Star Formation. IV. the Role of Ambipolar Diffusion
Fire from Ice - Massive Star Birth from Infrared Dark Clouds
The Stellar Content of the Infalling Molecular Clump G286.21+0.17
Star Cluster Formation from Turbulent Clumps. I. The Fast Formation Limit
Temperature structure and kinematics of the IRDC G035.39-00.33
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Hjälp en forskare - subprojekt 2020 Stjärnjakten