David Bennett

Showing 61 publications


Global Operations Management

David Bennett, Yang Cheng, Arnoud De Meyer et al
Handbook of Teaching and Learning in Operations Management , p. 25-48
Book chapter

Adopting the Materiality Principle in Sustainable Operations Management

Michel Leseure, David Bennett
Sustainability. Vol. 16 (15)
Journal article

An introduction to product essentiality: conceptualisation and measurement

Breno Nunes, Roberto Alamino, David Bennett et al
Technology Analysis and Strategic Management. Vol. In Press
Journal article

Sustainable Operations Management: Key Practices and Cases

Breno Nunes, Luciano Batista, Donato Masi et al

Supply Chain Research Issues in Developing and Emerging Industrial Economies

Breno Nunes, David Bennett
Handbook of Research Methods for Supply Chain Management, p. 403-423
Book chapter

Ambiguity, Managerial Ability, and Growth Options

Tarik Driouchi, Mingyu Chen, Zhuo Lyu et al
British Journal of Management. Vol. 33 (3), p. 1323-1345
Journal article

Chapter 3: Undertaking Supply Chain Management Research: Philosophy and Practice

Breno Nunes, David Bennett, Miles Weaver
Handbook of Research Methods for Supply Chain Management, p. 70-84
Book chapter

Ecological Modernization Theory (EMT): Antecedents and Successors

Dulcimar José Julkovski, Simone Sehnem, David Bennett et al
Indonesian Journal of Sustainability Accounting and Management. Vol. 5 (2), p. 324-338
Journal article

Product essentiality: an introduction

Breno Nunes, Roberto Alamino, David Bennett
Proceedings of 25th International EurOMA Conference
Paper in proceeding

Production Management and Smart Manufacturing from a Systems Perspective

Carla Gonçalves Machado, Martin Kurdve, Mats Winroth et al
Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering. Vol. 8 (XXXII), p. 329-334
Paper in proceeding

Towards Sustainable Technologies and Innovation

Breno Nunes, Ali Emrouznejad, David Bennett et al
Edited book

Ambiguity aversion in buyer-seller relationships: A contingent-claims and social network explanation

Yongling Gao, Tarik Driouchi, David Bennett
International Journal of Production Economics. Vol. 200, p. 50-67
Journal article

International production networks in the automotive industry: Drivers and enablers

Mats Winroth, David Bennett
Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Production Research, July 30-August 3, Poznan Poland
Paper in proceeding

Commercial pressure, local responsiveness and synergies in globalised engineering services

Christian Koch, David Bennett
26th International Association for Management of Technology Conference, IAMOT 2017, p. 166-174
Paper in proceeding

Commercial Pressure, Local Responsiveness and Synergies in Globalized Engineering Services

Christian Koch, David Bennett
Hörlesberger M and Hribernik B (Eds) Proceedings of 26th International Conference of the International Association for Management of Technology, p. 166-174
Paper in proceeding

Modelling Sustainability Performance to Achieve Absolute Reductions in Socio-Ecological Systems

Breno Nunes, Roberto Alamino, Duncan Shaw et al
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 132, p. 32-44
Journal article

Green operations strategy of a luxury car manufacturer

Breno Nunes, David Bennett, Duncan Shaw
Technology Analysis and Strategic Management. Vol. 28 (1), p. 24-39
Journal article

Strategies for Sustaining Manufacturing Competitiveness: Comparative Case Studies in Australia and Sweden

Claudine Soosay, Breno Nunes, David Bennett et al
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management. Vol. 27 (1), p. 6-37
Journal article

The Main Criteria of Biomass Selection for Energy Generation in Brazil

Amolnut Kraiphanont, Breno Nunes, David Bennett
Proceedings of 25th International Conference of the International Association for Management of Technology, IAMOT 2016, Orlando, United States, 15-19 May 2016, p. 759-774
Paper in proceeding

Production Flow Analysis

David Bennett
Wiley Encyclopedia of Management, Volume 10, Operations Management, 3rd Edition
Book chapter

Product Families

David Bennett
Wiley Encyclopedia of Management, Volume 10, Operations Management, 3rd Edition
Book chapter

Group Working

David Bennett
Wiley Encyclopedia of Management, Volume 10, Operations Management, 3rd Edition
Book chapter

Job Enlargement

David Bennett
Wiley Encyclopedia of Management, Volume 10, Operations Management, 3rd Edition
Book chapter

Os Projetos de Aquisição na Indústria Automotiva - Casos Volvo-Geely e Fiat-Tritec

David Bennett
Revista MundoPM. Vol. 11 (63), p. 36-41
Magazine article

Balancing Loss

David Bennett
Wiley Encyclopedia of Management, Volume 10, Operations Management, 3rd Edition
Book chapter

Cell Layout

David Bennett
Wiley Encyclopedia of Management, Volume 10, Operations Management, 3rd Edition
Book chapter

International Location

David Bennett
Wiley Encyclopedia of Management, Volume 10, Operations Management, 3rd Edition
Book chapter

Division of Labor

David Bennett
Wiley Encyclopedia of Management, Volume 10, Operations Management, 3rd Edition
Book chapter

Job Enrichment

David Bennett
Wiley Encyclopedia of Management, Volume 10, Operations Management, 3rd Edition
Book chapter

Product Layout

David Bennett
Wiley Encyclopedia of Management, Volume 10, Operations Management, 3rd Edition
Book chapter

Line Balancing

David Bennett
Wiley Encyclopedia of Management, Volume 10, Operations Management, 3rd Edition
Book chapter

Job Rotation

David Bennett
Wiley Encyclopedia of Management, Volume 10, Operations Management, 3rd Edition
Book chapter

System Loss

David Bennett
Wiley Encyclopedia of Management, Volume 10, Operations Management, 3rd Edition
Book chapter

Job Design

David Bennett
Wiley Encyclopedia of Management, Volume 10, Operations Management, 3rd Edition
Book chapter

Operations Strategy for Maintaining Competitiveness in a European Automotive Company

Christian Koch, David Bennett, Thomas Markussen
24th International Association for Management of Technology Conference: Technology, Innovation and Management for Sustainable Growth, IAMOT 2015, The Westin Cape Town, South Africa, 8-11 June 2015, p. 2522-2532
Paper in proceeding

Process Layout

David Bennett
Wiley Encyclopedia of Management, Volume 10, Operations Management, 3rd Edition
Book chapter

Work Organization

David Bennett
Wiley Encyclopedia of Management, Volume 10, Operations Management, 3rd Edition
Book chapter

Exploring System Dynamics to Manage Technologies for Increasing Sustainability

Breno Nunes, Roberto Alamino, Duncan Shaw et al
Hosni Y (Ed) “Science, Technology and Innovation in the Age of Economic, Political and Security Issues”, Proceedings of 23rd International Conference of the International Association for Management of Technology, IAMOT, Miami FL, USA., p. paper 1569872089-
Paper in proceeding

Intermediation for Technology Diffusion and User Innovation in a Developing Rural Economy: A Social Learning Perspective

Nicholas Theodorakopoulos, David Bennett, Deycy Sanchez Preciado
Entrepreneurship and Regional Development. Vol. 26 (7-8), p. 645-662
Journal article

Tête à tête? Nearshoring in Europe of Consulting Engineering

Christian Koch, David Bennett
Hosni Y (Ed) “Science, Technology and Innovation in the Age of Economic, Political and Security Issues”, Proceedings of 23rd International Conference of the International Association for Management of Technology, IAMOT, Miami FL, USA., p. paper 1569866407-
Paper in proceeding

Diversifying into technical clothing manufacture as entrepreneurial learning: A situated learning theory perspective

Nicholas Theodorakopoulos, Carmel McGowan, David Bennett et al
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management. Vol. 25 (5), p. 676 - 693
Journal article

Sustainable agricultural production: an investigation in Brazilian semi-arid livestock farms

Breno Nunes, David Bennett, Sérgio Marques Júnior
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 64 (1), p. 414-425
Journal article

Manufacturing’s Wicked Problems (Partially) Explained Through Social Network Analysis

Ben Clegg, Amrik Sohal, Chee Seng Koh et al
Perrone G and Bruccoleri M (Eds) "Operations Management in an Innovation Economy", Proceedings of 21st International Annual Conference of the European Operations Management Association, p. paper ID BEH-09
Paper in proceeding

Future Challenges for Manufacturing

David Bennett
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management. Vol. 25 (1), p. 2-6
Review article

Collaborative Strategies for Successful Production Technology Development Projects

Jessica Bruch, Monica Bellgran, David Bennett
Hosni Y (Ed) “Science, Technology and Innovation in the Age of Economic, Political and Security Issues”, Proceedings of 23rd International Conference of the International Association for Management of Technology, IAMOT, Miami FL, USA., p. paper 1569866687-
Paper in proceeding

Tutorial on How to Publish in a Refereed Journal

David Bennett
Journal of Technology Management and Innovation. Vol. 8 (1)
Magazine article

What is the Market for Chinese Volvos? - Quality and Reliability Perceptions within the Context of Technology Transfer

David Bennett, Tzong-Ru Lee, Michel Leseure
Zawislak, P A and Hosni Y (Eds) “Science, Technology and Innovation in the Emerging Markets Economy”, Proceedings of 22nd International Conference of the International Association for Management of Technology, p. Paper 1569687937-
Paper in proceeding

Building a Competitive Advantage through Sustainable Operations Strategy

Breno Nunes, David Bennett, Duncan Shaw
Zawislak, P A and Hosni Y (Eds) “Science, Technology and Innovation in the Emerging Markets Economy”, Proceedings of 22nd International Conference of the International Association for Management of Technology, p. Paper 1569690949-
Paper in proceeding

Eight Steps for Managing Green Innovation in the Automotive Industry

Breno Nunes, David Bennett, Duncan Shaw
The European Financial Review. Vol. June, p. 3-6
Magazine article

Gaining Social Values of Wireless Technology: An Interpretive Case Study in the Healthcare Institutional Context

Wenshin Chen, David Bennett
International Journal of Information Management. Vol. 33 (5), p. 802-809
Journal article

The Competitiveness of Chinese Manufacturing Beyond the Lewis Turning Point: The Role of Explorative Technology Transfer

Michel Leseure, David Bennett, Tzong-Ru Lee
Wu X, Shi Y, Du J and Guo B (Eds) “High Performance Manufacturing - Global Perspective”, Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Global Manufacturing and China, Institute for Manufacturing, University of Cambridge, UK., p. 160-164
Paper in proceeding

Taking Engineering Services Offshore - The Scandinavian Experience

Christian Koch, David Bennett
Wu X, Shi Y, Du J and Guo B (Eds) “High Performance Manufacturing - Global Perspective”, Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Global Manufacturing and China, Institute for Manufacturing, University of Cambridge, UK., p. 155-159
Paper in proceeding

Tracking the trends in manufacturing technology management

David Bennett
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management. Vol. 24 (1), p. 5-8
Journal article

Philosophy, Theory and Practice of Green Operations Management

Breno Nunes, David Bennett, Duncan Shaw et al
Khalil T, Hosni Y and Hung S-C (Eds) “Managing Technology-Service Convergences in the Post-Industrialized Society”, Proceedings of 21st International Conference of the International Association for Management of Technology, IAMOT / National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan., p. 00448-
Paper in proceeding

Diversifying into Technical Clothing Manufacture: A Situated Learning Theory Perspective

Nicholas Theodorakopoulos, Nada Kakabadse, David Bennett et al
Khalil T, Hosni Y and Hung S-C (Eds) “Managing Technology-Service Convergences in the Post-Industrialized Society”, Proceedings of 21st International Conference of the International Association for Management of Technology, IAMOT / National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan., p. 00464-
Paper in proceeding

International Technology Transfer and Development of Capabilities in Chinese State-Owned Manufacturing Enterprises: Lessons from 20 Years of Case Research

Kirit Vaidya, Matthew Hall, Jinsheng He et al
Baines T S, Clegg B T and Harrison D K (Eds) “Advances in Manufacturing Technology”, Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Manufacturing Research), Aston Business School / COMEH, Birmingham, UK, p. 656-661
Paper in proceeding

Strategies for sustaining manufacturing competitiveness: Case studies of Australian firms

Claudine Soosay, Breno Nunes, David Bennett et al
Proceedings of the International Conference on Manufacturing Research 2012
Paper in proceeding

Real Options in Management and Organizational Strategy: A Review of Decision-making and Performance Implications

Tarik Driouchi, David Bennett
International Journal of Management Reviews. Vol. 14 (1), p. 39-62
Journal article

Capabilities and Competitiveness of Chinese State Owned Manufacturing Enterprises: What Has Been Learned Over 20 years and What Remains to be Learned

Kirit Vaidya, Matthew Hall, Jinsheng He et al
Singh J, Harrington T, Kumar M and Shi Y (Eds) “Capturing Value in International Manufacturing and Supply Networks: New Models for a Changing World”, Proceedings of 16th Cambridge International Manufacturing Symposium, IfM, Cambridge, UK., p. CIM2012_23-
Paper in proceeding

Transferring technology from university to rural industry within a developing economy context: The case for nurturing communities of practice

Nicholas Theodorakopoulos, D. J. S. Preciado, David Bennett
Technovation. Vol. 32 (9-10), p. 550-559
Journal article

Sustaining local manufacturing: a longitudinal study of Swedish companies

Mats Winroth, Abid Muhammad, Bengt Almgren et al
18th EurOMA Conference 3-6 July 2011, Cambridge, UK
Paper in proceeding

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