Olle Hartvigsson

Showing 7 publications


Associations of the placental metabolome with immune maturation up to one year of age in the Swedish NICE-cohort

Olle Hartvigsson, Malin Barman, Hardis Rabe et al
Metabolomics. Vol. 20 (2)
Journal article

Biomarker Candidates of Habitual Food Intake in a Swedish Cohort of Pregnant and Lactating Women and Their Infants

Mia Stråvik, Olle Hartvigsson, Stefania Noerman et al
Metabolites. Vol. 14 (5)
Journal article

Differences between Arterial and Venous Umbilical Cord Plasma Metabolome and Association with Parity

Olle Hartvigsson, Malin Barman, Otto Savolainen et al
Metabolites. Vol. 12 (2)
Journal article

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Showing 1 research projects


New strategies for allergy prevention based on the metabolic fingerprint in the blood

Malin Barman Food and Nutrition Science
Carl Brunius Food and Nutrition Science
Olle Hartvigsson Food and Nutrition Science
Ann-Sofie Sandberg Food and Nutrition Science
Stiftelsen Sigurd och Elsa Goljes Minne

1 publication exists
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