Yogesh Karandikar
Visar 31 publikationer
THz smooth-walled spline horn antennas: Design, manufacturing and measurements
A 874 GHz Mixer Block Integrated Spline Horn and Lens Antenna for the ISMAR Instrument
Imaging front-end for thermal detection using an InP DHBT process
A 340 GHz High Gaussicity Smooth Spline Horn Antenna for the STEAMR Instrument
Low noise GaAs Schottky TMIC and InP HEMT MMIC based Receivers for the ISMAR and SWI Instruments
A G-Band (140-220 GHz) planar stubbed branch-line balun in BCB technology
140-220 GHz Imaging Front-end Based on 250 nm InP/InGaAs/InP DHBT Process
Factorization of Gaussian Coupling Efficiency and algorithm to compute it
340 GHz Integrated Receiver in 250 nm InP DHBT Technology
Integration of Planar Antennas with MMIC Active Frontends for THz Imaging Applications
24 GHz balanced self-oscillating mixer with integrated patch antenna array
Cryogenic 2-13 GHz Eleven feed for reflector antennas in future wideband radio telescopes
Cryogenic integration of 2-14 GHz Eleven Feed in wideband receiver for VLBI 2010
Cryogenic 2-14GHz low noise receiver for radio astronomy using Eleven feed
Design of cryogenic 2-14 GHz Eleven feed for reflector antennas for future radio telescopes
Development of a coolable 2-14 GHz Eleven feed for future radio telescopes for SKA and VLBI 2010
Developing a cooled 2-14 GHz Eleven feed for SKA and VLBI 2010
X- Ka dual band prime focus feed for satellite earth terminals
Electrical Design of a Cooled 2-14 GHz Eleven Feed for SKA and VLBI 2010
Optimization of 200-800 MHz Eleven Feed for Use in Reflector Antennas of GMRT
The Eleven antenna feed for monopulse tracking and combining L-, C-, X- and Ku- satellite bands
Optimization of 200-800 MHz Eleven feed for use in reflector antennas of GMRT
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